Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-9 16:31


【中文标题】中国河北枪击案致5人死亡【英文标题】ChinaHebei shooting leaves five dead【更新时间】9 June2015【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】Five people have died in a shooting in a village in China's northernHebei province, state media reported.国家媒体报道,河北省的一个村庄枪击案中致五人死亡。
Two police officers and the suspected gunman were among the dead,while at least three other people were injured in the incident.两名公安干警和嫌疑人均死亡,案件中另外至少三人受伤。
A police statement said Liu Shuangrui opened fire in a village inSuning county with a double-barrelled shotgun. He was later shot dead.警方称刘双睿在肃宁县的一个村庄手持双管猎枪开枪,之后被当场击毙。
Mass shootings are rare in China, where firearms access is strictlycontrolled.在中国大规模的枪击事件十分少见,枪支受到严格控制。
The Xinhua news agency said Mr Liu, 55, first shot dead two of hisneighbours in the rural farming district.新华社称现年55岁的刘先生在农场附近枪杀了他的两位邻居。
When police arrived he again opened fire, killing the two officersand injuring two others. Media reports say he was shot by police at the scene.当警方赶到时,他再次开枪,杀死两名公安干警,造成两人受伤。媒体报道称他被当场击毙。
The statement by local authorities said that Mr Liu had beensuffering from "long-term schizophrenia".当地政府的声明称刘先生患有“长期精神分裂症”。
In December, an employee of China's central bank shot and killed twocolleagues at the branch he was working at in the north-eastern province ofLiaoning.去年12月,辽宁社中央银行的一名员工开枪打死了分行的两名同事。(四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)
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