Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-4 10:52


【中文标题】中国社会名流可能面临10年监禁【英文标题】Chinesesocialite may face up to 10 years in jail【更新时间】22 May2015【更新链接】
【原文来源】【正文】Hong Kong (CNN)One of China's most high-profile social media celebritiesmay face up to 10 years in jail for allegedly running an illegal gambling den,China's official Xinhua news agency中国曝光率最高的社交媒体名人之一将面临10年监禁,涉嫌非法经营一家赌场,中国官方媒体新华社报道。
Guo Meimei, 23, best known for showing off her wealth, looks andextravagant lifestyle on Sina Weibo, China's version of Twitter, was arrestedlast year.以在新浪微博上炫耀自己的财富,长相以及奢侈的生活方式而出名的23岁的郭美美去年被捕。
READ Socialite's fall from grace capped with salacious confession阅读社交名媛的失宠与淫荡的忏悔
Xinhua said that Guo's case had been handed to prosecutors, addingthat, according to the indictment, Guo and another suspect Zhao Xiaolairepeatedly organized gambling activities and should be held criminally liable.新华社称,郭美美的案件已经被移交到检察机关,并补充说道,根据起诉书,郭美美和另外一个嫌疑人赵晓来多次组织赌博活动,应当负刑事责任。
If found guilty, the suspects could be sentenced to up to 10 yearsin jail.如果被判有罪,嫌疑人可能被判处10年监禁。
In August, after her arrest, she made a dramatic televisedconfession detailing a life of illegal gambling and paid-for sex that wassplashed across Chinese front pages.今年8月,在她被捕之后,她做了一个引人注目的电视忏悔,详细地阐述了非法的赌博以及有偿性爱的生活,占据了中国的各大头版头条。
Guo's Weibo account, which has almost two million followers, showspictures of her posing by a jet ski in a bikini, and by a Lamborghini.郭美美大约两百万粉丝的微博账户上显示了穿着比基尼时玩的喷气滑雪和一辆兰博基尼。
It was careless posts to her followers that tipped off police abouther illicit activities.由于她粉丝的帖子,向警方透露了她的非法活动。
She first gained notoriety in 2011 after she posted photos ofherself posing with luxury sports cars and designer bags on a Weibo accountthat identified her as a commercial general manager for the Chinese Red Cross.她在2011年首次出名由于她在微博账户上发布豪华跑车和名牌包包,并且她的微博账户显示的头衔是中国红十字会商务总经理。
Her ostentatious photos sparked widespread outrage about how acharity worker could sustain such a lavish lifestyle, leading to a big drop offin donations the following year, even though the Red Cross denied anyconnection with Guo.她的照片引起了广泛的愤怒,关于慈善工作者如何能够维持这样的一种奢侈的生活方式,导致在第二年捐款大幅减少,尽管红十字会否认与郭美美有任何的联系。(四月网Annie2014独家编译自CNN新闻网)

人在他乡 发表于 2015-6-4 11:25


傻柱子 发表于 2015-6-4 15:12


hegieer 发表于 2015-6-6 10:55

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