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【08.11.17 瑞士 世界电台】由核掩体改成的零星级酒店

发表于 2008-11-18 13:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【链接】http://www.worldradio.ch/wrs/new ... r-hotel.shtml?11993



瑞士是世界上最昂贵的渡假目的地,但是如果你知道到哪里下榻的话,那么还是有便宜去处的,尤其在距离苏黎世以西大约一小时车程的一个名叫Sevelen的小城镇。在那里,双胞胎艺术家兄弟Frank 和 PatrickRiklin把一个核掩体变成了世界上第一个“零星级酒店”。在那里住宿一晚只需要13瑞士法郎拍【译注:约合人民币75元】。瑞士世界电台的Alex Helmick在“零星级酒店”住了一夜,并写下了下面的报道。

作者:Alex Helmick, 瑞士世界电台

顺着台阶向下走入这个叫“Null Stern”的核掩体旅馆,只需要大约12级台阶。你向右急转弯,马上就有一扇大门呈现在你面前。如果门没有锁,那就意味着旅馆正在营业。如果门锁着,那就意味着瑞士军队可能正在此训练。

( 楼梯通向Null Stern 酒店的前门。)

在Null Stern 酒店,你不得不和那些像你一样在此过夜的客人接触。 这个酒店有三个大房间:两个分别可以容纳七名客人的睡房,还有一个大厅,客里贴墙摆着几把椅子和一些洗手槽。洗手间里一字排开的是几个马桶,淋浴室就像你当地的体育馆里的一样 -- 只是在墙上面按了几个喷头。


Bernadette Golacz和她的丈夫 -- 一名混凝土工人 -- 从奥地利来此过夜。

HELMICK 【译注:世界电台记者。下简称“记者”】:你们为什么想在这里住?

Bernadette Golacz 【以下简称“客人”】:因为在这里过夜很冒险。你不肯能每晚都宿在 -- 这叫什么来着?





(Null Stern 酒店正门)

住在这里的人大部分都是母语为德语的。事实上,Null Stern酒店的二十四条守则是用德语写的。有一条是“随时准备意外的发生”;另外一条是,客人用以下方式决定熄灯时间:取每位客人计划睡眠小时数的平均值,然后从早晨7点的起床时间往回倒数。然后还有Null Stern版本的“幸运轮”游戏。


Thomas Schrettl 得到了一等房间的一张床。










Thomas: 是的。有点。但是这比我服役的那艘护卫舰上要更宽敞些。所以这里比军舰上更舒服。而且也很稳,你知道吗。


但是合伙创始人Frank Riklin开发这个项目的目的正是要引起一些“动荡。”

Frank: 我们想要建立一个七星背后的一个新的系统,这个系统具有另外一层社会意义。这意味着非商业化、更社会化的。

( “比一等房间次一点”的房间。)



所以在这一夜,14个陌生人聚在一起:一个家庭主妇和一个电工;一个经济学家和一个项目经理 - 他们在一个瑞士小镇上的一个核掩体酒店一起喝酒一起说笑。


Alex Helmick,瑞士世界电台报道。


Swiss nuclear bunker becomes zero star hotel

Switzerland is one of the world’s most expensive countries to vacation, but there are deals if you know where to stay, especially in the tiny town of Sevelen about an hour west of Zurich. There two artists, twin brothers Frank and Patrik Riklin,  have converted a nuclear bunker into the world’s first zero star hotel. It’ll cost as little 13 francs a night. World Radio Switzerland’s Alex Helmick spent the night at the zero star hotel and has this story.

By Alex Helmick, World Radio Switzerland

Walking down the stairs to the bunker hotel, the Null Stern Hotel, is just about a dozen or so steps. You take a quick right and there’s a big door looking right at you. If it’s unlocked, it means the hotel is open. If it is locked, it means the Swiss army could be training in there.

The Null Stern Hotel forces you to interact with your fellow overnight guests. There are three large rooms: two bedrooms for seven guests each and one large lobby  with a few chairs and sinks lining the walls. The bathroom has a series of toilets in a row and the showers is like your local gym… just a number of shower heads on a wall.

After word got out about that hotel was getting ready to open, volunteers came out in droves. Fourteen were accepted for a partial opening that included the media.

Bernadette Golacz and her husband, a concrete layer, came from Austria to stay here.

HELMICK: Why did you want to stay here?

BERNADETTE GOLACZ: Because it is a very nice adventure to sleep here. You can not sleep every night in a—-what’s the name for this?

HELMICK: A bunker.

GOLACZ: Bunker. Ah, bunker! OK.

HELMICK: What is it in German?

GOLACZ: Bunker! It’s the same! (laughs)

Most of the people here are native German speakers. In fact,  the 24-point code of conduct at the Null Stern is written in German.One of the codes is to expect surprises, another is that the guests select the bedtime by taking the average amount of sleep everyone wants then subtracting it from the 7am wake up time.And then there’s the Glücksrad … the Null Stern version of Wheel of Fortune.

Not all the beds are the same. Some have more padding and nicer duvets, so to choose who gets which bed names are put on an old bike wheel hung on the wall and you spin for it.

Thomas Schrettl gets one of the beds in the first class room.

HELMICK : It looks like you’re going to have to toughen up and deal with first class.


HELMICK: You could trade with someone.

CHRETTL: Yeah, I’ll think about it… maybe not.

HELMICK: You’re not going to Thomas.

Schrettl was in the German navy and says the room suit him just fine.

SCHRETTL: The pureness of the concrete. I like it.

HELMICK: Does it remind you of your navy days at all?

CHRETTL: Yes, kind of. Except you have a lot more space here than on the frig (frigates) that I have been. So it is much more comfortable here than it was on the ship. And it is stable, you know.

HELMICK: It’s not rocking back and forth.

But rocking the boat is exactly what co-creator Frank Riklin wants to do with this project.

FRANK RIKLIN: And we would like to have a system behind the seven stars that would be a new system that has another meaning of being in the society. That means it is not commercial it is more social.

In other words, what is a 5 star hotel? What is a four star? Are stars even necessary and does it mean you will have a nicer stay and be more fulfilled because of it?

Riklin says the company that gives Swiss hotels star ratings has written him a letter saying they don’t like the idea of a zero star hotel very much.

The bearded, shaggy haired artists and his twin brother Patrik say they’re just taking a society obsessed with more and more amenities and giving it just the basics, so guests find joy in meeting new people in a quirky environment and maybe even having a drink together.

RIKLIN: We speak about, maybe we go to the restaurant and get something to drink because we are here, and so it is more than only a hotel. It is a movement. It’s a spirit.

So for one night, 14 strangers:  a housewife and an electrician, an economist and a project manager— drank and laughed together in a hotel bunker in a small Swiss town.

Riklin says he hopes to spread the zero star hotel idea to other towns. The one in Sevelen should be ready for full-time service in March.

Alex Helmick, World Radio Switzerland.
发表于 2008-11-18 13:50 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-18 15:41 | 显示全部楼层
酒店的名称是Null Stern,这是德语“零星级”的意思。

在圣加仑Sevelen民防地下室的木板床上睡一夜,只需要10-37瑞郎。艺术家孪生兄弟Frank和PatrikRiklin希望以这一“无星级”酒店,对抗那些奢华的大型“五星级酒店”。 (Keystone/AP Photo/AFS/PatrikRiklin)
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-18 15:44 | 显示全部楼层
房间没窗? 感觉很压抑。
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发表于 2008-11-18 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-18 17:25 | 显示全部楼层
可以在墙上画上一个窗户,再在里面画一些风景! 未命名.gif
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发表于 2008-11-18 18:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-18 19:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-18 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-18 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-18 23:38 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 空气稀薄 于 2008-11-18 01:41 发表
酒店的名称是Null Stern,这是德语“零星级”的意思。

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-18 23:39 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 直角 于 2008-11-18 05:32 发表

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发表于 2008-11-19 08:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-19 11:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-19 18:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-22 00:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-12-1 17:28 | 显示全部楼层
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