Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-12 10:41


【中文标题】4名中国儿童死于“农药中毒”【英文标题】FourChinese children killed by 'pesticide poisoning'【更新时间】11 June2015【原文链接】【原文来源】BBC.COM【正文】Police are investigating the apparent pesticide poisoning of fourabandoned siblings in rural south-west China.警方正在调查中国西南农村的四个被遗弃的兄弟姐妹的明显农药中毒事件。
Aged between five and 13, they appeared to have drank a bottle ofpesticide, officials say. Police have not ruled out suicide.他们年龄在5岁至13岁之间,似乎已经喝下了一瓶农药,官员说。警方不排除自杀可能。
The parents of the three girls and a boy had reportedly left thevillage, near Bijie city, in search of work.据报道这三个女孩和一个男孩的父母已经离开了村庄,在毕节市附近寻找工作。
The area is one of the poorest in the country and has seen previousdeaths of abandoned children.该地区是中国最贫穷的地方之一并且之前有过一个被遗弃孩子的死亡事件。
Chinese state media report that the mother of the four siblings leftthree years ago, followed by their father in March.中国官方媒体报道说,这四兄妹的母亲跟着他们的父亲在三年前的三月份离开了。
The children had reportedly dropped out of school a month ago,according to the Xinhua news agency. It added that their only food was corn andpreserved meat.据说孩子们在一个月前就辍学了,新华社称。并且补充道他们唯一的食物是玉米和咸肉。(四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)
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