Annie2014 发表于 2015-7-26 12:46


【中文标题】中国逮捕导致兔唇婴儿死亡的两人【英文标题】Chinese arrests over death of cleft lip baby【更新链接】【原文来源】【正文】Two people have been detainedby police in Shanghai on suspicion of killing a baby born with a cleft lip,Chinese state media report.中国官方媒体报道,两人因涉嫌杀害一名天生兔唇的婴儿而被上海警方拘留。
The two-day-old baby was founddead by doctors at the No 2 People's Hospital in Chongming County last Friday,said the Xinhua news agency.新华社说,上周五,一名出生仅两天的婴儿在崇明县第二人民医院被发现,因医生而导致死亡。
Those arrested are a doctor andthe baby's grandfather, who is accused of injecting the baby with chemicals.被抓获的有医生还有孩子的爷爷,被指控向婴儿注射化学物质。
Cleft lips are a common birthdefect but easily corrected.兔唇是一种常见的出生缺陷,但是容易纠正。
Expensive surgery昂贵的手术
Xinhua said initialinvestigations indicated the grandfather had killed the baby by injecting himwith potassium chloride, a drug used to treat potassium deficiency but whichcan stop the heart when used incorrectly.新华社报道,初步调查表明孩子的爷爷通过注射氯化钾给婴儿导致死亡,这是一种治疗缺钾的药物,但是如果使用不当会导致心跳结束。
The doctor, from thegynaecology and obstetrics department, is accused of supplying the drug andtelling the grandfather how to use it, Chinese media reported.这名妇产科的医生被指控提供药物并且告诉这名祖父该如何使用。
Beam International (FutureSmile in China), one of several charities which carries out free surgery forthe condition, told the BBC that about one in 600 babies born in China eachyear have a cleft lip or palate.Beam International是一家有条件进行免费手术的慈善架构,其告诉BBC,在中国,每年大约有600名婴儿在出生时有兔唇。
Surgery for cleft lips can costbetween 5,000 ($800; £520) and 7,000 yuan in China, and for cleft palates up to10,000 yuan, said the charity's China director, Shan Li.兔唇的手术费在5000-8000元之间,治疗“唇腭裂”的费用甚至到了1万元,慈善机构的中国负责人说。
Babies who struggle to feed andwhose families cannot afford treatment or find a charity to help them wouldoften not survive, she said, while some people may have to save for years topay for the surgery.对于那些没有能力养孩子,不能够支付治疗费或者找不到慈善机构来帮助他们的家庭的孩子,一般都不会活下去,她说,但有些人需要存上很多年的钱才能支付手术费。(四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)
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