Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-9 11:55


【中文标题】“手提箱”男孩走私到西班牙与母亲团聚【英文标题】'Suitcase boy' smuggled into Spain reunited with mother【更新时间】9 June 2015【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】An eight-year-old Ivorian boy discovered beingsmuggled into Spain from Morocco in a suitcase has been reunited with hismother.被发现在从西班牙走私到摩洛哥的手提箱里的一个八岁男孩已与他的母亲重聚。Adou Ouattara was said to be in a "terriblestate" when he was found last month in a bag without air vents at theSpanish enclave of Ceuta.Adou Ouattara说他在一个可怕的状态中,当他在上个月被发现在一个西班牙殖民地一个没有通风口的包里时。The boy's father was arrested for arranging his sonto be smuggled, but is due to be released on bail.男孩的父亲由于安排他孩子的走私而被捕,但是即将保释。The Moroccan woman who carried him in has also beendetained.带着男孩的摩洛哥女人也被拘留。The boy underwent DNA tests before the Spanishauthorities would hand him over to his mother, who lives legally on Spain'sCanary Islands.这个男孩在被西班牙当局移交给他母亲前做了DNA测试,她的母亲正合法居住在西班牙的加那利群岛。"His mother cried. It's a very beautifulday," Maria Antonia Palomo, the Ceuta official in charge of juvenileaffairs, told AFP.“他母亲哭了,这是非常美好的一天,”负责青少年事务的官员玛利亚·安东尼娅告诉法新社。(四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)
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