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发表于 2008-4-9 00:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

China: Chinese protest in London you never see on BBC BY JOHN KENNEDY


已经有好多回帖了,我花了一整晚写的回帖不知道为什么就是发不上去,一开始大概因为有些个字眼不够MODERATE, 然而经过一番修改还是发不上去就实在不知道是怎么搞的了。我把它贴在这里,谁帮忙发一下吧 谢谢

I was browsing anti-cnn.com for the first time and then I got here somehow. ^_^ and
following the directions I checked to the bbc.co.uk and there I saw the videos. for an
ordinary english learner like myself it is rather difficult to understand all of the live
comments in the voiceover. however, the big picture is clean and clear: what a lleh of a
party! heihei! torch bearers, police and policewomen, flags of different colors, shouts of
senseless slogans, and a fire distinguisher haha. it will not put out the torch flame like
that ok not even with water pour right on top of it. you had gotten to be more creative
than that if you were so truely determined for it.  a girl wearing a funny costume(may be
a grown women who knows, she might as well just feel offended to be thought as younger)
was interviewed and said that she thought the issue was more important than politcs and
sports...  o(∩_∩)o... you know what? it made me feel like she really thought she was
there to solve some problems. instead of having fun.  

then another girl was interviewed to have said something i cant quite follow but she
certainly has a way with the camera and it was simple and obvious that she felt denied her
passion and love of her country. dont worry baby, the party has yet to begin.  
China is proud of you, your happiness is everything to her. bbc thinks you dont deserve
it, well, they will be well taken care of and you dont have to give it a s***.
bbc is an orgnisation that has its very own political purposes and appeals, its own
perspective and orientation, and its own political positions and interests. bias is not
the right word for it. I never expected bbc to express our opinions fully completely, it
doesnt serve its purpose. bbc thinks it can baffle ppl with its silly old tricks, and
disapprove other ppl's efforts, and play the common opinions around. one doesnt even have
to have an eye to see the fact that bbc is not what it wants itself to look like.
bbc never shows how welcomed the torch relays were and will be in most countries. when it
uses the word worldwide it doesnt always mean it, it does not include two thirds of the
countries and ppl exist on the earth. bbc says it speaks of the truth but the truth is it
only speaks of what it hoped to be true. bbc's got style man, when it comes to the so
called "violence in tibet" issue its strategy is this: if it's not completely full of
s***, it is a great dish. it should be well cooked and served. maybe this is bias, but
could u prove the otherwise that if i was wrong.  

I leaned this new english word "condone" from watching the video, lol. I know the word
condamn, and the word forgive, and excuse, but id never learned "condone" before now. it's
a nice word isnt it. appreciated. although it doesnt mean i condone bbc, I start to think
may be it's the fastest way to better my english. I studied 3 foreign languages, english
is my weakest one. I like harry potter, and mr. beans, and I like the english premier
league, and I definitely agree with the idea of free international trade, but that does
not mean I condone the britain for starting the opium war and its centry long robbery act
throughout the world. I certainly dont condone bbcs for their deliberately fabricating and
distorting story tellings.

China is hosting the Olympic Games for all mankind, not just someone with some particular
political opinions or ideologies or religious beliefs. it is a great sport event where
anything is possible, and you can meet and compete with ppl from all over the world, poor
or rich, dark skined or light skined, tall or short, gay or straight, bold or hairy, if
you believe you are good enough you practiced hard you have a chance to win all the pride
and glory. and remark my words we will not try to boycott or refuse to participate the
olympic game in the future wherever it's going to be held, in London or even again in
Japan. I just dont think we Chinese are that boring and ret-ar-ded.  So this yr's Olympic
Games as a third world country, for the first time in the history, China, which is going
to be hosting it, it is doomed to be the greatest and one most extraordinary game of all
time. nothing you can do to stop us from being proud of our own country. sorry. but it's
not an apology.

I hope Ive made myself clear [email=lol@my]lol@my[/email] troubled english writings.


there's a few more lines I'd like to add. I F** saw it with my own eyes what had happened in Aba County, Sichuan province, on that very day, I dont have a video or anything to back up my story and I dont have the intension to tell it, I'm just very glad I was there on that day to witness it and survived. bbcs' focus on the matter is never about whether there is violence in tibet, lost of innocent lives, human rights abuses or anything, but whether or not there is any unharmonious factors that may effect this fastest growing economy in the world today so it can use to dig some journalistic value out of it. to the anti-bejing olympic protesters, your behavours are hilarously amusing. I'm counting on you ppl, you guys can do a lot better. but I definitely doubt it if you could make me supprised anyhow. I hope your enthusiasms will not drain too soon, without you gangs the games no matter how spectacular and successful, will fail to be too extraordinary and something for the rest of days to remember.  because in the end, it's all just a show.


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