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【2010.3.9 TransportPolitic】中国用庞大的铁路计划推行其跨越大洲的雄心(#1、#2评论)

发表于 2010-3-20 00:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China Promotes Its Transcontinental Ambitions with Massive Rail Plan
【来源地址】http://www.thetransportpolitic.c ... -massive-rail-plan/
【刊载媒体】the Transport Politic


此帖的一些内容来自TreeHugger:http://www.treehugger.com/files/ ... l-across-europe.php
P.S. 本人之前翻过该网站上一篇关于高铁的文章:http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-214866-1-1.html




» China intends to extend its high-speed rail system towards south Asia and Europe with the goal of two-day journey times between London and Beijing.

If China weren’t already halfway through the construction of the world’s largest high-speed rail network, it would be difficult to take this proposal seriously. But the most populated country on earth has shown no deficit of skill recently in undertaking massive public works projects, and its ambitions — and willingness to finance them — show no sign of slowing.

So the news that China is planning a series of transcontinental high-speed rail lines designed to connect London to Beijing in just two days that broke yesterday in the South China Morning Post should be taken at face value. The proposal, which is mapped out above according to preliminary information about proposed alignments, would likely be the largest infrastructure project — ever. Taking the growing Chinese rail network as the starting point, new 200 mph lines would extend south towards Singapore, north and west into Siberia, and west through India, Kazakhstan, and Turkey, with the eventual goal of linking into the growing European fast train system.

Exact routes are not yet determined, but the general goal of the plan is to increase the region’s mobility through fast rail networks and to join together the mostly disconnected Asian and European systems.

Government officials in China plan to use this project to expand the country’s base of natural resources. Negotiations are already underway with 17 countries, premised on the idea that China would spend its own money building the rail links in exchange for resources it currently lacks. According to Wang Mengshu, a consultant working on the project, “We would actually prefer the other countries to pay in natural resources rather than make their own capital investment.”

China has already agreed to finance a rail link into Myanmar in exchange for the rights to that country’s lithium reserves. Russia and China have announced plans to build a new trans-Siberian link. Iran, Pakistan, and India are each negotiating with China to build domestic rail lines that would link into the overall transcontinental system.

It’s a sort of neo-imperialism desired by the countries to be colonized. Will they regret the selling off of their natural resources in exchange for better transportation offerings? Is this reasonable foreign investment on the part of China, or is it an attempt to take control of the economies of poor countries?

The strategy can’t be more clear: China wants to establish itself as the center of Asian trade, the hub of the world’s largest market. By developing the economies of Cental Asian and Eastern European countries that have missed out on the enormous growth currently being experienced by China, the region will experience increasing trade and development, a result that will in turn aid in expanding the Chinese economy. It would allow China to solidify its position as the dominant player in the Asian economy, with the goal of eliminating any hopes of increasing American or European influence there.

Though China’s economy continues to grow at an unbelievable pace, its slow-growth demographics resulting from the one-child policy mean that it must focus its efforts abroad if it wants to continue expansion into the future.

Despite China’s history of following through with its big rail plans, building a 17-country network is quite different than upgrading just its own lines. Some major problems, like track gauge differences and differing visa requirements, stand in the way of ever completing the project. If they get their way, however, Chinese officials want to complete the project in ten years. It’s an outrageous — and exciting — objective.


March 9th, 2010 at 09:23 · Reply

Wouldn’t these lines make much more sense as double stack freight rail corridors? That would seem to support the flow of goods and natural resources much better. Full electrification of the freight lines could come as a second phase, if oil scarcity makes that necessary.


HSR passenger rail seems nonsensical across central asia. As a strategy to expand Chinese influence and exclusive access to natural resources, I must admit there is a certain cleverness to it.

        Bob L.
        March 9th, 2010 at 12:23 · Reply

        Almost all of China’s rail is electrified with a minimum of double tracks now on its main lines.


        The U.S. of A. is doing everything it can to kill rail and good highway construction to move goods.

        “This needs to be plastered all across the US media, but I’m sure that it’s not.”

        We don’t want to hear this, we only want to hear our iPods and play video games as the rest of the world is passing us buy as we slip behind the third world counties of today in commerce and everything else.

                March 10th, 2010 at 22:33

                why would we as a society spend money on job-producing, economy-improving infrastructure that could otherwise be spent on personal “tchotchkes”?


March 9th, 2010 at 10:35 · Reply

And why aren’t we proposing similar connections with Latin America?


Oh yes, we’re broke, devoid of any greater vision than our next tax deduction, and China already took out options on their natural resources too.

It’s now only a matter of time before we’re a distant second fiddle, and this is just one more indication of it.

The Chinese will find a way of building simply what they need and no more (i.e. just double-stack in the outback), and extracting maximum payment for it.

Andy K
March 9th, 2010 at 10:47 · Reply

I remember going to a megaprojects talk given by a guy from Bechtel about 10 years ago talking about something like this. He was saying how the South Korean HSR project would link to Europe eventually. This was pre-China HSR.


March 9th, 2010 at 11:02 · Reply

I’m somewhat surprised they aren’t talking about something in the Bering Strait as well…


I also have to agree that some clarification is in order; an electrified, high quality network focussed on freight and carrying high speed trains makes a lot of sense, passenger HSR on all these lines though?


March 9th, 2010 at 11:25 · Reply

Wow. They really are planning to take over Asia.

哦~ 他们真的打算接管亚洲了。

Interesting how these routes completely avoid Afghanistan. I’d think the line from Delhi to Lahore would go to Islamabad and Kabul on it’s way to Tehran and on to London.

I would hope these lines would be primarily used for freight instead of just passengers. Being able to transport cargo in two days from Beijing to London on an electric train would revolutionize both the cost and environmental impact of freight transportation. I find it highly doubtful that passengers would ever ride this more than 1000 miles absolute maximum.

A Bering Strait tunnel combined with a S Korea-Japan tunnel could eventually do the same for moving freight from Asia to N America. The key would be building all the nuclear power plants and wind farms to power all these trains.

        Andy K
        March 9th, 2010 at 12:20 · Reply

        Ships are much cheaper for freight than rail.


                Max Wyss
                March 9th, 2010 at 16:37

                … as long as time is no issues and there were no pirates…


        John W
        March 9th, 2010 at 20:32 · Reply

        “I find it highly doubtful that passengers would ever ride this more than 1000 miles absolute maximum.”


        Actually, that could be an ideal distance for sleeper trains. Beijing-Hong Kong is roughly 1225 miles, which at 150mph average works out at just over 8 hours. NYC-Miami and NYC-St Louis (via Chicago) are in the same ballpark, while for, say, Atlanta-NYC you’d need to slow things down to an average of 110mph to ensure a full night’s sleep. Around 1500 miles and you’d have time for a nice dinner and a nightcap on board before being gently rocked to sleep.

        Even if it was priced the same as the equivalent flight, the trip costs would still work out cheaper: you could have a full weekend in New York and only have to pay for one night’s hotel bill.

        It might also be popular for business travellers – instead of getting up at 5am to get to the airport, and then on arrival fret about how long the taxi is taking in rush hour traffic, you’d roll off the train in Manhattan refreshed and with time for breakfast before that morning meeting.

        (I’m not suggesting that a 1000 mile line with no intermediate stops would be at all cost effective, but if you’re building it to connect a line of major cities anyway, you may as well take full advantage of it).

Mason Hicks
March 9th, 2010 at 11:54 · Reply

This needs to be plastered all across the US media, but I’m sure that it’s not. China is seeing to value of creating transit cooridors and is thereby sticking their flag in the sand to stake their claim to vital resources that will be needed to replace oil. They are therby cutting us out of the very resources that we will need to move forward. This is pure brilliance on their part. Allthewhile the folks at home in the US are still trying to come to grips with the value of spending capital on our domestic transit infrastructure. This is huge news. I hop that we’re awake.


March 9th, 2010 at 13:25 · Reply

I admire the ambition, but this idea of building a transcontinental high-speed rail from Asia to Europe is nonsensical, to say the least. There would be long stretches of sparsely-populated areas along this proposed line or numerous poor, developing countries that it would pass through. Is this economically viable?


It would make more sense to build a conventional railway that can both transport freight and passengers. Even that is not possible in fifty years – we’re talking about-how many countries involved?- crossing 17 countries!

        John W
        March 9th, 2010 at 14:51 · Reply

        Most of these routes already exist as conventional rail already – the Trans-Siberian since World War I. It’s just that it takes about 9 days to travel London–Beijing. I think you can do it needing only to change trains three times (in Paris, Berlin and Moscow, for instance). I’ve always wanted to travel the Trans-Siberian (6-7 days depending on routing – The Man in Seat 61 has a good write-up of the options).


        The shortest route, the Trans-Mongolian would drop from 6 days to 32 hours if the average speed of the journey was kept to 150mph for the 4800-mile route. Can you imagine – get on board in Moscow at bedtime, spend the next day watching the taiga and steppes whizzing past and wander around Tiananmen Square the following morning. It would definitely lack the ‘romance’ and camaraderie of the existing journey though.

        So there’s definitely potential for demand well in excess of 1000 miles – backpackers and adventurers currently willing to do the trip much more slowly (unless they’d be put off by the modernity!), and presumably the current clientele of Russians and Chinese if prices stay low relative to airfares.

                March 9th, 2010 at 20:05

                Until you travel the Trans-Siberian for real, you can take the virtual tour :


                James A
                March 10th, 2010 at 03:18

                Actually, you can do London – Beijing with just two transfers: in Paris to the weekly Paris – Moscow sleeper and in Moscow to the Transsiberian. Likewise it’s possible to get to Pyongnyang with just two transfers, provided you have the appropriate paperwork!


Russell Warshay
March 9th, 2010 at 13:56 · Reply

Who will maintain these corridors?


March 9th, 2010 at 14:04 · Reply

Yonah, the Kashmir Railway isn’t connected to the rest of IR network and the Bam-Zahedan gap has already been closed.


Stirner, double-stack is AFAIK impossible on ex-Soviet network, due to lower loading gauge (albeit higher than standard-gauge Europe) and extensive electrification that was on Transsib completed quite recenty (in 2002).

NCarlson, I wouldn’t expect serious Bering Straight crossing proposal from Russia or China until there’s fixed link connecting Alaska to Canadian and US network.

Andrew Lynch
March 9th, 2010 at 17:08 · Reply

Seems China has just taken a page from Daniel Burnham’s book: “Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will not themselves be realized.”


Beijing to London in 2 days? Sounds like the setting for the next generation of ‘Murder on the Orient Express’.

Alon Levy
March 9th, 2010 at 20:05 · Reply

The break of gauge issue at the borders with India and Russia would be a big problem. So would coordination with other nations’ plans. For example, Russia is planning to upgrade speeds on the Trans-Siberian; a transcontinental HSR network would probably not detour through Astana and Ulan Bator.


Russia may not support double-stacked freight, but India does. In fact it supports it better than North America: its broad gauge gives its trains more stability, allowing them to run double-stacked containers on ordinary flatcars instead of special well cars.

Whatever this is, it’s not going to be economic development. China’s intentions are probably the same as Britain’s intentions when it built an Indian rail network: development oriented toward colonialism. China is already developing colonial relations with some countries in Africa, Latin America, and Central Asia.

        James D
        March 10th, 2010 at 15:46 · Reply

        I think this is why they’re trying to push standard gauge on countries in central Asia. Once they can reach Mashhad, then it’s only the completion of the Bosphorus tunnel and somehow getting around Lake Van that stops a Chinese train from running to Europe.


                March 10th, 2010 at 18:29

                Even then route through Russia will remain shorter and way less hilly – the only mountains between Dostyk and Germany is low Ural range, while all the way from Mashad to Germany goes through rugged Alpides. There are also two broad gauge lines piercing the standard gauge territory in in Slovakia and in Poland, should any of them be extended to any terminal close enough to Germany, the niche for link via Iran would be very small.


                However, this is kind of Big Game. Russia will do everything to keep it’s landbridge monopoly while China certainly won’t like it and Iran would like to get its share from this bussiness. Kazach Raiways announced their plans for standard gauge link six years ago, no fresh news about that link surfaced since then.

                Even if the all-standard gauge rail link is put together, there’s one devilish detail: incompatible couplers. China uses AAR coupler, ex-Soviet countries, some Iranian trains and some heavy-duty european lines use SA-3 and the rest of European standard-gauge network buffers and chain.

                March 13th, 2010 at 15:41

                Europe is overdue for a coupler change (buffers and chain is INSANE in this day and age). I suspect something will cause a big change there, and China will either switch to SA-3 or Europe to AAR, or someone will devise a tricky multisystem SA-3/AAR coupler.


                The push for the standard gauge link is big. Once the route around Lake Van is done, the major gap is from Iran to China. Pakistan actually proposed standard gauge conversion. Either Pakistan or India could do three-rail dual-gauge, standard and Indian; Russia can’t because its gauge is too close to standard gauge. Alternatively the Central Asian route could be taken, and of course that requires gauge conversion in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan is also in poor political shape at the moment. Afghanistan has to be completely avoided, of course.

                March 13th, 2010 at 19:41

                Buffers and chain might be insane but it’s not bad enough to make operators want it replaced. You know, locomotives and cars are ready for central coupler since early 1970’s (timeline; scharfenberg coupled to hook via adapter), it’s possible just to come, unscrew hook & chain and screw new coupler in place. It didn’t happen in those 40 years. Probably because of huge costs and benefits limited by maximum train length of 750 m. Switch of either Russia and China is even less likely.


                I just can’t see bussiness case for standard gauge link. The direct link involves at least 2000-3000 km of new track just to go through mountainous, possibly unfriendly energy-scarce (it doesn’t have refineries for its oil), equally mountainous Turkey with Marmaray tunnel that’s very likely to be congested by passengers train, again mountainous Bulgaria to get to Hungary, first country where the containers could be transferred to trucks or other trains to reach their destination. Russian route doesn’t look that bad then, the half day you lose by transfering to broad gauge can be more that made up by shorter and straigter route, possibly allowing 120 km/h right away through all broad gauge territory except Ural range, Belarus and LHS.




发表于 2010-3-20 00:47 | 显示全部楼层


March 9th, 2010 at 20:36 · Reply

If India and SE Asia were to ever be tied into a Mid-East and Europe network that would practically require passage through Iran. Yikes.


        March 9th, 2010 at 23:07 · Reply

        Ahmadinejad notwithstanding, Iran wouldn’t be the biggest worry along such a line.


        Pakistan, Kashmir and Afghanistan would be the real danger zones. In the Middle East, the most perilous zones would be in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Israel and its neighbors.

                James D
                March 10th, 2010 at 15:41

                The traditional route from Europe to Persia (Iran) includes just one intermediate country: Turkey. There aren’t any security risks there, although there is a serious risk of earthquakes. As for going east, the map in the OP shows how to do it: via Tashkent. It’s a shame that the route proposed isn’t more direct between Tashkent and Beijing though.


                March 11th, 2010 at 14:56

                Me thinks that once these places are tied in to the railway and become economically prosperous, they won’t be danger zones anymore.


                Alon Levy
                March 11th, 2010 at 16:15

                The railway wouldn’t make them economically prosperous any more than the first wave of railway building did in the 19th century.


        Alon Levy
        March 10th, 2010 at 14:35 · Reply

        China doesn’t regard Iran as a pariah state; only the US and its allies do. The plan is careful to avoid Afghanistan and Iraq, which are internationally considered danger zone and which air carriers avoid overflying, or at least avoided in the past.


                March 11th, 2010 at 12:58

                every other country might not regard iran as a pariah state, but that doesn’t mean anyone likes or trusts them. maybe venezuela.


        March 10th, 2010 at 18:41 · Reply

        Such link already exists. It doesn’t seem to be used as a landbridge though as no of respective companies market it.


                March 13th, 2010 at 15:50

                That’s not a complete link. Kazakhstan did link into China, but with gauge-changers. They moved the gauge-change point well into Kazakhstan, and it appears they were actually constructing the standard-gauge to Aktogai (as noted in the linked article).


                However, the proposal to link it to Iran hasn’t been executed yet, largely because it has to go through Turkmenistan (which is a MESS). There was no commitment from Turkmenistan so it didn’t happen.

                March 13th, 2010 at 16:03

                They’ve just got funding for the link through Turkmenistan. Just now.



                Not clear whether it’s still planned as a standard gauge link.


                March 13th, 2010 at 18:49

                Brendan talked about Europe-India link, that is complete now. The link could certainly help, but therere are still thousands km left, most of that don’t even have broad-gauge line now (Beyneu – Aralsk – Mointy section, see map).


Mad Park
March 9th, 2010 at 22:56 · Reply

Sarah Palin would NEVER let them come across the Bering Strait


March 10th, 2010 at 13:25 · Reply

And for us USA residents, we need the right paperwork to just get into Russia. I have no clue how passport control would work. Nor visa requirements. Politically (and we’re talking international politics) it just won’t work unless all visa requirements are dropped.


        Alon Levy
        March 10th, 2010 at 14:45 · Reply

        Passport control would probably work the same way as it did on international trains in Europe before border controls were lifted. There would be border inspectors from each country boarding the train at the last station before each border, checking everyone’s papers on the way, and then getting off at the first station after the border.


        The real problem is the break of gauge, not the border control issue.

                John W
                March 10th, 2010 at 15:34

                They could use variable gauge trainsets as in Spain. Or swap the bogies, as they do on the Budapest to L’viv route at Cop. (Can’t remember how long the process took – many years ago now and I think I just went back to sleep after the initial noise).


                Alon Levy
                March 10th, 2010 at 16:27

                They use bogie swaps now at the Russian-Chinese border. It takes hours.


                Variable gauge would probably be the way to go, assuming China can develop the technology itself or steal it from Talgo. (Remember: colonial ventures are all about foisting existing national industries on new markets. Imports are incompatible with the idea.)

March 11th, 2010 at 00:56 · Reply

I believe gauge is not a big issue. I assume that new tracks have to be built – in accordance to Chinese standard – in order for the train to achieve 350km/h top speed. (380km/h by 2012.)


Politics will be a hurdle, though. I doubt nations hostile to China, e.g. Russia, India, Vietnam, will support this idea.

Luis Morales (Spain)
March 11th, 2010 at 04:32 · Reply

Comment: Colonialism or imperialism involves military ocupation, it can be accepted (protectorate) or not.
Colonialism involves settlement of inmigrants.
It seems only a trade deal.


March 11th, 2010 at 14:34 · Reply

The high-speed rail to Urumqi is already being constructed. The work was began in November last year. See Wikipedia:



And according to the latest news, the railway will be a 1776-km long 350 km/h railway connect Lanzhou, Xining, Jiayuguan, Turpan and Urumqi. Upon its completion in 2014, it is possible to go from Beijing to Urumqi in just 12 hours.


http://news.163.com/10/0220/14/5VVMOUR2000120GU.html (in Chinese)

serial catowner
March 15th, 2010 at 18:07 · Reply

A lot of you are just not getting it. When you build HSR you’re building a new line anyway, because the engineering requirements for passenger service are different from freight. What you’re selling is the ability to cover more distance in less time, so it becomes a positive virtue to pass through big empty areas, with no stations to slow you down. The trains operate as trainsets, and are only rarely coupled together at the outer ends, so most of your coupler issues go away. And who knows, maybe for wind and solar energy sources, the steppes are the place to be.


This is not new territory for the Chinese. They’ve been working with the Russians for years to build transcontinental freight lines that would beat containerships to Europe.

My own guess is that within 50 years civilian air travel will be a thing of the past, so in a sense the Chinese are just being realistic here, not visionary. It just seems visionary to those of us stuck in the century of the automobile.

        Alon Levy
        March 16th, 2010 at 00:14 · Reply

        The proposal seems pretty freight-oriented to begin with. Passengers from Beijing to Europe would probably not want to detour through Manchuria.


                March 18th, 2010 at 12:59

                What does Manchuria have to do with anything when you could just head over the Silk Route through Urumqi? serial catowner is exactly right, *IF* this is a proposal for true high-speed rail.

                你可以通过乌鲁木齐走丝绸之路,这关满洲里什么事?serial catowner说的没错,只要这是个真实的高铁计划。

                But at the same time, Alon is right to be skeptical — it really does seem like a “pretty freight-oriented” proposal when you look at the routings. Newspaper reporters often make the rookie mistake of confusing conventional rail with high-speed rail. Heck, I’ve even read newspaper articles that described the Qinghai-Tibet railway as HSR. (Since when was 100 km/hr high-speed rail?!). A fast freight connection is just that — a fast conventional railroad.

                The SCMP newspaper article did seem to be explicitly talking about actual HSR, rather than conventional rail. But I’m disturbed by the fact that the proposal is described in the article entirely in paraphrase by the reporter. Wang Mengshu is never quoted talking explicitly about HSR. It’s a newspaper article broken in *one* newspaper, relying on information from *one* expert, without any actual direct quotes that seem relevant to HSR.

                I think it plausible that this is just a figment of the 24-hour news cycle. The SCMP is usually reliable, but I’ve seen plenty of usually-reliable news sources get rail technology completely wrong. But I can easily be convinced the other way — all it’ll take is a direct quote that directly talks about speeds and travel times, from someone who is not Wang Mengshu, in a newspaper other than the South China Morning Post.

March 15th, 2010 at 22:12 · Reply

This is neat in away are the rails in China the same 4 foot 8 inch gauge like in the US and Europe if so that would be good to get rid of all the odd gauges in the middle of the two rail systems.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-20 16:29 | 显示全部楼层
st_aster 发表于 2010-3-20 15:48

不客气。可以。 P.S. 又是转去飞扬么?


如果要在土库曼斯坦修的话,该国的中西部已经有了比较完善的铁路线,大城市也 ...
Yog_Sothoth 发表于 2010-3-20 16:12

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发表于 2010-3-20 16:52 | 显示全部楼层
不客气。可以。 P.S. 又是转去飞扬么?

感谢楼上提供相关资料和见解。个人觉得原文作者是根据其掌握的信 ...
rhapsody 发表于 2010-3-20 16:29

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st_aster 发表于 2010-3-20 16:52

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发表于 2010-3-21 00:10 | 显示全部楼层

老外你也别凭自己想象在歪歪。。。。。。我直接告诉你中国要树立自己成为世界的中心,成为世界的科技、经济、文化中心,你滴明白了吗?你也太小瞧我们中国人的雄心了,我们要像过去18个世纪——3000多年的历史一样,重回世界的巅峰,做NO。1  ,你们等着看吧!
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发表于 2010-3-21 00:30 | 显示全部楼层
  能给个中文名字、给个连接吗?谢谢。 ...
不死狂龙 发表于 2010-3-20 21:06

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发表于 2010-3-21 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
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  能给个中文名字、给个连接吗?谢谢。 ...
不死狂龙 发表于 2010-3-20 21:06

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发表于 2010-3-21 13:11 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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