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The Edge Of Infinity

已有 199 次阅读2010-1-4 15:04 |个人分类:Lunatica

The Edge Of Infinity

Can you see the light we're going into?
Feel the power. It's a journey to a better world.
All you have to do is to believe
We're heading forward. And we will be kings and queens

To the edge of infinity, an invisible reality
Where the power of thoughts sets me free
On the journey to wonderland
I will hold the key in my own hands
If dreams can come true let us dream

There are a hundred ways to reach the space
Between two worlds. See the open door in front of
Imagination helps to navigate
Take the next step. Sailing through the sea of time

Address : <http://mclub.com.ua/s_txt.phtml?sn=425898&sid=3845>



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