三宅一生 发表于 2008-5-1 20:02

【08.4.10 UN ICP】联合国总部屏蔽Anti-CNN及非Google视频网

【中文翻译】Bonbon 天女纱 三宅一生整理
【本文标题】UN Censors Internet In Its NY Headquarters, Blocking Media Critique and Non-Google Video Sites 联合国审查其纽约总部的互联网,屏蔽媒体批评网站及非Google视频网站


UN Censors Internet In Its NY Headquarters, Blocking Media Critique and Non-Google Video Sites

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis

UNITED NATIONS, April 10 -- The UN's computer system censors a number of websites, among them the Chinese anti-cnn.comsite devoted to searching for what it calls media bias. Also censoredis the site dailymotion.com, which after LiveLeaks.com took it down wasa remaining site hosting the controversial film "Fitna," which the UN'sBan Ki-moon denounced. In each case, attempts from inside the UN, bystaff or in the library, to read either site results in a message from the "ICT Security Unit"that "you have been redirected to this page because the site you areattempting to access is blocked according to the policy as detailed inST/SGB/2004/15."


This Secretary-General's Bulletinallows staff "limited personal use of ICT resources" unless theseinvolve "pornography or engaging in gambling" or would "compromise theinterests or the reputation of the Organization."

这则秘书长的公告,让工作人员“有限地私人使用信息和通信技术资源” ,除非这些资源涉及“色情或从事赌博活动”或“危及联合国的利益或声誉” 。

But whether or not the UN Organization agrees with the media critiqueoffered, for example, by anti-cnn.com, it is neither pornography orgambling, and keeping up with critiques of mainstream media couldhardly "compromise the interests or the reputation of theOrganization."


The same is true of the video site DailyMotion.com, and it is worthnoting that the UN does not block or censor another video site,YouTube.com.
The latter, of course, is owned by the UN's partner Google, which itself assists with Internet censorship in China.


Mr. Ban, UNDP's Dervis, Google at left and Cisco, anti-cnn.com not shown (censored at UN)

图片中四人:潘基文,开发计划署的dervis时, Google在左,以及思科,反cnn.com不被显示(在联合国审查的)

temporarily excluded by Google News earlier this year, which was linked
to UN system and affiliates' complaint(s). At the time, the UNsputtered that it does not engage in censorship. But why then arenon-pornographic political analysis web sites blocked inside the UN'sown headquarters?]

在当时,联合国急忙解释,它不从事检查。 那它为什么要封锁自己总部里的非色情的政治分析网呢?]

With the UN censoring the Internet inside its own headquarters in NewYork, its commitment to freedom of the press, particularly of onlinemedia, remains suspect. Watch this space.

随着联合国审查其总部设在纽约的互联网,它对新闻界的自由,特别是网络媒体的自由的承诺,仍然值得怀疑。 观察这个空间。

大斌斌 发表于 2009-3-26 22:01


ymzjc 发表于 2009-7-17 10:49


中华神箭 发表于 2009-7-20 13:13



betty1130 发表于 2009-7-20 16:52

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