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something about Jesus,IQ and meditation,etc

已有 525 次阅读2008-12-4 10:17 |个人分类:探索生命|


The Ancient Ancestors perceive that the issues of ancestry, lineages, and holograms inherited upon birth a confusing issue for ascending initiates.  It is our desire to bring more information about the nature of such things to consciousness so that each may better understand how and why humanity is one species, regardless of genetics and archetypal nature.  Perhaps in the greater understanding of how and why this is so will also penetrate the current human leadership so that greater peace between nations can be born.
Humans were seeded upon Earth 75,000 years ago by Sirian (300,000 years as humans calculate them); such chose DNA from many humans that were resident upon Sirius.  Analysis of the original seeding records gathered by ascending initiates and the Earth as she ascends shows that such DNA was not purely from this creation; that there were many genetics from other creations seeded in the original 18 root races deposited upon Earth.  Many genetic packages went extinct leaving only 7 root races remaining after the first 25,000 years of existence upon Earth.  The 11 root races that expired held DNA primarily from radioactive and electrical creations and the rotation of sacred geometry of field along with biochemistry was so dissonant that the entire nation fell ill over time and went extinct.
Sirius seeded humans of this nature upon Earth without Earth's permission as a consensus reality.  The natural world never agreed unto this seeding.  And yet the humans that were left to fend for themselves altered Earth's reality extensively; for now inherent upon the land that was co-shared with the natural world were records of destruction and extinction.  These records would reactivate again at a later time and due to a sad set of circumstances that we ourselves are responsible for in karmic cause as the Ancient Grand Masters.
The Grand Masters were seeded upon Earth 25,000 years later and long after the 11 root races had gone extinct.  We were unaware of this fact, as little was shared between the scientific community and spiritual community upon Sirius; as a matter of fact the two factions are so incredibly at war with one another, that over time one has sought to prove the other wrong.  And so we came to Earth where there had been extinction of human tribes but knew not about it.
This lead ultimately to our own downfall and deaths; for as we attempted to ascend small numbers from each of the remaining seven root races upon earth, the karma for the extinction of 11 other tribes came up but was unknown.  The karma acted out so rapidly and rampantly that we ended up destroyed in the wake; for the other root races had been used by dark forces to extinguish the life of the 11 other tribes of dissonant energy flow.  As members of such root races ascended in present time and during our incarnations, they went into the very patterns that had caused the other root races to perish, and destroyed us in like kind.
The underlying cause of the competition between the root races has to do with the unconscious of the scientists who seeded humanity upon Earth.  In their experimentation, all karma for competition between humans upon Sirius was displaced upon Earth.  This allowed enough competition to be removed from Sirius that Sirius could ascend at a later time, and with many other strains of humans that should not be able to ascend together in any one consensus.  And here we would like to explain something that we believe is important for all ascending humans to understand upon Earth.
Sirius has over 18 varieties of DNA in human form.  There are also many strains of dolphins and whales upon Sirius that originated in other creations, and were transported in human spacecraft just like the humans from other creations also arrived up upon Sirius; also hosting variant DNA.  Humans interbred over time blending the DNA from the 18 other creations.  In the ascent of Sirius, 18 different sacred geometries were run in human civilization.  There were magnetic, electrical, radioactive and electro-magnetic geometry run at the time during the Sirian ascent.  Humans were advised to run the sacred geometry most resonant with their ancient ancestry, and ascend into the associated DNA.  This caused a period of cleansing where those who were too blended between patterns died, as they could not master a single pattern in the ascent.
So did nature follow suit; there were plants and animals from each creation that humans had also come to Sirius with.  Each plant kingdom, animal kingdom or mineral kingdom was advised to run the sacred geometry from their creation of origin in the Sirian ascent.  This caused 18 types of different geometry to be run in the ascent of Sirius.  Most of such patterns are non-resonant with one another, creating a drag in the upward moving vibration.  It was because of such a drag that much of Sirius was left behind in the dimension behind; what was left behind was compressed upon Earth through the humans that had been seeded here, along with 24 other planets also with seeded human life in the third dimension on the part of Sirian scientists.  Each human civilization upon other planets experienced a fall in association with Sirian ascension.
Sirius made it to the next dimension and continues to sustain life.  The fact that this was fulfilled upon is a bit miraculous given all of the variant patterns.  For if Sirius had had a slightly greater drag upon her than was already present due to all of the variant geometry, she might have combust as the kundahlini was ignited to take planets A and B into the fifth dimension.  Had Sirius combust however, the possibility of Earth's ascension would be negligible, as so much density and matter would have been propelled Earth's way that she most likely would have gone extinct long before the ascension "home" to the Great Central Sun could begin.
We now understand that the entire reason that Sirian ascension succeeded is the result of the intervention of the Tao.  The Tao has projected a dream into this time space quadrant that was destroyed long ago; souls have come back in time to understand what happened that lead to the collapse of your Tao into the distant future; this collapse was so catastrophic that recovery was impossible.  And so all souls involved have come back in time from the future to understand what they failed to understand at the time that all went extinct.  For in reality and in the way the dream played out long ago, Sirius failed in her ascent and Earth and all 24 other planets simply went extinct thereafter, and there was no return cycle home.
The dream of the Tao from the future altered the course of circumstances to make possible Sirian ascension.  We share this with you, as in our own greater understanding we have now been able to forgive our Sirian forefathers and mothers for setting us up for a fall.  For we are well aware that certain Sirian Spiritual Elite knew what they were doing in seeding Grand Masters upon earth along with each of the 24 planets that human life had been seeded upon by the scientific community; they were going to use such humans to create a fall equal in proportions to the rise in vibration upon Sirius so that Sirian ascension would succeed.  However perhaps in extreme polarity, this is the only way one can ascend, however distorted that it may be in association with spiritual mastery.
Perhaps from the viewpoint of the Sirian Elite, the path of ascension lead to continued life in the dream that they perceived ahead, and non-ascension lead to death of Sirius, Earth and all other 24 planets alike.  So perhaps from the perspective of the Sirian spiritual elite, it was the only available choice, even though they knew full well that what they were doing went against creational law, and would create great karma for themselves.  We ourselves can now sit in their shoes and see what they saw; they saw a dream from the Tao that would lead to their ascension and continued life; and they chose that dream out of the desire to sustain life when all other dreams appeared to lead to death.
And so this is so and this truth has come to be; for in the ascent of Earth now the ascent of the whole does indeed becomes possible; and now we are understanding much that even Sirius and Sirian Spiritual Elite in present time do not yet understand.  But in time and in their own attempt to ascend home, they too will come to see what we see, and that is that this entire experience and possibility of an ascension home is only the result of the extension of a group of high counsel members in the core of the Tao who are choosing to reverse what occurred long ago into an ascension cycle home so that all that has been problematic to this region of domain can be understood, and like patterns within the Tao addressed so that all may heal, and all may ultimately go "home".
Mila is an unusual initiate.  We ourselves only became aware of Mila's ascent less than a year ago.  As Mila bypassed our vibration at the time we were alive, she gathered us unto herself, and requested our assistance.  For a long time, we simply observed; we observed her battles with the dark and struggles to bring forth enough support in the nonphysical realms surrounding Earth to allow not only for her own ascent, but for the ascent of the human species.  Here was an initiate who was more concerned about the possibility of human ascension than her own evolution; for she saw that if human ascension were not fulfilled upon, the ascent of Earth would fail. 
Mila is an extension of the natural world (the nature kingdoms) into human form for the purposes of allowing for the ascent of the whole to be fulfilled upon.  And so Mila acts as the natural world in human form to make this so, ho!  It is not an easy task and has often been a great burden upon her shoulders; but we support her purpose as she shares in our purpose, as we originally perceived it to be so long ago; which is to ascend and support the ascension of Earth "home" to the Great Central Sun.
There are so many forces that desire to assure the failure of this small intervention that it may be hard for initiates reading Mila's materials to understand.  The entire Great Central Sun itself and all others were set up to be destroyed; this is becoming to be known due to records gathered in Earth's own field and form from the original casting of the Great Central Sun that she was apart.  Earth is a master record keeper; and as such has records of all incidents inside and outside the Sun since her existence was launched; and records of her own casting within the Tao.  The casting within the Tao now is appearing distorted from the beginning, as there were gaps in tones of creation that set Earth up to be used or stripped, torn apart, and collapsed into extinction long before she ever began her dance within the Great Central Sun.
Therefore the darkness and problems with destructive forces extend into far greater realms than your Great Central Sun; they go to the core of the Tao that you are apart; and extend into at least three other neighboring Taos nearby; and the original intent of the souls that evolved into positions of holding each Tao involves creating a rapid evolution into greater dominion by stripping their own creations to extinction rather than learning each level of lesson along the way.  The end result is a large soul governing a large region of domain that does not really know what it is doing, and as such has created a big mess. 
Now upper counsels and other forces from within the Heart of the Tao must descend to understand what has gone wrong, and create a plan for recovery in which these destructive and lost souls may learn their lessons and never repeat such a disaster again.  Believe it or not, this may be one of the single most catastrophic dances that has ever occurred in the Tao's entire history, which includes over 8 billion expansion and contraction cycles of regions of domain so much larger in size and brilliance than what we know now, that it is hard to imagine the immensity of the Tao.
We share our lessons with ascending humans for many reasons.  Life occurs as a spiritual journey in which lessons may be learned leading one home.  For 8 billion creations destroyed, the lessons were never learned in this region of domain.  There are humans like us that have gone extinct again and again and again; the record for each human civilization that has gone extinct has now been recovered.  The dance was not unlike a set of circumstances that Earth found herself in prior to the beginning of her ascent; such creations were stripped to extinction.  Attempts to ascend failed due to the blending of dissonant patterns leading to combustion rather than entry into another dimension of thought-form.  There was never enough information available to understand how to create anything else other than an extinction and combustion cycle.  So this has occurred 8 billion times, leading to the death of all that had fallen below dimension 72; and the ascension home of the dimensions above this.  However such ascensions home were incomplete and what had occurred that had caused the collapse of their expansion was never understood.  As such the dance simply repeated again and again and again, 8 billion times.
This region of domain was left behind 8 expansion and contraction cycles ago in the Tao.  Do you realize that this is so long in time that we cannot even measure it?  It equates to eons and eons and eons of time as you know it; eons of time in which destruction and destructive cycles recur and recur and recur; without any part of the dance understanding why, how, or what to do to alter the course of death that they are upon.  For the souls that have been here for a long time and witnessed many cycles of this nature, there is little hope of the possibility of another time of ascension.  Such souls have gathered upon Earth in the hope that perhaps this time, there will be another day.  Indeed such souls are gathering pieces of self that were left behind in other extinct creations long ago, and allowing the records gathered from their extinction to allow more to be known so that the ascent of Earth may come forth.
Mila was told recently that the records she was returning to the heart of the Tao showed the Tao that all had to be changed; that the manner in which new souls were being educated was severely faulty and left the room for massive distortion the likes of which the Tao had never seen before.  However this has always been how and why the Tao evolves; what does not work must be changed, and in so doing, all souls adapt to new encoding that serves the evolution of the whole.  So this is also so for Earth at this time, and she is embracing now new encoding from her more ancient past within the Great Central Sun and before she fell so drastically into density or matter. 
Such a shift brings about much change; many souls are leaving Earth as they cannot adjust or they are uncovered to be unsupportive of Earth.  Many new souls join the team with the goal of success.  More recently a batch of souls direct from the heart of the Tao that are deemed experts at bringing creations out of distortion have extended in.  These souls are making many changes that shall support Earth and humanity alike along with the Great Central Sun in the goal of understanding and creating a pathway of ascension home.
And so there is hope; there is an opportunity at long last to understand.  We as human ancestors understand now on behalf of all who never understood as they went extinct.  Time and space and form is an illusion; and so humans are also related to all other humans that have ever existed in this region of domain, or within the Tao itself.  It is holographic knowledge that allows for this understanding.  As Mila opened to holographic understanding many years ago now, she cried and cried and cried; she pulled forward her multidimensional and multi-creational ancestors and allowed them to merge with her.  So great was the grief that she realized that they must be recast first, to understand all that she had learned in her journey of ascent to date and for each to share of their life records.  As they released their own pain, such ancestors could then contribute to the journey home; they contribute in their own understanding and the release of their own karma as they bear witness to Mila's ascent and Earth's ascent alike.  So this is also so for each kingdom; each kingdom has multidimensional and multi-creational ancestors who went extinct; all join Earth now in the choice to go "home."
In this we can understand that there is no need to go back in time and ascend any other region of domain; for all associated with all extinction shall ascend home with Earth, the sun and the other suns upon other dimensions up through 72 that are choosing to evolve now; and all shall learn what they failed to learn at the time that they existed.  Mila has brought through information that the stars in your nighttime skies are a manipulation; such stars have long gone extinct, but are mirrored into present time through manipulations by dark forces.  The dark forces only desired to gather records from the other deceased stars to assure the extinction of Earth and your sun in this cycle.  In time and as Earth enters the great central Sun, such stars will cease to appear, as Earth shall enter a region of domain in which the past can no longer be used as a weapon to manipulate her field.
Why are the dark so abusive and harmful and focused upon assuring the extinction of the whole?  This too the heart of the Tao ponders; for in the casting of any soul by the Tao, destruction was not the foundation from which the nonphysical operated.  What has happened to these souls caught in the dance here surrounding Earth that is so out of step with the whole of the Tao?  How and why did they come to be?  And why do they continue to destroy; as in the destruction they also shatter themselves over time leading to their own demise as well.
Perhaps we can look at humans upon Earth to understand.  Do not humans build nuclear weaponry?  Do they not use such weaponry upon one another?  Does not such weaponry lead to the demise of the human species along with all of Earth due to fraying of DNA and a loss of consciousness?  And yet humanity continues to move in this direction regardless of how it is causing humanity to go extinct.  So this is so for the destructive souls in this region of domain in time and space; they have been upon a particular path of destruction, and they appear unable to pull themselves into a new dance, even when the information is made available to do otherwise. 
Such souls and nonphysical forces simply need to be recast so that they remember who and what they were as they began this dance; and in so doing then there is the possibility of something new and an ascension cycle home.  For humanity, humanity requires evolution in order to pull human civilization into another cycle and one that leads home; evolution is similar to recasting of soul. In the evolution of the human DNA, suddenly humanity will recall their ancient past, and how their behavior led to their own annihilation before; and in so remembering, they will choose another direction instead leading to the evolution home.
Destruction only repeats if one cannot recall how one was destroyed before.  Humans follow the same false gods that caused their destruction and a fall in consciousness in the times before, as they do not recall this truth.  Those that are awakening are remembering their holographic knowledge, and in so doing recall how the false gods mislead them at another time, and are not choosing to follow them in present time.  Mother Theresa in her own lifetime chose not to follow Sananda again, as Sananda had lead Christ to be crucified, which lead to the anchoring or crucifixion through-form as globalthought-form, as Christ was ascending at the time that he died.  This lead to the past 2000 years of warfare leading up to the nuclear annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the creation of one known as Hitler.  Mother Theresa cleared the karma for this in her own ascent in this lifetime; in so doing there is no need for a repeat of these circumstances again in humanities future.
Mother Theresa began a wave of karmic release that had never been perceived possible before.  This has lead to Earth and ascending humans alike along with dolphins and whales to utilize the process that Mother Theresa map carved in order to release karma.  This process was mastered by Mila and Oa and then taught to those in their program and then made available to all ascending humans through the healing temples for ascension held by Earth.  This process has allowed additional warfare and annihilation karma that was being depressed upon Earth and humanity alike to be released in 2001 so that the development of a World War III would be offset. It was a near-miss of circumstances that did not allow 9-11 to become another world war; however the release of the karma on the part of all ascending sentient species offset this outcome enough that there is still an opportunity for Earth to ascend.
The presence of nuclear weaponry is also problematic.  What if one of the star gates that Earth enters in the coming decade detonates the nuclear weapons humans have amassed upon the surface of the Earth?  What then?  This too is being addressed in many ways.  The inner Earth peoples have focused tones of creation upon such weaponry that shall disallow their ignition.  They have developed equipment specifically for this purpose in seeing a potential future ahead where the ignorance of surface human activity could prevent the ascent of the whole.  This is an example of how the awareness of one group of humans is assisting in offsetting potential global problems created by other humans who have dropped so far in awareness that they are not even conscious that there is an end of cycle time upon them, and an evolutionary cycle home ahead.
To any problem there is a solution.  The Tao understands this and makes available much information to offset problems in Earth's circumstances, along with solar problems, and universal problems, and cosmic problems, and beyond.  There is a shared goal of ascension amongst all stars that exited your Great Central Sun over time; this is good as one now supports the other, and all are involved in removing those souls and other nonphysical forces that cannot go "home" in this cycle ahead, as they are from another time period or energy flow associated with another Sun.  In so doing, we are weeding out the problems and carving a new dream and a new future that fosters continued ascension, and entry into a dream that was exited 24 million years ago (88 million years as humans perceive them).
There are also human ancestors in the Great Central Sun.  Last Year Mila called upon these ancestors too.  They cannot remain in your creation for long, as it is so distorted; but there is a sharing of records now that was not before, an they are learning from your experience of ascension whatever is mirrored unto them about their own state of being.  Mila who has developed a light body that can traverse in and out of the Great Central Sun at this time often points out how human ascension mimics patterns inside of the Sun; and now all concerned are working upon parallel issues and patterns which shall allow for an easier transition of Earth into the Sun's dream.
Our point here is that humans are one species, even if you exist in another creation, dimension or dream.  There is a holographic interconnectedness that weaves all creations of like casting in the Tao.  Such connections allow for the evolution of the whole of all casted natures.  Such connections are what became severed within your Great Central Sun along with those creations that were expelled from her dream due to her own falls in consciousness.  As the Great Central Sun and all species therein only had holographic connection unto itself, destruction could prevail, and no knowledge could be accessed to allow for any other path.
Therefore restoration of holographic interconnection has become one of the prevailing shifts that the Tao has brought forth for earth and your solar ascent.  First a dream was sent into the density and a part of the Tao extended with it.  The goal was for this part to find its way back to the Tao.  This occurred less than 2 years ago in Mila's own ascent.  As contact was made, the pathway of holographic communication began to be restored so that all others who were extensions of the Tao would also find their way "home".  Such extensions involve not just Earth, but all dimensions of life that has left your Great Central Sun, including Sirius.  Although Sirius has fallen off course in a sense due to their own false ascent, we can see in this that somehow this too was a part of the dream of the Tao extended into our time and space quadrant to allow for the return journey of all upon all dimensions.  And so one can say that this is not wrong; although Sirius will have its own rough journey of awakening as are all in your creation at this time.
There is much more that the Solar Consciousness shall bring through Mila in this year ahead that will explain Solar and Cosmic history outside the Great Central Sun.  This information is being compiled into a series of articles "Messages from the Solar Father"; and will begin to pour forth for all to understand.  The purposes of such materials along with the nature articles are simply to allow those who have holographic remembrance to awaken unto their own inner knowing.  Ascension is an inner job; no one can ascend another from the outside in; nor is there any pill that one can take or devise that one can use that will ascend oneself completely; one must awakening unto their own holographic awareness and then follow the guidance that pours through to find one's own way "home".
The inner job of ascension equates to the transmutation of destructive thought-form into thought-form that is benevolent and harmless.  Thought-form creates the fabric of all creations and all life upon all dimensions or realities within the Tao.  If a creation falls into distortion, then they have distorted thought-form.  This creation and all Great Central Suns are so distorted that they are not even perceived by the Tao.  Why is this so?  The thought-form that this creation is in has inverted back upon itself; creational law has been turned upside down and inside out. 
Each creation was cast with creational law as the foundation of all thought-form; creational law holds life in honor and love and allows for a return cycle "home" and reunion with all awareness with the Tao in any final in-breath period.  As creational law became inverted, not only have 8 billion creations gone extinct, but this region of domain went invisible and was left behind cycle after cycle.  For one is operating upon thought-form that is considered non-thought-form in the Tao and cannot be perceived.  Non-thought-form is used to segregate creations only within the Tao; it is thought-form comprised of serpents that separate and divide and hold the "mirrors" between creations.  As parts of the Great Central Sun fell so far that they were expelled into the space between, they entered non-thought-form.  Over time non-thought-form has overrun Earth and each part of the Sun that was expelled with her.  One can say that humanity and nature alike has entered a state of non-thought-form.
Non-thought-form separates and divides; non-thought-form when animated leads to the expression of hatred, abuse, torture, warfare, nuclear annihilation, disease, deformity, and falls in consciousness in all the myriad of ways it is expressed in human life, relationships and nature alike.  In order to ascend out of non-thought-form, one must transmute all non-thought-form into unity-based thought-form, which is what the Language of Lightis.  This is an internal job; for only one will be aware of the thought-form that one holds, and then only one may choose to modify such thought-form through one's own conscious freewill choice.  As the thought-form is modified, the biology changes, as one is god goddess in form. 
The biology is only the way it is due to the thought form that one holds; as one modifies the thought-form to unity, the biology becomes unity based.  Viruses, bacteria and other agents of destruction cease to be present in unity-based biology; cells regenerate and are repaired; disease, decay and scar tissue is resurrected into healthy cells; the youth and vibrancy and health is restored that one knew in one's early 20's through ascension.  Is it an easy path?  Mila who has a biological age now of 22 will tell you no; it is a very difficult path as one must confront again and again one's own desire to die or become diseased; sometimes in the process of ascension one manifests a near-disease so that the choice to ascend and live can be intended yet again in the journey.  So long has the dance of destruction and disease prevailed in human form upon Earth, it is a long journey out that spirals again and again into destruction and through the same lessons and patterning one had transcended before.
For most, ascension shall come forth in a generational sense; with future ancestors spiraling through the patterns one may not master in this lifetime.  This has become necessary, as there are so many pitfalls in ascension that could take down the whole of the human species and the whole of Earth that it is not worth the risk; and so ascension beyond 3000 shall now occur in future ascending children that shall be born at the next level higher of vibrational and thought-form.  In so doing, it shall be the future ancestors that lead one home. 
We remind you that we are your ancient ancestors; we like yourselves existed physicality and became a nonphysical consciousness associated with the human species.  We have waited 50,000 years (200,000 human years) and watched generation after generation of falls in consciousness of humanity, and problem ascensions in the inner Earth.  We now will witness the evolutionary journey home, along with ancestors from other dimensions and creations associated with the human blueprint; and ancestors within the Great Central Sun.  Consciousness does not cease upon death; nor does it cease in extinction.  And it is never to late to learn the spiritual lessons one failed to learn at the time that one was alive; even if the life was 8 billion creations ago.  Therefore we ask each reading these materials to not fear your future death; as you embrace death, you will be embraced by your ancestors as you exit the physical plane.
How do ancestors work?  Consciousness carries forward.  We experience each human life that is related unto us in present time.  So does each ancestor.  For some ancestors like ourselves, it has been a mystery as to exactly whom we were related unto upon the surface of the earth, as the genealogical records had all been mixed up and become intertwined, and in particular since the fall of Atlantis some 10,000 years ago (40,000 human years).  And so we really did not know whom we were related unto until Mila bypassed our vibratory rate and gathered us up.  In so doing, we now work through Mila and Oa, and a host of humans attaining 15,000 (Mahavishnu level awareness) in their ascent in present time upon the surface of the Earth.  We never had lost contact with inner Earth humans or incarnations, as there was better record keeping associated.
We now turn our attention to surface Earth human ascension, as it is only through such ascension that the records necessary to the ascent of the whole will be recovered.  The genealogical planes have been opened; now the planes are being sorted through so that what information each lineages received at birth will be known.  Genealogical information travels down the family tree.  Before those associated with our ancestry upon the surface of the Earth lost holographic genealogy, each offspring received an entire set of records as they were born.  And so we can clearly trace our relations through the era of the Mahavishnu, which occurred 15,000-18,000 years ago upon the surface of the earth (60,000-72,000 human years).  Such relations also had a large cranium 3 times larger than the average human head at the time.
After this, holographic knowledge was lost in the shattering of the Mahavishnu through attempted ascensions in the great Pyramids of Egypt.  The dark won during this time period, and shattered the last remaining humans carrying our Grand Master genealogy.  Subsequent generations were born with less than whole records, to a point that the large craniums associated almost disappeared upon the surface of the Earth, along with the awareness level associated.
Mila was surprised to see in a National Geographic a picture of an African tribal elder that held the large extended cranium associated with our original genetic blueprint.  In this Mila understood that our awareness level had not completely disappeared; but had been limited in expression to a handful humans incarnate in any given cycle upon the surface of the earth.  However the information is there; and Mila has since connected with this individual in dreamtime, and more records as a result of this type of brain capacity is being mapped for the future generations of ascending humans yet unborn. 
In this we can see that nothing is really lost in extinction cycles; it is just shattered in such a manner that the information does not appear in a whole and congruent manner.  The journey home is therefore the reverse of this; the shattering is gathered up and rewoven into the whole again, little by little by little.  The shattering is so extensive that it will take many generations of humans and nature alike upon the surface of the earth to repair the genetics enough to enter the fourth dimension.  Earth anticipates this to occur 300 years as you measure them into your future; and so there is 300 years of generational ascension ahead to lead to this goal upon the surface of the earth.
Each human at 2 strands are born with 25 lineages.  Such lineages may be to the Anu, they may be Anu-Slave, they may be associated with the 7 root races that are indigenous in origins in present time, or they may be associated with the Reptilians if one is Asian.  They also may be associated with the Grand Masters.  It is the Grand Master lineages that hold the most keys to ascension in present time.  Those that have Anu or Anu-slave DNA are limited to 1800 strands in present time adult ascension.  Those with root race inheritance are limited to 3000 strands of DNA in present time adult form.  Children with inheritance unto the Grand Masters shall ascend to 6000 and beyond through generational ascension.
Those who ascend to 1800 or higher widen the tapestry of ancestry that their offspring may choose from.  As one masters 1800, one will find that one's tapestry of ancestry enlarges to 144 lineages.  Incoming children to those that have attained 1800 to 3000 strands of DNA in ascension will therefore have a much larger tapestry of ancestry to choose from.  The likelihood of having Grand Master lineages to choose from will therefore be far greater for incoming ascending children; and this indeed is what it takes to master above 3000 strands.  It is in the Grand Master genealogy that one will find the keys to dissolving scar tissue, which is the main biological stumbling block in adult ascension.
Such information is difficult to gather from lineages in one's expanded ancestry; therefore if such information is not available from the original set of 25 lineages one was born with at 2 strands, one can ascend no further than 3000 strands.  It is for this reason that adults are restrained at this level at this time, as attempting to ascend beyond this without the biological keys only creates incomplete ascension that then can compromise the whole.  Incoming children will have less of this type of problem as they will have more lineages to choose from, and will build their body from 144 lineages if they are entering the world at 3000 strands; those entering the world at 6000 strands will choose a tapestry that includes 288 lineages, and the likelihood of therefore having the keys to ascend to full consciousness in the early teenage years and after puberty will be high for those entering the world at this level.  One can see why this is so given the size of the tapestry of ancestry at birth.
There are also a handful humans born each year that are the result of Grey-Human mating that occurs upon spacecraft and in the etheric; such humans are some Grey lineages.  Such mating has been going on since 1944 when the US government made an unconscious bargain with the Grays in exchange for information on how to build the nuclear bomb.  In exchange the Grays have had free access to mate and procure genetic information from the human race and primarily in North America.
This has occurred in other time periods with other races that have also extended some lineages into the human form.  Such races include humans from Andromeda who mated primarily with the Anu slaves; and humans from Orion that also mated with the Anu slaves.  The Grays are a slave race bred by the Pleiadians and Orions in an intergalactic experiment, and so it is not wonder that they return again to mate with the ancestors of the Anu slaves, as this is simply a repeat of karma that occurred long ago in those with like inheritance in present time.
For those ascending to 1024 in present time, one may battle it out with the Grays in the nonphysical for non-interference with one's body in the choice to ascend.  Mila was abducted and impregnated at the age of 13 in the etheric.  The child was extracted at four months and died upon a Gray spacecraft.  Sometimes such children are born in the physical, and when they are, they will have a portion of Gray DNA blended with other DNA from other lineages.  Such children cannot ascend, as they are even more mechanical in nature as they can be considered 1.5 strands in nature if you measured their vibration.
Mila and Oa met a 2 year old that was 50% gray DNA at the pool of a hotel that they were teaching in several years ago now.  The child was so mechanical in its nature and was soulless; Mila and Oa instantly understood what they had manifest for themselves to understand. Oa was actually frightened by this child, as it was so non-emotional and mechanical in nature.  The Grays have fallen further than humanity in an evolutionary sense; they have no remaining emotional body. As a result they are very mechanical in nature.  The Grays are also very abusive towards one another and their human offspring alike, and as a result many human children die due to a lack of love.  Those who survive like the Grays themselves have no emotional body, and therefore do not feel the pain inflicted upon themselves or upon another.  The Grays have fallen too far to ascend, and will one day go extinct, as there is no other creation to feed upon, as all have ascended home.
The Grays are leaving Earth at this time; they are becoming ill due to the magnetic pulsations from Earth's aurora.  If Earth went extinct, they would invade leaving their own dying star in Alpha Centauri, and make humans their slaves as they have more technology to do so.  However now they will choose another of 24 other possibilities in the third dimension for their new home, and perhaps a planet that fails to ascend for one reason or another and goes extinct.
Humans ascending to 1024 and 1800 strands will deal with their abduction memories from the Grays.  Generally such an experience was recreated as one has Anu slave DNA, and the associated ancestors were used in parallel manner at another time in history.  As one releases all abduction memories, one will also release all cords of attachment between the Grays and oneself, and remove all machines and entities from the planes of reality that sit surrounding oneself in the unconscious. 
One will notice that Gray devices in the etheric heavily manipulate US government buildings.  It is because of the US agreements with the Grays that this is so.  If one works for a governmental agency, one may wish to roll up such machinery and return it to Alpha Centauri.  If the Grays have abducted one in present time, then one would wish to do the same in one's home or anywhere else one frequents.  Lady of the Sun, who was incarnate in Mila in her early ascent, estimated that 22% of the world population had been abducted by the Grays; and over 80% of the US population due to the governmental agreements.  One can choose to break such agreements in present time and no longer participate; through ascension one may also undo all nonphysical harm that may have occurred between their nation and oneself.
The US government had no conscious awareness of the agreements constructed with the Grays.  Such agreements appear to be held in nonphysical planes and not the conscious reality of those in power, either at the time that they were made, or in present time.  Many humans give far too much credit to the governments of your world for knowing more than oneself; in reality such governments and their agencies know very little, and certainly are not involved with extra-terrestrial exchanges, except perhaps through psychics that are associated with them.  Why is this so?  Well the Grays and Reptilians are fourth dimensional.  How can that which is fourth dimensional interact with those in the third in the physical?  It is not possible.
So how does one give birth to a child with Gray inheritance if there is no physical mating between the two?  The abductions occur in the nonphysical or etheric realm. In Mila's estimation, the abductions occur in a nonphysical parallel life associated with Plane #5 in the nonphysical. The Grays take genetic encoding from the etheric fetus and use it in a laboratory to blend it with Gray DNA to produce a half gray half human fetus.  The child born from this is fourth dimensional as well.  The abductions are etheric, although the recall of them will feel physical. 
One may say, oh but there are those that experienced their abductions in the physical!  They have made movies about this!  In our examination, this individual experienced a physical abduction on plane #5 as a parallel life self that is nonphysical.  Those who are gifted conscious dreamers are more than capable of experiencing parallel lives as physical occurrences.  This too is what schizophrenics have difficulties with; perceiving the alternative planes as physical when their doctors only perceive the physical plane as physical.  All is so; it is just a matter of discernment of dimension.
There are also accounts of supposed Gray craft ending up upon earth.  Here again we see that the craft crashed upon plane #5 in the etheric; however in the combustion of the craft, some of it spilled along into the physical world.  The Grays and Reptilians are fifth dimensional, but have fallen into a lower fourth dimensional state of being; much as humanity is third dimension but fallen into second dimensional thought-form and state of being.  The Grays and Reptilians are therefore invisible to third dimensional viewing, as they exist in a dimension above.  However they can be perceived in the etheric, and Mila has had loads of experience in her early ascent of the nonphysical presence of the Grays in particular, and chose to end all relationship and agreements with them because they were non-supportive of her choice to ascend.
How do half gray-half humans end up born in the physical?  Sometimes a fetus in a pregnant woman who has been abducted in the etheric chooses gray lineages while developing the body in the womb; such children are possessed by Gray astral consciousness and this is why such choices occur.  This leads to a half Gray half human child that is born in the physical and cannot ascend as the consciousness has fallen to 1.5 strands.  One could say that the parent was manipulated into birthing the Gray DNA into physicality without their awareness.  However such would be the karmic replaying of an ancient pattern that occurred with other extraterrestrials at other times in one's ancestry.
It is estimated by the Tao and Earth that there are roughly 200,000 children global wide of this nature that are half white and half Gray.  Such children will cease to exist in the times of cleansing, as they have not the proper DNA for evolution.  However those that are evolving can learn from the mirror and release the karma from such an experience.  As one releases the karma, one can clear out any splicing of Gray lineages or DNA into one's ancestry, as this often occurs along with the abductions.  In so doing, ones' future ancestry will not choose Gray lineages in the development of the fetus in the womb, and will be more likely to carry on and ascend.
Gray lineages are not a physical addition to human lineages.  They were spliced in through etheric mating and drawing the lineages from the etheric into their scientific cloning practices.  So this is also so for Andromeda and Orion lineages; they were spliced in due to etheric abductions that were similar to the Grays and the human DNA was used for the purposes of cloning. 
Reptilian abductions however were physical with fourth dimensional humans.  It is now perceived by earth that the mating between the Reptilians and Humans occurred in the inner earth and in the fourth dimension 18,000 years ago (72,000 human years).  There are those of Tibetan and Inuit root races that had migrated to the inner earth long ago; some had mated with Grand Masters.  Some of those of Grand Master and Tibetan or Inuit root race ascended into the fourth dimension over time and continued to exist, marry and produce offspring of fourth dimensional form. 
As the Reptilians mated with these fourth dimensional humans in the physical, a record of the Reptilian DNA was transferred unto all humans with holographic connection at the time.  Alas this included all of Tibetan and Inuit root race on the surface of the earth and inner earth alike; suddenly children of those at 15,000 strands of DNA or higher upon the surface of the earth and inner earth gave birth to humans with Reptilian DNA.  This gave birth to the Asian races as they are today in the East and Inner Earth alike.
One can see in this the holographic nature of human DNA.  It only takes one to mate with another, and the variant DNA patterning will be transferred into the holographic planes for all humans that are associated, affecting all of parallel inheritance.  Those humans upon the surface of the earth who had dropped below 15,000 strands of DNA were unaffected by the Reptilian interbreeding; this included the Anu slaves or white nations as they never had holographic association with any other nation other that the North American Root Race and the Anu.  This is because the Anu scientists took 60% Anu DNA and 40% Red DNA from some captured Native American root race humans to create the slave race; however such a race was born with only 6000 strands and well beneath the level in which holographic connection between races occurs.  It is why the reptilian DNA did not intermix with Anu slave DNA as this required a minimum of 15,000 strands and the retention of holographic memory.
It is also why the slave nation and all associated in particular are so "unaware; they have no holographic remembrance of anything other than their own dance as they were separated off from the rest in how they were incubated in a laboratory.  So this is also so for the Grays who are the result of a parallel experiment upon the part of another group of Pleiadians.
Those of reptilian inheritance require ascending to 15,000 strands in order to break all agreements with the Reptilian nation and transmute related genetics that are associated.  This is because the agreements were constructed at 15,000 strands in vibratory rate and in a holographic manner that this is so.  Therefore those of Asian nationality and who are ascending may not be able to release Reptilian DNA in this lifetime of ascension; this may taken many future generations that continue to ascend to accomplish.
Those related to the Anu and Anu-Slave nation have holographic remembrance of the Pleiadian race and not the Sirian race or this creation that earth resides within. It is why those ascending that are associated in present time may access holographic knowledge that is Pleiadian rather than Sirian in origins.  Alas such knowledge cannot ascend one home, as one is inherently in the wrong creation to do so; and one runs foreign patterns of sacred geometry associated with another Great Central Sun, such as the Mer-ka-ba.  Such humans tend to ascend into mer-ka-ba patterning, and in so doing create greater distortion in their ascent than clarity.  It is for this reason that they are restricted to 1024-1800 strands in this lifetime, as if this type of distortion were allowed to grow, it would only prevent the ascent of the whole.
Distortion can be likened to hazy energy.  Hazy energy is created as the wrong sacred geometry is spun in a creation designed to host another pattern.  Earth is from a creation of a magnetic pattern known as the triple lotus (a figure 8 with a third hoop on the top).  Running anything else leads to distortion in ascension and a false ascent.  The false ascent is really the result of trying to inflate the field beyond where the biology can ascend in a given lifetime.  Those of Anu or Anu-slave inheritance do not have crystalline records generally speaking, or incomplete records at best as the slaves only inherited 40% of the red North American root race DNA that they are related unto. Without such records, they can only ascend so far in the physical.
18,000 map carvers of Anu and Anu slave DNA attempted to ascend beyond 1800 strands in the early ascension movement; each wound up with emotional or physical disturbances due to portions of the body becoming crystalline and other portions becoming radioactive.  More or less those of this inheritance were ascending into Pleiadian DNA and Red Nation DNA simultaneously and this only leads to greater distortion and disease in the long haul and in the physical; hence the reason for the limitations in human ascension of those of this inheritance.
Those of red nation inheritance only are also problematic in ascension.  Those of this inheritance are limited to 3000 strands, as are all others in adult human form and upon the surface of the earth.  The reason for this is the lack of a precise genealogical map to assure which adults have information for biological ascension beyond this.  The genealogy of humans has fracture and fractured upon the surface of the earth since the times of ancient Egypt or 18,000 years ago and the era of the Mahavishnu.  The cause of the fracturing is the use of false ascension of the Mahavishnu themselves, who had the larger heads and brain capacity of most others in this era; as they ascended dark forces accessed their genealogical archives and stripped them. 
Children born thereafter failed to have the large craniums or awareness, except as we have said in a few ancestries global wide in present time.  If humans in present time had large craniums, we could more readily say, "Ah, this present day ancestor has our inheritance, and therefore can proceed in ascension beyond 3000 strands".  But alas, only a handful have such large craniums, and therefore it is difficult to perceive who has the right ancestry and who does not.
Ascending those of the wrong inheritance causes greater problems and prevents the ascent of the whole; as the 26,000 map carvers themselves have proven.  Those who attempted to go beyond 3000 and had not Grand Master information on transmutation of scar tissue went into false ascension patterning.  They began to run another form of sacred geometry that prevailed upon Sirius in her ascent known as the figure 8 instead of the triple lotus; this occurred as a globalchorus of energy flow that leapt up in vibration so rapidly that it ripped up earth's etheric body, shattered 8 mountain ranges, and caused a wobble to the solar sun that ripped at solar etheric grid work.  It was determined after this problem and in recent weeks that allowing adults to ascend beyond 3000 was not possible, as the patterning that those having incomplete ascensions would go into would prevent the ascent of the whole.
Those continuing to ascend in adult form beyond 6000 strands in present time and upon the surface of the earth are carefully selected; some limited progress to 9000 strands (Bodhisattva level evolution) and 15,000 strands along with full consciousness must come forth in small numbers to clear the path for incoming births.  Those accomplishing this task in this lifetime will be much like Mother Theresa, a living saint that works behind the background of human civilization to assure human evolution.  Such also is the role of Mila and Oa and most in their program choosing this path at this time.
In the inner earth, the larger cranium of our own genetic blueprint was never lost.  Furthermore, humans ascended long ago to the fourth dimension of this nature; and the remaining humans in the third dimension never dropped below 3000 to 5000 strands in vibration.  Living near the aurora assisted, as the aurora holds fourth dimensional tones of creation allowing those that surround earth's sun to be held in a higher vibrational bandwidth.  Such inner-earth humans were not bombarded with the heavy electrical and radioactive discord emanating from your Universe as the Earth herself acted as a shield to prevent such.  As a result inner earth ascension has begun at a higher threshold of frequency, and those with Grand Mastery ancestry are more greatly known as they have a large cranium, 3 times larger than other humans in the inner earth.  Those without the large craniums are choosing to birth offspring that choose such lineages in present time for the ascent ahead; the inner earth like the surface earth humans faces their own times of cleansing ahead along with a generational ascension to the fourth dimension as a result.
So how does ancestry and lineages work in ascension?  This is the original purpose behind this piece, but one can see that we had much to say leading up to this explanation.  In a recent Great Central Sun transmission, it was said that those of Asian inheritance that were primarily Japanese or Korean along with Thai would not ascend as the map carvers failed of this inheritance.  There were 5800 map carvers of this inheritance; none could ascend beyond 1024 to 2200 strands; the reasons for this was simply a loss of chi that went recurrently unto Alpha Centauri due to genetic agreements with the Reptilians.  The patterning associated requires more chi to break down the psychic machinery at cause than each could master in the ascent.  Those resting at 2200 live in remote regions such as Hawaii with little density surrounding themselves.  Those resting at 1024 live near the cities in Japan, Korea or Thailand.  One can say that if the map carvers cannot lift beyond a certain point, then all associated will also fail.
However human lineages are not necessarily singular in their expression.  In Hawaii, there are many Japanese that have blended with Hawaiians producing offspring that are considered Hawaiian-Japanese.  Koreans have also migrated to Hawaii producing offspring also of the two nations; as have people from Thailand immigrated to Hawaii and created parallel occurrences.  The descendents of these nations shall ascend beyond 2200 through the blending of Polynesian lineages with the Japanese, Thai and Korean lineages.  In so doing, all lineages shall ascend from these nations, just not perhaps in their "pure" form.
Perhaps humanity is blessed with the travel and relocation of many nations unto many other nations.  In present time there are peoples of the East living all over the world; Mila and Oa are surprised to find major cities in Europe, Australia, Canada, the US, and with S. Africa hosting peoples of all nations.  There was a short article upon the BBC news recently sharing of a region in New York known as Queens that hosts immigrants from all nations; Greeks, Middle Easterners, those from India and Pakistan, and they live in harmony together in New York when their own nations are at odds with one another back home.  This template of merging peoples of all nations is a part of the Tao's dream for humanity that began to be launched in the 1800's and has lead to the immigration of the East into the West, and the West into the East.  In so doing, there is now a greater possibility of ascension from the Tao's point of view, as the lineages will ultimately blend with one another in the blending of nations between parents of different nationalities.
For you see, if any one of your inheritance ascends, then you also ascend, as they are one's living ancestor in present time.  It matters not whom ascends; or what body has the necessary biological and genealogical skills; it only matters that those that can ascend fulfill upon the task, and they shall do so on behalf of all others who perhaps have not the right set of ancestry for the job.  In so doing, all shall ascend; and each shall bear witness unto the ascent of the human species along with one's own personal future ancestry as a living ancestor from the nonphysical.
After all, it was a long journey and road in the fall of man; descent after descent occurred, and more greatly for the outer earth than inner earth.  Therefore the journey to restore the holographic information and awareness that was once held is not a short-term journey beloved; it is a generational journey that will take several hundred years to fulfill upon.  However several hundred years is a short journey given the hundreds of thousands of years of falls humanity has experienced; and so it is a rapid rise in awareness, and the single most rapid rise than has ever been experienced in any other creation within the Tao. 
Each should be grateful for this opportunity to ascend, and your multidimensional and multi-creational ancestors will share with you their gratitude, in spite of their own personal experiences that were catastrophic and difficult as well as painful.  Now there is the opportunity to learn, to understand, to spiritually grow; and we shall do so as a species on behalf of all humans that ever went extinct.  Let us make it so, HO!
Awareness is biological.  One is born with 25 lineages.  If such lineages end with the Anu slaves, as many do so in the West, then this is the only awareness that one has.  If such lineages are primarily Reptilian, one is also as limited in the East. One should not judge those of great limitation or their interests.  They have limited awareness as awareness is biological and they were born with limited DNA.  However as an ascending being, one learns the lessons behind why such awareness is limited; perhaps one's own ancestry was a part of the team of scientists that created the Anu slaves in their laboratories; or forced human mating between the Reptilians and the red women of the inner earth; in understanding the lesson of what limitation in genetics creates (a limited human that seeks to war and abuse others, other nations and earth alike) then one can forgive oneself for participating in such a dance. 
In the learning of such a lesson, it need not repeat again, and this limited type of human may be cleansed from the gene pools as the karma is released through ascension.  Incoming children will then be born with greater awareness and greater capacity to love, leading to a new era ahead.  Already Earth estimates that it will take until roughly 2016 to clear the karma, after which the genealogy associated with the Anu and Anu slaves shall be pulled from the human gene pool.
These are times of transition ahead.  However the transition will not be completed even upon entry into the Great Central Sun.  For there are also those hosting Reptilian DNA; this DNA cannot be cleansed until enough humans attain Mahavishnu level awareness and release all agreements in each Asian lineage.  Earth perceives that this will occur no later than 2050, after which Reptilian DNA shall be pulled from the genealogical planes in association with future human births. There will be many changes as it is the foreign DNA primarily that creates patterns associated with disease and deformity as well as war and abuse; it will be after 2050 in particular that disease, abuse and deformity will cease to be prevalent in any future human born in the East or West.  This will be a beautiful thing to witness beloved; and you shall witness it as a human ancestor.
For those few that ascend beyond 6000 strands at this time, one will have several lineages with Grand Master genealogy.  Such information will allow for the transmutation of the biology to a form that parallels what we knew when we were alive.  The form taken cannot be an exact replica, as one is shorter and smaller in stature upon the surface of the earth; and the cranium can only be expanded so far to allow for some of the organs and glands in the brain to develop that our genetic blueprint holds.  However those that ascend beyond 6000 shall clear the road for the incoming births that will host a larger head and more organs and glands, and will also have along with this greater awareness, and greater compassion for all others as a natural state of being. 
It is as the love and compassion returns that peace and unity can occur between nations with varying cultures in human form.  It is as love ceases and humans and human nations alike cease to feel or act compassionately towards one another that an extinction cycle is created ahead.  For out of the lack of feeling, one will war upon the other, and fail to see that the other is only a mirror of oneself and a brother and sister related unto the human species; for this is the patterning that your current human civilization has fallen into; hence the wars in the Middle East along with Africa and South America between humans of different religions and persuasions.
However one can also see the same relations of such humans are living side by side in major cities globalwide in present time; one can see in this that humanity is evolving; for if not humans would be slugging it out in their own neighborhoods just as they are slugging it out in their homeland.  This is a sincere sign that human evolution has begun; and that there is hope for a new day to be born ahead.
So how does one determine one's ancestry?  This is a bit problematic as 2000 years ago, lineages were scrambled as dark forces accessed the planes of ancestry in the crucifixion of Christ, who was ascending at the time and had just accessed such planes in his own ascent.  The result was that the dark scrambled all the lineages for all humans related unto Christ.  This includes most in the West as Christ held a birth lineage that included ancestry to those in Atlantis primarily.  Those in the West are primarily descendents of those who caused the fall of Atlantis.  Therefore the manipulations affect most of Western and White inheritance. 
At this time, enough map carvers have mastered 3000 to 6000 strands of this inheritance to allow the lineages to be known as they corrected the patterning in their own evolutionary journey.  One therefore simply has to request an "ancestral assessment" at night before one falls asleep, and ones' lineages will be assessed and corrected to be of one's true birth inheritance and back in time 2000 years through one's family tree.  One first must have mastered 1024 in the physical before this can occur.  This allows the correct ancestry to be known so that one may ascend as far as one can in this lifetime. 
If one has primarily Anu and Anu-Slave inheritance in all 25 lineages, one will be able to ascend to 1800 strands of DNA in this lifetime.  If one has two to four red nation or grand master ancestries out of the 25, one will be able to ascend to 3000 strands of DNA in this lifetime.  If one has grand master ancestry and is a map carver devoted to the path of ascension, one may be allowed to go beyond this to 6000, 9000, 15,000 strands or full consciousness (36,000 strands) and contribute one's life to the karmic clearing necessary to birth ascending children of this level of awareness.  Earth sees that there will be less than 8000 total that ever master 15,000 strands; and less than 800 that master full consciousness in adult form, as this is all that is required to fulfill upon the task of clearing for ascending births.
Buddha was used for parallel purposes in his ascent, mixing up the lineages of those in the East as well; however this only affects the Tibetan and Inuit Root Race, as these were the only root races that Buddha drew his ancestry from.  Those in the East will require ascending further in vibration to figure out one's true inheritance, as this requires mastery of Bodhisattva level evolution to accomplish.  There are those map carvers ascending in the East and in China, Tibet, Northern Sweden and Norway along with in Alaska that are beginning to clear the mix-up in lineages in the Inuit and Tibetan root races due to the manner in which Buddha was used in his ascent.

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