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已有 176 次阅读2011-12-10 12:28 |个人分类:HB

You cannot go to Heaven
Without his forgiveness.
You have no way to get there
‘Cause of your sinfulness.

He doesn’t want to judge you
To fill you with shame.
He stepped into this world to forgive
And came to say “I love you.”

His love can carry all your burden
And set you free.
Open your heart; He’s right there with you,
Loves you as you are

You have no where to hide now,
He sees your very soul.
Have no fear now, he loves you,
His deed is the proof.

He mends your wounds and whispers:
“I’ll be with you every day.”
He has all the answers to your questions;
Let Him touch your heart now!

This truth has always been before you.
Can you see?
There is no way, there’s no true freedom.
Unless Jesus is all.
Address : <http://lyrics.wikia.com/HB:Way>



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