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发表于 2008-9-9 00:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Cannes Takes Back Amnesty Lion

A China-angering once-run Amnesty International print campaign loses its Bronze Lion over a technicality.

By: Nick Parish Published: Sep 3, 2008

In the end, it was a technicality, not international outcry, that relieved TBWA, Paris of its Bronze Lion.

Despite angering the Chinese government with depictions of Olympics-related torture for Amnesty International, Cannes International Advertising Festival organizers and the network, upon reviewing the entry, realized its token media buy occurred after the April 30 deadline.

The grim PSAs portray torture taking place inside sporting facilities; two thugs dunk a bound man's head in the pool, a woman is chained to a weightlifting bar and plates and an officer gloats while behind him stands tied to an archery target. The strapline reads "After the Olympic Games, the fight for human rights must go on."

According to a source familiar with the proceedings, the ads ran in French publication 20 Minutes but appeared after the deadline, disqualifying them from entry. However, before either the festival or the agency realized the disqualifying technicality, complaints arose from Chinese state-run media as well as bloggers and Internet users, leading the network and client to disavow the messaging amidst calls for a boycott of all TBWA-related marketers, among which Visa, a major sponsor of the Beijing Olympics, counts itself. TBWA made a statement that neither the Chinese office nor the International umbrella had "involvement or prior knowledge in the development of [the] campaign," but Chinese groups continued to call for the award to be relinquished.

The news comes among a particularly turbulent year for accountability at the show; Saatchi & Saatchi, New York and production partner Epoch Films landed in hot water after a scam spot for retailer JC Penney, "Speed Dressing," won a Bronze film Lion. Leo Burnett, India won a Gold for its Print work for Luxor Highlighters which isn't even the agency's client. Cannes Chairman Terry Savage issued a statement along with the news that read, in part, "It is important for the advertising and the awards industry that entries made comply fully with the rules and spirit of the Festival." But while the Amnesty ads broke the rules, there have never been any meaningful repercussions for those awards entrants who violate the show's spirit - those who employ the tactic of running under-the-radar work once or twice in far-flung media locales, like late night in Bend, Oregon (see "4 A.M. Bend, Oregon: An Awards Report fairy tale..." from our Summer issue).

This isn't the first time an agency has lost a Lion; Lowe, Grey and Saatchi have all also either given back or been stripped of awards once their veracity was called into question.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-9 01:08 | 显示全部楼层

《华尔街日报》网站上的中国日报(China Journal)博客 http://blogs.wsj.com/chinajourna ... mpaign-loses-prize/

September 5, 2008, 6:01 am
Controversial Amnesty Campaign Loses Prize

Earlier this week, the organizers of the prestigious Cannes Lions advertising awards withdrew a prize they had given to ad giant TBWA for work it created on behalf of Amnesty International that portrayed Chinese athletes being tortured by Chinese authorities.

That campaign, created by the same agency that also makes ads celebrating China for Olympics sponsor Adidas, caused a stir in the industry. After Chinese bloggers began buzzing about the campaign, both Amnesty and TBWA disavowed it.

Cannes officials said that an investigation into the campaign found that it did not meet the entry requirement of appearing in media between the March 2007 and April 2008. TBWA, say Cannes officials, agreed with the withdrawal.

A TBWA spokeswoman said the company had no comment.

– Geoffrey A. Fowler

蒙特利尔(魁北克首府)《媒体资讯》(Infopresse)杂志网站 http://www2.infopresse.com/blogs ... /article-28192.aspx

jeudi, 04 septembre 2008
Controverse à Cannes: Amnesty perd son Lion

À la suite d'une enquête menée par les organisateurs du Festival international de la publicité, le bureau français de TBWA doit se départir d'un Lion de bronze dans la catégorie Presse.

L'agence avait présenté à Cannes une campagne photo conçue en vue des Jeux olympiques de Pékin pour le bureau français d'Amnesty International. Toutefois, l'opération qui attaquait violemment la Chine pour son non-respect des droits de l'homme n'avait pas obtenu l'aval de l'organisme et n'a finalement jamais été diffusée (lire l'histoire ici).

En remportant un Lion en juin dernier, les visuels de l'offensive fictive avaient commencé à circuler sur le web, suscitant la colère de la Chine.

Tout ce battage médiatique a incité l'organisation du festival à enquêter sur la candidature de TBWA. Il a ainsi été prouvé que la campagne n'avait pas été diffusée dans un média entre les dates requises, soit du 1er mars 2007 au 30 avril 2008, et donc, n'était pas admissible. TBWA a rendu son trophée sans protester.
par Vanessa Quintal, Éditions Infopresse
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