Annie2014 发表于 2015-7-26 21:16


【中文标题】美国麦当劳测试早餐的供应【英文标题】McDonald's still testing breakfast shake-up in the US【更新链接】【原文来源】【正文】Buying a McDonald's breakfastafter the current cut-off time of 10.30 may soon be possible - in the US atleast.在当前截止时间10:30之后购买麦当劳的早餐成为了可能——至少在美国。
The fast food restaurant saysan all-day breakfast is customers' "number one" request and that itis continuing to "test" the possibility in the US.麦当劳说一个全天的早餐是顾客的“一号”请求并且将继续在美国“测试”其可行性。
The chain is reported to havesent a memo to franchisees suggesting offering breakfast across the US from October.连锁店报道已经发了一份备忘录给经销商,建议从10月开始在美国提供早餐。
McDonald's first startedtesting the idea in March, but said it had not yet made a definite decision.麦当劳3月开始测试这个方案,但是据说其还未最终确定方案。
"We know your mouth iswatering, but there's no news on this yet," a spokesperson for the companytold the BBC.“我们知道你在流口水了,但是在这方面还没有任何的消息,”麦当劳的新闻发言人告诉BBC。
'My kids would like it'“我的孩子们将会很喜欢”
In a New York McDonald's on 8thAvenue near Penn Station, customers' reaction to the idea was mixed.在靠近宾州车站第八大道的纽约麦当劳,客户们对这个方案的反应各不相同。
Sunny, a student in hertwenties, said she didn't see breakfast as unique enough to be offered all day.一位20岁的学生,Sunny,说她不认为早餐是足够提供一整天的独特的东西。
"I consider it just asnack and just grab anything that is available. I just don't think there's alot of difference between breakfast and lunch," she told the BBC.“我认为这是零食并且只是吃到一些可以吃的东西。我不认为早餐和午餐有很多区别,”她告诉BBC。
And Angela, a mother eating ahamburger, said it wouldn't affect her because she would never come in forbreakfast.作为一位母亲的Angela正在吃一个汉堡,说这并不会影响她,因为她永远不会进来吃早餐。
"My kids would like it.But I'm not a big breakfast eater," she said.“我的孩子们应该会喜欢。但是我并不是一个在早上能吃很多的人,”她说。    (四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)

BLWY 发表于 2015-7-26 21:29

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