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【08.12.01 加拿大环球邮报】酷刑在中国

发表于 2008-12-3 10:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【标题】Torture in China 酷刑在中国




上周联合国反对酷刑委员会的报告显示,强迫入住精神病院、威胁律师、从政治上控制法官、制造人员“失踪” -- 这个极权国家的酷刑把戏是世人皆知的。那些进京上访的人有可能在未见法官之前就被送到了称为“黑监狱”的秘密关押中心里。即使等待处决的犯人也会遭到虐待,比如24小时戴手铐脚镣。 另外,还不断地有报道显示事先没有得到犯人或家属同意就从被处决犯人身上摘取器官。




Torture in China

December 1, 2008
China is in denial about its secret jails and torture in state custody, but the rest of the world should not be. The police-state apparatus that the Summer Olympics in Beijing was designed to make people forget is still very much in existence, as a United Nations report reminds us.

Forced hospitalization in psychiatric wards, intimidation of lawyers, judges subject to political control, people made to "disappear" - the full police-state playbook is in evidence, the UN Committee against Torture showed in a report last week. People trying to come to Beijing to petition the authorities for redress of their grievances may disappear into secret centres - "black jails" - without review by a judge. Even on death row, prisoners are subject to abusive conditions, such as being shackled 24 hours a day. And there are continued reports that organs are harvested from the executed without their prior consent, or their family's.

No police state would be complete without its grotesque absurdities - for instance, police officers torturing a woman to make her confess to prostitution, so they could fine a man for soliciting prostitutes, according to a brief prepared by Chinese lawyers for the UN committee. Many Chinese sources have corroborated reports that torture is routinely used to extract confessions or other information for criminal cases, the committee said.

China vigorously denies the committee's charges. It says it amended its law last year guaranteeing the right of lawyers to meet with suspects, and set in national law a rule excluding illegal evidence, barred torture to obtain confessions, and placed video cameras in interrogation rooms.

The state has taken some steps, but not very effective ones. As the UN committee pointed out, China still lacks an explicit bar to the use of confessions obtained under torture as evidence in court. It has no effective and independent system to monitor detainees. As for those cameras in interrogation rooms, they are under police control, according to the Chinese lawyers' brief. The police edit or delete them, as they see fit.

The world keeps hoping that China's modernization will lead to true democratization, and China feeds that hope by talking about a 12-year plan to establish public democratic involvement at all government levels. But where is the evidence? Without democratization, the worst forms of oppression will no doubt continue.
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