rlsrls08 发表于 2008-8-16 02:17

【08.08.08 France 24】达赖喇嘛的恶魔们

【来源】法国24 France 24
【链接】http://www.france24.com/en/20080 ... dhism-dorje-shugden
【标题】The Dalai Lama's demons

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The Dalai Lama's demons

Friday 08 August 2008            
The Dalai Lama is respected worldwide for his peaceful philosophy.Today, some exiled Tibetans, shunned by their peers, no longer believein his leadership. A controversial buddhist deity lies at the heart ofthe dispute. (Report: C. Henry, N. Haque)

Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, is revered asa hero by his people and respected world-wide for his peacefulphilosophy. Today, however, there are cracks at the heart of hiscommunity. A minority of Tibetans exiled in India, including monks, nolonger believe in his leadership, and are shunned by their peers.France 24 correspondents Capucine Henry and Nicolas Haque take a closerlook into the widening rift that threatens to tear apart the Tibetanpeople.

In a hitherto peaceful village of Tibetan refugees in southernIndia, certain monks can no longer enter their monastery, and arebanned from stores and public places, including hospitals. Their crime?Revering a god considered a demon by the Dalai Lama.

The controversial Buddhist deity of Dorje Shugden lies at theheart of the conflict. Considered by some as an enlightened tutelarydeity and by others as a malevolent force, it was labeled a demon bythe Dalai Lama himelf. He made this clear last January, in a speechimbued with rare violence at a Tibetan university in Southern India.

A historic speech

“I have meditated and considered (my decision to put aside theShugden) at length in my soul and spirit before coming to the rightdecision”, he said.People have killed, lied, fought each other andset things alight in the name of this deity. These monks must beexpelled from all monasteries. If they are not happy, you can tell themthat the Dalai Lama himself asked that this be done, and it is veryurgent.”

The speech was a historic moment in the history of TibetanBuddhism, and the beginning of a schism which could exclude the fourmillion Tibetans followers of Shugden. A few weeks after the DalaiLama's speech, Shugden monks could no longer enter monasteries. Theyregroup themselves outside village walls and meditate on why the DalaiLama has excluded him.

“Can the Dalai Lama really ban an entire religion?” asks one. “Weare in the right, he’s the one who is being incoherent. On one hand,he’s always preaching freedom of religion and compassion, but on theother he’s forbidding us to worship the god we choose”, says another.

Apartheid in Buddhist land

Photos of Shugden leaders are posted on city walls, brandingthem as traitors. Signs at the entrance of stores and hospitals forbidShugden followers from entry. It’s apartheid, in Buddhist land.

Our reporters followed an ostracized Buddhist monk as he triedto affront the fellow villagers who have banned him. “We’re notviolating Buddha’s teachings, and we’re excluded from everywhere justbecause of our religion” he complains.

“Aren’t you ashamed of betraying the Dalai Lama? You’re amonk! He is our only pillar, the only person we can count on,” he isasked.

In India, Shugden followers are forced to go into hiding. “Ifled my house three days ago” says an old woman taken in by a family300 kilometers away from her home. “I was the only Shugden in myvillage. Every day I grew more afraid of attacks.I had to block my doorwith stones for people not to break into my house”.

Pro-Chinese ‘traitors’

Behind this Shugden witch-hunt lies the fear of Chineseinfiltration in the ranks of the Tibetan refugees. In the northernIndian city of Dharamsala, home of the Dalai Lama and the exiledTibetan government, Shugden followers, with their open Chinesesympathies are considered a political threat.

“The Shugden and the Chinese are obviously allies,” says the Tibetan Prime Minister, professor Samdhong Rinpoche. “Theircults all over the world are financed by the Chinese”. He adds that“people are afraid of Shugden violence. They are like terrorists, theywill stop at nothing, everyone knows this.” To prove his point, heshows our reporters the photo of the murder of a leading Buddhist monkand two of his disciples in 1997. Tibetans are certain the Shugden arebehind the murder.

A leading Shugden figure, Mahalama Losbang Yechi, defends hislinks with the Chinese community: “I approve the Chinese presence inTibet. What we are living with the Dalai Lama today shows howauthoritarian his theocratic regime must have been in the past. It wasmuch more violent than what Tibetans are living today under Chineserule.”

Yechi has filed a lawsuit against the Dalai Lama in an Indianhigh court for religious persecution. He denies acting on the orders ofChinese authorities.

Shugden followers, willingly or not, have become the symbol ofa schism that threatens the struggle for Tibetan autonomy. For that,thousands of refugees have begun to pay a price.

[ 本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2008-8-16 04:14 编辑 ]

rlsrls08 发表于 2008-8-16 02:20



在印度南部西藏难民居住的一个和平的村落,一些僧侣再也不能进入他们的修道院,并被禁止进入商店和公共场所,包括医院。他们犯了什么罪? 敬拜一个被由达赖喇嘛定义为恶魔的神。

备受争议的佛教神多杰叔敦是冲突的核心。有些人认为他是一个开明的监护神,其他人认为他是恶意的武力,达赖喇嘛自己把多杰叔敦定义为恶魔 。他在去年1月的一次演讲中表明了这一点。该演讲在印度南部的西藏大学进行,充满了罕见的暴力。


“我的灵魂和精神都经过深思熟虑之后,认为放弃叔敦的决定是正确的,”他说。在这个神的名义下,人们杀人,说谎,互相争斗。这些僧侣必须被驱逐出所有的寺庙。如果他们不乐意,你可以告诉他们,达赖喇嘛自己要求这样做,这是非常紧迫的“ 。


“达赖喇嘛能禁止整个宗教吗?”一个人问 。 “我们是正确的,他是无条理的。一方面,他总是鼓吹宗教自由和同情,但另一方面,他禁止我们崇拜我们选择的神”另一个说。



我们的记者跟着一个被排斥的佛教喇嘛,当他勇敢地面对禁止他的村民。 他抱怨说:“我们不违反佛陀的教诲,我们到处被排除只是因为我们的宗教。”

“你背叛了达赖喇嘛,难道不感到羞耻吗?你是一个喇嘛!他是我们唯一的支柱,我们可以指望的唯一的人。 “有人问他。

在印度,叔敦信徒被迫躲藏起来。 “3天前我逃离我家。”一名老妇人说。她逃到300公里以外的一个家庭。 “我是我们村里唯一的叔敦信徒。我一天比一天害怕受到攻击。我必须用石头挡住了大门,才没有人闯入我家“ 。



“叔敦和中国显然是盟国,”西藏的总理桑东仁波切教授说。 “他们的邪教组织遍布世界各地,中国提供给他们资金。” 他补充说, “人们都害怕叔敦的暴力行为。他们就像恐怖分子,他们会不惜一切,大家都知道这一点。 “ 为了证明他的论点,他向我们记者展示了一张照片,在1997年一名老喇嘛和他的两个弟子被谋杀。西藏人认定叔敦信徒是凶手。

叔敦领导人 Mahalama Losbang Yechi 捍卫他与中国社会的关联: “我支持中国在西藏的统治。达赖喇嘛对待我们的方式显示了他的神权政权在过去是什么样子。对比在中国统治下,西藏人民的生活在过去肯定更加悲惨。“








[ 本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2008-8-16 02:23 编辑 ]

Miaoshu 发表于 2009-4-9 00:10

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Dennis.Tw.Cn 发表于 2009-4-9 11:19

3# Miaoshu
France 24

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