Annie2014 发表于 2015-7-26 21:38

中国聚光灯下的公众骚乱 外国记者评论

【中文标题】中国聚光灯下的公众骚乱 外国记者评论【英文标题】Publicdisturbances in the spotlight in China【更新链接】【原文来源】【正文】All kinds of people have been "disturbing public order"this week in China. It almost, but not quite, makes you feel sorry for BigBrother.各种各样的人本周在中国“扰乱公共秩序”。这会让你为“老大哥”而感到抱歉。
Could China's security forces ever have predicted the"Spartans", a sales force of 100 half-naked foreign male models withripped torsos and leather hotpants marching through the streets of Beijing?中国公安会曾经预料到有“斯巴达勇士”的出现——100位男模特上身赤裸,穿着短裤,佩戴披风在北京街头进行营销宣传吗?
Far from protesting subjugation of their rights in a militarisedsociety or defeat by an invader army, the "Spartans" were chanting anadvertising slogan for a salad restaurant. Some "Spartans" ended uppinned to the ground by police, some were even detained briefly.在一个军事化的社会远离对于他们权利的镇压抗议或者被侵略者的军队击败,“斯巴达勇士”为一家沙拉餐厅喊着广告口号。一些“斯巴达勇士”最终被警察钉在地上,甚至有些被短暂拘留。
Whether you're selling rocket leaves or real estate, renting whiteforeigners has become a fashionable way to get publicity in China. And I knowmarketing people say all publicity is good publicity.不管你是在销售火箭还是房地产,让外国人来作为一种宣传方式已经在中国成为了一种获取知名度的方式。并且我知道营销人员会说所有的宣传都是好的宣传。
But I'm not sure that's true in China and this particular brightidea definitely triggered a lot of attention from people other than thoselikely to buy salad.但是我不确定这在中国是真实的,并且这个聪明的主意确实引来了人们的注意,但不是对于购买沙拉的注意。(四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)

BLWY 发表于 2015-7-26 21:46


hegieer 发表于 2015-7-27 16:29

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