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热度 4已有 288 次阅读2010-1-19 01:02 |



















Rao Jin asked: "We just talked a lot about freedom and human rights on the Internet.  I have seen many American television series and movies, such as <Prison Break>.  The CIA has many special powers to do anything it wants.  For example, in <The Transformers>, American cruise missiles can hit the Egyptian pyramids at will.  I am concerned.  I am a user of Gmail, Facebook and Twitter, which many people around the world use.  The CIA can use special means to enter those services and obtain personal information.  How can users like us be guaranteed that our personal data are secure?  Also, I know that the USA has enacted certain laws to monitor the personal email information.  Will the Internet control and filtering in the name of anti-terrorism violate the human rights and personal privacy of all users?"

The embassy replied: "This is a very good question.  It is very significant.  I don't know.  Who has the answer?  Ben."

Ben: "First of all, I recommend not using <Prison Break> or <The Transformers> as the sole references to understand the American government.  Please remember that '24' is virtual.  Really.  The American media as well as politicians have discussed many issues over the past two years, including personal freedom of information and the right of the Federal government to inspect this information.  This is a priority issue for the Obama administration to ensure that the freedom of the people are respected.  According to the Constitution, nobody can access these types of information without proper authorization.  How to implement these regulations is still being subjected to vigorous debate.  I can say that the protection accorded to you far exceeds the examples hinted by <Prison Break> and <The Transformers>."




而就在两天前,BBC的一篇标题为《UK surveillance plan to go ahead》(英国将着手“盯梢”计划)的报道吸引了我的注意——英国政府准备记录所有网络通信,立法加强网络监控。

最近也有一个关于胡德堡枪击事件的报道:“美联社9日援引调查人员和政府官员的话报道,美国情报机构早在去年底就发现哈桑曾写过10-20封电子邮件给基地组织的联络员奥拉基。 ”——哦,大使先生,请别告诉我这也是科幻片!




UK surveillance plan to go ahead

By Dominic Casciani

Social networks: Data recorded - but not content

The Home Office says it will push ahead with plans to ask communications firms to monitor all internet use.


Ministers confirmed their intention despite concerns and opposition from some in the industry.


The proposals include asking firms to retain information on how people use social networks such as Facebook.


Some 40% of respondents to the Home Office's consultation opposed the plans - but ministers say communication interception needs to be updated.


Both the police and secret security services have legal powers in the UK to intercept communications in the interests of combating crime or threats to national security.


But the rules largely focus on communications over telephones and do not cover the whole range of internet communications now being used.


The Home Office says it wants to change the law to compel communication service providers (CSPs) to collect and retain records of communications from a wider range of internet sources, from social networks through to chatrooms and unorthodox methods, such as within online games.


Ministers say that they do not want to create a single government-owned database and only intend to ask CSPs to hold a record of a contact, rather than the actual contents of what was said.


Technically challenging

Police and other agencies would then be able to ask CSPs for information on when a communication was sent and between whom.


In theory, law enforcement agencies will be able to link that information to specific devices such as an individual's smartphone or laptop.


The proposals are technically challenging, as they would require a CSP to sort and organise all third-party traffic coming and going through their systems.The estimated £2bn bill for the project includes compensation for the companies involved.


Home Office minister David Hanson said: "Communications data is crucial to the fight against crime and in keeping people safe. It is a highly technical area and one which demands a fine balance between privacy and maintaining the capabilities of the police and security services.

内政部部长David Hanson说:“通信数据对于打击犯罪和保护人民安全是非常重要的。这是一个技术性很强的领域,要求在保护隐私权和维持良好警察和安全服务能力之间做到平衡。

"The consultation showed widespread recognition of the importance of communications data in protecting the public and an appreciation of the challenges which rapidly changing technology poses.


"We will now work with communications service providers and others to develop these proposals, and aim to introduce necessary legislation as soon as possible."


Opposition and concern

The consultation results reveal that 90 of the 221 responses opposed the basic principles that the government should be seeking a method to retain or look at the data.


The Home Office said that there was a "widespread but not unanimous" recognition of the role of data in protecting the public.But many concerns related to the detail of what would be done with the information.


Christopher Graham, the Information Commissioner responsible for overseeing the protection of private information, told the Home Office that while he recognised that the police needed to use communication data to stop crime, this in itself was not a justification to collect all possible data passing through the internet.

负责监督保护个人信息的Christopher Graham专员告诉内政部,虽然,他承认警察需要使用通信数据阻止犯罪,但这用这个理由来收集所有通过互联网的信息并不正当。

"The proposal represents a step change in the relationship between the citizen and the state," said Mr Graham.


"For the first time, this proposal is asking CSPs to collect and create information they would not have previously held and to go further in conducting additional processing on that information.


"Evidence for this proposal must be available to demonstrate that such a step change is necessary and proportionate."




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回复 flasher 2010-1-20 05:57

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