Annie2014 发表于 2015-7-24 11:46


【中文标题】中国艺术家艾未未重新得到了他的护照【英文标题】Chinaartist Ai Weiwei gets his passport back【更新链接】【原文来源】【正文】Dissident Chinese artist Ai Weiwei is free to travel again afterauthorities returned his passport after more than four years.在政府返还被扣押了四年多的护照后,持不同政见的中国艺术家艾未未可以重新自由旅行了。
The 57-year-old posted a picture of himself and the document onInstagram, saying police had given it to him on Wednesday.现年57岁的他在Instagram上发布了自己的一张照片,说道警方已经于周三把护照还给了他。
It was confiscated in 2011 when he was detained for 81 days withoutcharge.他的护照在2011年时被没收,当时他被拘留了81天。
The artist said his first trip would be to Germany, where his sonhas been living for the past year.这位艺术家说,他的第一次旅行将会去德国,去年他的儿子就在那里生活。
He told Reuters although he is legally allowed to travel outsideChina, visiting other countries would still depend on whether they issue himvisas.他告诉路透社,虽然他现在是法律允许境外旅行,但是能否访问其他国家还要取决于他们是否发签证给他。
But Ai added he was not surprised the passport was returned after600 days.但是艾未未表示他对于600天后的护照返还并不感到意外。
" said they would return me my passport formany years," he said.“(政府)说他们会在多年后返还我的护照,”他说。
"They've never said they would never give it to me, except thatit has dragged on for four years."“他们从来没有说他们永远不会给我,只是花了四年的时间才重新拿到它。”(四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)

沐霜 发表于 2015-7-24 11:56


义勇军LHJ 发表于 2015-7-26 11:11

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