Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-7 18:19


【中文标题】韩国证实了第五例Mers病例死亡【英文标题】South Koreaconfirms fifth Mers death【更新时间】7 June 2015【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】Fourteen morecases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) have been confirmed in SouthKorea and a fifth person has died, health officials say.超过14例Mers病例在韩国被确认,五分之一的病人已经死亡,卫生官员说。
The totalnumber of patients has risen to 64, making it the biggest outbreak of Mersoutside the Middle East.病人的总数已经上升到64人,使其成为中东之外最大的Mers爆发。
The person whodied was a 75-year-old man who had been in a Seoul hospital alongside othersufferers.死者是一名75岁男子,他之前与其他的患者一起在首尔医院。
More than1,600 people have now been quarantined, in a bid to stop the spread of thevirus.为了阻止病毒的传播,超过1600人已经被隔离。
Mers was firstindentified in humans in 2012 and originated in the Saudi Arabia.Mers于2012年在人类中首次发现,起源于沙特阿拉伯。
It is causedby the coronavirus and can cause fever, breathing problems, pneumonia andkidney failure.它是由冠状病毒引起的,会导致发热,呼吸困难,肺炎和肾功能衰竭。
Of the 14 newcases in South Korea, 10 were at the same hospital in Seoul.在韩国的14个新病例中,10名患者都在首尔的同一家医院。
All of theconfirmed infections have taken place in healthcare facilities, officials said.所有已确认的患者已经都在公共健康设施里了,官员称。
Medicalauthorities have been criticised for the way they have handled the outbreak.医院当局一直在批评他们处理病情爆发的方式。
Seoul MayorPark Won-soon accused central government of not providing enough information tocitizens about the virus.首尔市长朴元职责中央政府没有对市民提供关于这个病毒的足够的信息。
But HealthMinister Moon Hyung-pyo rejected the claim, saying such comments riskedincreasing public concern.但卫生部长Moon Hyung-pyo驳斥了这一说法,称这样的评论可能会增加公众的关注。
Mers has adeath rate of 27%, according to the World Health Organization.Mers 有27%的死亡率,根据世界卫生组织称。(四月网Annie2014独家编译自CNN新闻网)
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