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[2008-12-13 天空新闻] 一英镑难换一欧元

发表于 2008-12-13 22:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
标题:Pound Won't EvenBuy Single Euro


The pound hasfallen to a record low against the euro. The two currencies couldsoon reach parity for the first time. That's good news for some butbad news for others.

Thepound has reached a new record low against Euro


Rescue packages, Bankintervention, global action - we are told the mechanisms are all inplace to make this economic crisis as short and shallow as possible.
Even Mr Brown, in hismonumental Commons gaffe last week, let it slip that he and his teamhave "saved the world" when it comes to the crumblingfinancial system.But when you look at oneparticular set of numbers - you may not feel very "saved".


Holidaymakersare feeling the pinch

Sterling's performance againstthe euro has never been so bad.
Soon, one pound is expected tobuy you just one euro because Sterling has lost 20% of it's value inthe last year.


As much as politicians and themarket try and talk it back up, it's taking a battering fromconsistently negative economic figures.
There is also a loss ofconfidence triggered by the Bankof England repeatedly slashing interest rates.


It's not all doom and gloom ofcourse.


Businesses that export theirgoods to Europe will be happy with this situation - small recompense,perhaps, for a generally shrinking marketplace.
Simon Ecclestone owns aWolverhampton based company that makes specialised components forAutomation equipment.
They are intent on developingtheir business in Europe and hope to finalise a contract on thecontinent worth around £5m next year.


   We think this is asbad as it gets.
    Nick Parsons, Head ofMarket Strategy at nabCapital.
    Nick Parsons,NABCapital市场策略主管

"Parity of the euro andSterling doesn't affect our thinking in terms of strategy but it isan added bonus...The question really is, will parity with the euromean Gordon Brown will want to link in with it?," he said.
But for most UK residents theweakening pound makes short-haul travel an expensive option.


It could push more people tostay within the British Isles for their holiday or save up longerbefore taking a long-haul trip where they might get more for theirmoney.
The Sterling/euro price thattraders see on their screens may not yet have reached parity.
But when exchanging money atforeign exchange kiosks, some travellers have already been gettingless than one euro for every pound they hand over.Retail margins andcommission have already tipped the balance for them.
Expats in countries who getpaid in Sterling but spend their earnings in euros are also obviouscasualties.


Independent Financial Advisor,Barry Davys of ExpatFinancial Advice, Spain, says parity is a prospect that iscausing some Brits living abroad to alter their lifestyles.
"Many expats like to keepone eye on the currency markets because they are open to returning tothe UK if they have medical problems or to see family," he said.
"The problem is, if theyown a property in Spain and want to sell it, parity will make thatvery difficult.
"The cost of buyingproperty in Spain is proportionally much, much more expensive."

来自西班牙ExpatFinancial Advice 独立金融分析师BarryDavys说,英镑和欧元的持平意味着旅居海外的英国人要改变他们的生活方式。

But some believe this is apremature concern and the two currencies are not going to parity.
"We think this is as badas it gets" says Nick Parsons, Head of Market Strategy atnabCapital.
"We would advise that thepound is a buy against the euro and the dollar. We have been bearishabout the pound all year but we have changed our view.
"The bad news on theeconomy and rates has been reflected in the price. The time to bebearish about the pound was a year ago."
So, it is not yet a done dealand surely we shouldn't be surprised about that.
Perhaps the only thing the lastfew months has taught us is that when it comes to stock, commodity orcurrency markets, nothing is certain.

“我们认为它差不哪里去”,NickParsons,NAB Capital的市场策略主管说,“我们建议买入英镑,整整一年英镑都处在熊市中,我想现在我们不这么认为了。”

[ 本帖最后由 woodorw 于 2008-12-13 22:44 编辑 ]




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