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【12.02 美国 CNN】 “枪炮与玫瑰”“胡椒博士”合作促销熄火

发表于 2008-12-4 23:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[原创翻译]【12.02 美国 CNN】 “枪炮与玫瑰”“胡椒博士”合作促销熄火 12.02 美国 CNN “枪炮与玫瑰”“胡椒博士”合作促销熄火

【标题】Guns N' Roses Dr Pepper promo misfires

Guns N' Roses Dr Pepper promo misfires

Guns N' Roses wants an apology from Dr Pepper after a crashed Web site left fans locked out of a promotion.

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Guns N' Roses became Guns N' Roses N' Lawyers this week.

The megaband, which released its first album in 17 years last week, has found itself in a legal tussle with soft drink giant Dr Pepper (DPS) over a promotion turned awry.

Dr Pepper rolled out a marketing campaign in March promising a "free soda" to "everyone in America" on one condition - Axl Rose, lead singer and frontman for Guns N' Roses, had to "finally release his 17-year-in-the-making belabored masterpiece, 'Chinese Democracy,' in 2008."
“胡椒博士”三月份展开营销战役,许诺给“每个在美国的人”一瓶“免费汽水”,唯一条件是:乐队“枪炮与玫瑰”的主唱和灵魂人物Axl Rose必须“最终在2008年发行他辛勤做了17年的大作‘中国民主’”。

Guns N' Roses, often called GN'R by its fans, released the album last week. And Dr Pepper followed through, posting a coupon on its Web site for a can of soda. There was one catch: fans had 24 hours to go the Web site and print out the coupon.

That's when the Pepper hit the fan.

Fans with an Axl to grind

So many GN'R fans tried to get the coupon that they choked the site and it crashed. Disgruntled and downright ticked off, some blamed the band.

"When you go on the blogs and you read the responses from the fans, they associated Axl with this promotion ... and blame him for the fact that they didn't get their free soda," said GN'R lawyer Laurie Soriano.

That's when GN'R became GN'RN'L. Soriano fired off a letter to Dr P. No one is LOL.

Her letter asked the soft drink company to make good on its offer. She has yet to hear back, Soriano said this week.

"We've gone public with the fact that we are not involved but are trying to clean up the mess," Soriano told CNN.

Dr Pepper told CNN it had "taken great steps" to keep up its end of the bargain. It said it extended the window for the giveaway from 24 to 42 hours, added a toll-free line to handle consumer requests for the coupons and set up an interactive voice recorder to accept coupon requests. None of those measures are still in effect.

"Additionally," the company said in a written statement, "for those who contacted us in the week after the giveaway about difficulties requesting the coupon, we continued to offer free coupons to address any problems they may have encountered."

That may be so, but the band still wants an apology.

"The door to a lawsuit being filed is always open until the fans are taken care of and Dr Pepper has done the right thing," Soriano told CNN.

Meanwhile, the band may have other concerns. Remember those blogs that blamed GN'R for the Dr Pepper snafu? Well, now some of those blogs are blaming Axl Rose for the new album's reception.
与此同时,乐队也有其他的顾虑。还记得那些因为“胡椒博士”的大失误而指责“枪花”的博客吗?当然,现在其中的一些博客开始因为新专辑的反响来指责主唱Axl Rose

"The album was beaten to the top of the UK charts by The Killers' 'Day And Age' on Sunday," the music news site NME.com said Tuesday in a segment labeled Today's Top Gossip. "Sources have said that record bosses are fuming because Rose has been AWOL for the last two months - meaning he hasn't done any promotional work for the album."
“上周日,‘杀手乐团’的歌《Day and Age》击败‘枪炮与玫瑰’,登顶英国排行榜”,音乐新闻网站NME.com在一个名为“今日流言头条”的节目里宣布。“有资料显示,唱片公司高层们非常恼火,因为‘玫瑰’乐队在前两个月一直擅离职守——意思是指责主唱Axl Rose没有为此专辑做任何宣传工作”。

And an official Chinese Communist Party newspaper was widely reported as describing "Chinese Democracy" as a "venomous attack" on China, accusing the band of turning "its spear point on China."

As Axl once said, "Welcome to the jungle. It gets worse here every day."

First Published: December 2, 2008: 1:10 PM ET

[ 本帖最后由 jundaomc 于 2008-12-5 07:59 编辑 ]




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