Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-3 16:58


【中文标题】15名中国公民在参加考试计划中被起诉【英文标题】15Chinese nationals indicted in test-taking scheme【更新时间】28 May2015【更新链接】
【原文来源】【正文】(CNN)FifteenChinese nationals have been accused of participating in a cheating scheme thathelped foreign students fraudulently gain admission to American colleges anduniversities and obtain student visas.(CNN)15名中国公民被指控参与作弊欺诈计划,帮助外国学生获得进入美国学院、大学和学生签证的资格。
The Department of Justice said the defendants had fake Chinesepassports made, which were used by individuals to take standardized tests forother people. The tests included the SAT, the Test of English as a ForeignLanguage, and the Graduate Record Examination.司法部表示,被告伪造中国护照,是用于为别人参加标准化考试。这些考试包括SAT,托福还有研究生入学考试。
"These students were not only cheating their way into theuniversity, they were also cheating their way through our nation's immigrationsystem," said Special Agent in Charge John Kelleghan for Homeland SecurityInvestigations of Philadelphia.“这些学生不仅欺骗他们进入大学,还欺骗了我们国家的移民制度,”费城国土安全调查局的John Kelleghan说。
U.S. Attorney David J. Hickton for the Western District ofPennsylvania said on Thursday that 15 people were indicted by a federal grandjury on charges of conspiracy, counterfeiting foreign passports, mail fraud andwire fraud,美国律师Davidj.Hickton于周四称15人被联邦大陪审团指控罪名,假冒外国护照,邮件欺诈和通讯欺诈。
The majority of the crimes took place in Western Pennsylvania,authorities said.当局说,大多数的犯罪发生在宾夕法尼亚州西部。
Most American colleges and universities require applicants to takeeither the SAT or the ACT. Those applying for student visas in the UnitedStates are sometimes required to include standardized test scores as evidencethey are qualified for the school or programming they are joining.美国大多数学院和大学要求申请者参加SAT和ACT考试。在美国申请学生签证的人的要求需要标准化考试成绩作为他们对于即将进入的学校和项目是有资格的证据。(四月网Annie2014独家编译自CNN新闻网)

云竹 发表于 2015-6-3 17:09

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