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已有 689 次阅读2008-8-20 00:33 |个人分类:版主培训材料

Fiercely Chinese and proud to say so - the graduate behind anti-cnn.com


Chinese and proud: the graduate behind Anti-CNN.com
Rao Jin, a graduate of Beijing’s Tsinghua University, is proud to call himself a fenqing, or “angry youth”, when it comes to defending his country against foreign media reports.

The 23-year-old budding website entrepreneur, who speaks limited English and can access western news reports only through China’s heavily censored internet, has drawn global media attention over his site, anti-cnn.com.

The no-frills site uses the slogan “Don’t be too CNN”, hitting back at the US-based news network after a commentator referred to the Chinese government as “goons and thugs”.

It mixes polemical video arguments in Chinese and English that support Beijing’s version of recent and historical events in Tibet. Mr Rao comes across as a thoughtful young man, until asked about the violent outbursts by Chinese students against protesters in South Korea during the Olympic torch relay.

“Some Chinese students were provoked into attacking those people in Seoul and some of them were beaten, too. Why didn’t you report that?” he retorts.




参考Tibet untamed: why growth is not enough at China's restive frontier http://www.ft.com/cms/s/c5166a3a-ff3d-11dc-b556-000077b07658.html




发表评论 评论 (9 个评论)

回复 聆风王子 2008-8-20 00:58
http://www.blogbus.com/public/tb.php/1114213/19006329/5be0b2d8cf99a2f75a6d43d39868c49b 参考阅读
回复 Nicolle 2008-8-20 02:11
聆风王子: http://www.blogbus.com/public/tb.php/1114213/19006329/5be0b2d8cf99a2f75a6d43d39868c49b 参考阅读
回复 dakelv 2008-8-20 05:20
已译好并发表在AC编译区: http://www.anti-cnn.com/forum/cn/thread-92025-1-1.html
回复 CC_best 2008-8-20 18:00
AC 的最大用處是要讓現在的年青人了解東西方,還有是認同自己的國家,對國家民族有責任感,敢於去承擔.並且提升自身的價值觀和世界觀.
回复 聆风王子 2008-8-20 18:01
dakelv: 已译好并发表在AC编译区: http://www.anti-cnn.com/forum/cn/thread-92025-1-1.html
谢谢 dakelv~
回复 BONIU 2008-8-25 01:08
CC_best: AC 的最大用處是要讓現在的年青人了解東西方,還有是認同自己的國家,對國家民族有責任感,敢於去承擔.並且提升自身的價值觀和世界觀.
回复 小雨点 2008-9-7 12:20
dakelv: 已译好并发表在AC编译区: http://www.anti-cnn.com/forum/cn/thread-92025-1-1.html
非常感谢翻译 但里面别字太多了  能不能修改一下?
回复 dakelv 2008-9-9 05:55
小雨点: 非常感谢翻译 但里面别字太多了  能不能修改一下?
回复 北小沫 2008-9-17 04:23

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