Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-7 17:18


【英文标题】Mourning ceremonies for China ferry dead as toll rises
【更新时间】7 June 2015
Ceremonies are being held to remember thehundreds of people who died in Monday's Chinese ferry disaster.

On Sunday the death toll rose to 431, withonly 11 still missing as rescuers continue to sweep the Yangtze river.

Earlier, state television showed officialsand rescuers bowing their heads towards the ship as nearby vessels soundedtheir horns.

More than 1,400 family members wereexpected to gather near the river for their own remembrance ceremonies.

The ship, the Eastern Star, capsized in astorm on Monday and was turned upright in an operation on Friday.

Sunday marks the seventh days since the shipwent down, the traditional Chinese date at which to mourn the dead.

Just 14 of the 456 passengers and crew areknown to have survived, among them is the ship's captain.
45 6名乘客和机组人员中只有14名幸存,其中有船长。

The tragedy looks set to be China's worstshipping disaster in more than 60 years of Communist rule.

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查看完整版本: 随着死亡人数的上升,中国举行渡船哀悼仪式