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热度 12已有 385 次阅读2009-12-30 21:38

在他们主页上写着british anger over china execution, 乍一看还以为英国人都怒了,
结果have your say的论坛上前5页就只有两个人反对死刑,还有一个是阿联酋的,
其他人都是well done china。





Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 04:37 GMT 04:37 UK

Maybe if we had a legal system like China we'd have less problems with ferral drug addled layabouts in this country.

Steve, London

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 04:37 GMT 04:37 UK

Every country has the right to a court system and enforcement of their law. Don't like it? Don't commit a crime in that country.

[Corruptuser], United States

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 05:20 GMT 05:20 UK

Well done China! This should be a mandatory punishment throughout the world. If you show up with 4kg of heroin in your baggage at an airport, don't expect any sympathy. The sooner these tree-hugging sandle-wearing do-gooders take off their rose coloured glasses the better!

Claiming you are bipolar after the event doesn't and shouldn't wash. If his family were so concerned about him then why on earth let him travel, alone, to the other side of the world.

Stevie baby

steve collinson, phuket

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 08:44 GMT 08:44 UK

People should stop believing everything they read and assuming it's true. Here's the honest unemotional version.

He wasn't British, he'd run his own business, the bi-polar excuse wasn't true, he knew the risks, he stood to make a huge amount of money at the expense of other peoples lives.

I'm amazed at how many people on here are defending him, sitting in their nice insulated world, unaware or unable to actually see what a hell hole this country has turned into.

TheTruth, Lichfield

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 05:51 GMT 05:51 UK

A good friend of mine suffers from acute bipolar disorder. He goes through the classic highs and lows of manic depression and it can affect his professional life.
It does not cloud his moral judgement though and he is no more susceptible to being tricked into anything than anybody else.
To use Mr Shaikh's illness to try to gain him a reprieve by suggesting that people with the condition cannot be held accountable for their own actions, is a great disservice to bipolar sufferers.

Will de Beest, Spain

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 06:51 GMT 06:51 UK

Lets get this into perspective, he was carrying enough drugs to kill 26,800 people. Now tell me they were wrong to execute him. I think not.

George Cook, Gold Coast. Australia

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 04:54 GMT 04:54 UK

Smuggle drugs into China? You die.

No excuses. No exceptions.

Wendy Simpson, Bournemouth, United Kingdom

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 05:47 GMT 05:47 UK

"EU National" when did that start being official BBC language to describe British Nationals?

And 'Yes' is the answer to the question. He did the crime so he gets punished by the law of that land. Maybe if Britain wasn't so soft we would have people think twice before committing allsorts of crimes here.

[MovingRight], Looking for a great, United Kingdom

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 06:52 GMT 06:52 UK

Why are so many complaining about this "justified" execution? There is no sacrifice here at all !! Surely, we must support and respect any countrys' law that has the death penalty for drug offences.
Akmal Shaikh knew what he was doing! This was totally pre-meditated and with no regard whatsoever to the thousands he would have a hand in ultimately killing by allowing these drugs to hit our streets.
Well Done China!

Chuffed, South Wales

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 06:50 GMT 06:50 UK

The sentence is fair - Chinese citizens are subjected to the same law. The Government of the People's Republic of China is right in proceeding with the execution.

Mental illness? That is a frequent excuse.

In Singapore, 15 g heroin is sufficient to impose the death penalty.

Al T T, Singapore

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 05:47 GMT 05:47 UK

A good drug smuggler is a dead one.

End of.

Simon, Cheshire

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Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 04:44 GMT 04:44 UK

Why is the UK seeking to interfere in the Chinese judicial system – I’m sure there would be an outcry if the Chinese sought to interfere with British justice. Britain can’t have it both ways.

Steve, Hong Kong




发表评论 评论 (9 个评论)

回复 雅什卡 2009-12-30 22:51

回复 雅什卡 2009-12-30 23:12
回复 梅雨恋小城 2009-12-31 02:24
回复 flasher 2009-12-31 06:35
雅什卡: 一开始是大笑,后来感觉这些网友很理智,说得很好,在咱们论坛里加精不敢说,但基本上都应该够加分了。后来就是感动,他们这么理智的看待问题,是出乎我的预料的,看来我对西方
回复 耳冉子 2009-12-31 12:04
回复 雅什卡 2009-12-31 12:42
flasher: BBC是严肃的网站,读者中素质高的人多一些。另外,回帖全部经过编辑审核的。所以愤青言论不会出现。
回复 flasher 2009-12-31 20:31
雅什卡: 一般情况下,那里的网络风气怎么样?
回复 雅什卡 2009-12-31 20:45
flasher: 严肃网站全部要编辑审核,所以言论比较礼貌。非严肃网站就和国内的类似网站一样了。只要有发帖自由的地方就必然污言秽语。
回复 cumtis3676 2010-1-3 02:07

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