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Anti-CNN English Website

热度 2已有 270 次阅读2010-8-28 01:06 |

Reformat of Anti-CNN Website: Design and Editorial Content

The reformatted anti-CNN website should have these purposes: 
first, to counter negative, stereotyped and inaccurate reporting of China
second, to challenge Western media biases on issues of hegemony worldwide
third, to present fresh and independent new coverage on a wide range of issues
fourth, to be a forum for strong commentary and debate
fifth, to show the international face of young, bright Chinese people
In short, the site's stance is: Reactive and Proactive.

Page Title: Truth from Facts - www.anti-cnn.com
The title is drawn from the young Mao's famous quote on journalism, while reflecting the mission of the website to confront unfounded biases and distortions.

The format should be fresh and fun, reflecting the anti-CNN team's sense of humor and their awareness of international trends, while being confident and assertive of the rightful place of Chinese people and China in the contemporary world community. So the design should not be as "square" and "uptight" as a conventional news website nor as informal as a blog. It should reflect media professionalism in a relaxed and lively manner.

The News Section and The Commentary Section should have quite different characters:

News: "punchy" (strong impression), simplistic (good vs bad, truth vs falsehood), condensed (Faces, Quotes, Facts) . Copy is be tight and to the point, with clear analysis, fact box, profile of authors, lists of key players, concepts, terms; with visual images for quick comprehension.

Commentary: While taking a strong position in any given debate, the commentators should "go beyond" the conflict to present paths to resolution with adversaries. Analyses should show the complexity of issues, subtle nuances of interpretation, the possible outcomes in situations.. 

The Menu Bar should reflect this style with possible headings such as:
Hot News - Debate - Fresh Faces - Cool Trends - Just Say It - The File - Our Team

Video: Here again, a dual style. with serious interviews of experts and news figures, and also more informal "fun" look at issues and contemporary life in China. The grave and serious should be balanced with the light and humorous. As much as possible, video should be shot in the setting of the working or living environment of the person rather in sterile offices,  as if we just caught him or her on a work site, operating a machine, exercising, on the street or other real-life place.

Target readership:
Core:  young professionals and students, Chinese and foreign, in China
This is core "community" that most frequently participate in the readers' blog and who should feel this website is one of their Internet "homes".
International: foreign correspondents, editors dealing with international affairs, the policy crowd in diplomacy, public relations and other media-sensitive fields, corporate execs and managers dealing with Asia
Chinese: The foreign policy crowd, media professionals, university professors, students, overseas Chinese, Chinese who do business abroad or travel overseas frequently

Lead Story with Video:

The front story should be changed twice a week, sufficient time to retain the newness but also to allow readers to come back to it and recommend it to their friends. After 3 or 4 days, the lead will drop into a News list on homepage.

For the initial few month, anti-CNN has to re-establish its identity as a whip against media liars, so stirring up controversy is a key part of this strategy.Occasionally, this hard coverage should be balanced with fascinating and fun look into contemporary Chinese social issues that are of interest to international readers.

Our critique is focused on the clusters of anti-China bias, which should be revolved with each edition of the front page story.

Military - Strategic - Geopolitical 
Pentagon, US 7th Fleet, hawks in Japan and South Korea, defense neo-conservatives

Politicians - Political Parties
Trade Protectionists, China bashers, immigration exclusionists, strong RMB supporters

Think Tanks - Academics - NGOs
China watchers, human-rights hypocrites, biased environmentalists

Mass Media - Columnists

Corporations - Bankers - Business Executives
false "friends" playing both sides, worst exploiters, fraudsters, Wall Street

Organized Crime - the Corrupted
internationalized mafias and triads, drug traffickers, smugglers, their accomplices
Religious fanatics - missionizers
The religious rights crowd, Free Tibet movement, fake or fraudulent charities

Celebrities - Directors
poster boys for anti-China causes

Editorial Structure: (to be worked out in detail soon)
Editorial Board
News Group Team
Commentary Team



发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 leowan6 2010-8-28 01:24
回复 wlcc 2010-8-28 01:29

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