译者注:bloomberg view 是彭博的意见栏目。http://assets.bwbx.io/images/iWdwsoXWXjA8/v1/640x-1.jpg
Hey Xi, Try This on Your U.S. Trip: Visit Detroit
Too bad it's too late for Xi to reconsider. A Detroit trip would highlight the benefits of trade with his country. Not every American will like the idea that China has become crucial to the future of what's no longer really the Motor City. But it’s easy to make the case that Chinese investment plays a significant part in protecting Detroit from something worse: a return to the crumbling urban disaster of recent headlines.
http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-09-16/why-xi-jinping-should-go-to-detroit-while-he-s-in-the-u-s- Q76)围观 彭博社是说冷笑话。 我们凭什么救你 把底特律买下来或者或租用100年,移民500万搞块飞地,也不错呀。米国干嘛? 嗯,考虑抛30亿美元救一把。 整个大湖区一片萧条,可不只是底特律的问题。去过那些地区才知道到底有多萧条。 每个美国城市投放200万中国人过去,一定活过来。美国就是切头切尾的大浪费,人少地多。 冷笑话 底特律需要上帝去拯救。