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已有 146 次阅读2009-11-19 14:41 |个人分类:Lacrimosa|




  第一首《Am Ende der Stille / 寂静的尽头》在Tilo苍凉而遒劲的钢琴演奏及华丽而饱满的交响乐伴奏下拉开了这一部凄美爱情悲剧的序幕,Tilo以无限压抑的嗓音追忆着日渐苍白的爱情誓言,揭示着希望终将破灭、爱情终将消逝的宿命结局的到来:
  Deine Worte gleiten in den Morgen
  In einen zarten rosa Schleier
  Der sich uber der Natur erhebt    你的话语伴随着清晨升起的温柔的粉红的朝霞
  Verblassen sie und schweigen stille 又使其变得苍白
  Nur die Sehnsucht meiner Stimme   只有我声音中的期待显得如此沉默
  Im flehenden Gebet          在祈祷中
  Entsinnt sich Deiner Worte
  Die Du in mich gelegt        回想起你铭刻在我心中的话语
  So verstummt auch meine Hoffnung   我的希望破灭了
  Und die Stille entfacht den Krieg  静寂中燃起了战火
  伴随着清澈的吉它旋律,第二首《Alleine Zu Zwei / 孤身的一对》开始于Tilo的低吟:
  Am Ende der Wahrheit   在事实的尽头
  Am Ende des Lichts    在光线的尽头
  Am Ende der Liebe     在爱的尽头... ...
  Und mit jedem Tag "Wir"             每天“我们”这两个字
  Wuchs die Luge unserer Liebe           只是增加着我们爱的谎言
  Und je weiter wir den Weg zusammen gingen    我们一起走得越远
  Desto weiter haben wir uns voneinander entfernt 我们彼此却分得越开
  当你感到一个人在你心中,然而他却给你带来痛苦。曾经深深相爱过的人,却渐行渐远,生命的乐趣渐渐弃他们而去。是否因为随着岁月的逝去,深爱着的人忘 记了倾听彼此的心声,忽视了彼此的需要?他们在挣扎、在抗拒,企图在彼此疯狂的纠缠中唤回曾经的爱的感觉,重新发现自己深爱着的对方,重新找回业已失去的 一切。
  Tanz - mein Leben - tanz       舞- 我的生命- 舞
  Tanz mit mir             与我同舞
  Tanz mit mir noch einmal       与我再次同舞
  In den puren Rausch der nackten Liebe 在爱的纯粹的疯狂中
  Tanz, Tanz!(舞!)在Tilo绝望的嘶吼声中,乐曲过渡到第三首《Halt mich / 抱住我》,紧张的弦乐伴以清晰的鼓点和打击乐的节奏。
  Aus schlaflos gelebtem Tagtraum erwacht  从失眠的白日梦中醒来
  So bin ich der Sehnsucht Opfer      我被绑在渴望的祭坛
  Aus kindgelebtem Vertrauen erwacht    从儿时的轻信中醒来
  So klaffen heute meine Wunden       我的伤口正在裂开
  Das Leben brennt mir von der Seele       生命正在燃烧
  Die Sehnsucht erfullt mir tapfer ihre Pflicht 渴望还勇敢地履行着它的义务
  Halt mich - mein Leben - halt mich!      抱住我-我的生命-抱住我!
  第一幕的最后一首是这张专辑里唯一的一首英文歌《The Turning Point / 转折点》,敏感的描写了那不为人知的失落情感以及无法避免的结局。太长久地将感情奉献于他人,蓦然回首,才发现自己早已一无所有,才发现自己已站在转折的 关头。那么,该何去何从?
  Couldn't have been fighting alone       我并不是孤军作战
  Thank you for hearing me on time       谢谢你一直聆听我的心声
  I bless you for the trust you gave      感激你一直以来给我的信任
  When I didn't admit being weak        在我拒绝承认自己的软弱的时候
  ... ...
  I found my aim - now I can face myself again 我重拾方向――现在我已能面对自己
  I thank you for loving me and keeping us on the right way 谢谢你的爱,谢谢你引导我至正确的方向


  第二幕开始于一曲荡气回肠的《Ich Verlases Heut’Dein Herz / 今天我离开你的心》。这是一首长达8分多钟的歌曲,在压抑低沉的贝司和晶莹剔透的钢琴的辉映下,Tilo在你耳边低吟:
  Ich verlasse heut' Dein Herz / Verlasse Deine Nahe / Die Warme Deiner Haut (今天我离开你的心 / 离开你的身旁 / 离开你双臂的庇护、你肌肤的温暖)... ...
  Ich verlasse heut' Dein Herz     今天我离开你的心
  Verlasse Deine Liebe         离开你的爱
  Ich verlasse Dein Herz - Dein Leben - Deine Kusse - Deine Warme - Deine Nahe - Deine Zartlichkeit 离开你的心 - 你的生活 - 你的吻 - 你的温暖 - 你的身边 -   你的温柔
  我常常在夜深人静的时候,感觉心被这些荡气回肠的旋律塞得满满的,每个音符,一声声,打进心底,伴着惊心动魄的旋律,我在暗夜中睁大双眼,望向周围的虚空,宛若溺水的人,伸出手,却抓不住一丝浮木,那时,心中的忧伤、绝望和感动,难以言述... ...
  第六首《Dichzu Toten Fiel Mir Schwer / 难以下手把你杀死》是这张专辑中金属味最浓的一首,也是极富攻击力和力量的一首歌曲,使用了恶魔般邪恶的男女声。经过荡气回肠的《Ich Verlases Heut’Dein Herz》,再听着这些激荡、跳跃的鼓点,整个人清醒异常、兴奋莫名,此时的我是彻底地睡不着了... ...


  清脆悦耳的三角铁的声音把乐曲自然地过渡到了第三幕第一首《Sanctus / 神圣》。“Sanctus”好像是从Mozart众多的弥撒曲中演变而来,细腻动人的管弦段落伴以唱诗班优美圣洁的吟唱,完美地与金属器乐的演奏、 Tilo深沉伤感的演唱融为一体。听者紧张的情绪也渐渐在这首长达14分钟的歌曲中慢慢得到释放、趋于平静。
  最终曲《Am Ende Stehen Wir Zwei / 最终我们俩》。
  一切爱与恨的纠葛已经结束,一切痛苦的挣扎已经逝去,世界变得非常非常宁静... ...
  世界的尽头,只有我们俩,等待绝望中孕育出的希望、等待你和我的再一次机会... ...

  Elodia, LACRIMOSA'S sixth album is a Rock Opera, dedicated to a demigoddess inspired by Greek mythology, who has been involved in both of their previous albums, Inferno and Stille from the years 1995 & 1997. The mistress of love and death, herein tells the tale of a love that is doomed, leading to a question, if "love in excess can become a force that ultimately has the power to destroy itself, whether too much love will kill..."
The whole album, Elodia, is sung in German, except for one song, sung by Anne Nurmi. Tilo has a somewhat unusual voice and a very marked German accent, many people find Tilo's voice unsuitable, I find it an interesting fit for this kind of music. Lacrimosa uses guest musicians for their recording sessions and on the more recent albums have utilized the symphonic orchestras as well as choirs. On Elodia they used the The London Symphony Orchestra and the Rosenberg Ensemble and Westsachsische Symphonic Orchestra. Each succeeding album seems to get more complicated, lush and at times Bombastic

  Lacrimosa is not for everyone. It's somewhat of an acquired taste, not particularly accessible. As mentioned, Wolff's voice is unusual, they sing in German and the music is not always beautiful, as say Therion. It is, however, extremely catchy, loaded with hooks, haunting and generally captivating, plus the music is somewhat varied

  The songs of Elodia actually break up into three ACTs. Here is a breakdown of the ACTs.

  The album opens with "Am Ende der Stille", an instrumental number, with a Mozart influence, next is "Alleine zu zweit", which is a lovely medium paced song, with a great chorus. Even if you don't know German, you can hum along. It is followed by the powerful "Halt mich", the strings and flutes describe a desperate attempt to breathe new life into their love. It starts out Classical but ends on a Rock/Classic fusion note. The only English song "The Turning Point" is next, Anne Nurmi sings this song that recounts days of intimacy that have been lost and leads inevitably to the fateful events of the second act.

  "Ich verlasse heut' dein Herz", this my favorite song is an escalating, emotional piece that evolves into a really heavy song, with extraordinary piano and guitar solos. A must for guitar affectionados. This is followed by the somewhat mysterious "Dich zu t?ten fiel mir schwer" a strong classical number but with a heavy riffing in the middle part. This is sung by Tilo and Anne.

  The opera reaches it's apex when the first strings announce the arrival of the sad requiem "Sanctus", which is approximately 14 minutes long. "Sanctus" has all the elements to make it a memorable song, choirs, strings, winds, heavy parts, soft parts, great soloing, a wonderful piece. "Am Ende stehen wir zwei", a slow, heavy, maudlin song wraps things up but describes a farewell full of hope.


  Rather unusual but extremely satisfying Neo Classical Melancholy Symphonic music. Elodia contains Symphonic Orchestras, Choirs and all the elements of powerful music.



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