Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-12 11:57


【中文标题】炫腹:中国的炫腹挑战逐渐流行【英文标题】Waistwars: China belly button challenge gets trending【更新时间】11 June2015【原文链接】【原文来源】BBC.COM【正文】Can you touch your belly button by reaching behind your back andaround your waist?你能反手摸到你的肚脐吗?
A new social media trend has kicked off in China, with thousands ofnetizens uploading photographs of themselves showing off their bodies andundertaking the challenge.中国已经有了一个新的社交媒体趋势,成千上万的网民上传自己展示身体以及接受挑战的照片。
Popular among many young female users on Weibo, the trending topic -which translates as "reaching your belly button from behind to show yourgood figure" - was mentioned more than 130m times among Weibo readers.微博上的许多年轻女性用户,这个热门话题翻译为“从背后摸到你的肚脐展示你的好身材”在微博中被用户提到了13亿次。
It also spawned 104,000 active discussion threads, but has also ledto concern about whether it's promoting an unhealthy body image.这个话题也催生了十万四千个讨论,但是也导致了对于这是否促进一个健康的身体形象的担忧。
"Look! Success. More than four hours and I've finally reachedmy belly button," said Weibo user GayleRabbit.“看!成功了。超过了四个小时我终于摸到了我的肚脐,”微博用户GayleRabbit说。
Another user remarked: "Whoa. Why does my belly button suddenlylook and feel brand new?"其他用户说道:“哇,为什么我的肚脐突然看起来是全新的?”(四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)

hegieer 发表于 2015-6-12 15:52


hegieer 发表于 2015-6-13 15:51

美国又留下炫腿了,大腿间的距离(thigh gap),马上国内也要热闹流行了。Q33)

Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-15 12:12

hegieer 发表于 2015-6-13 15:51
美国又留下炫腿了,大腿间的距离(thigh gap),马上国内也要热闹流行了。 ...

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