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Tibet's history outlined

发表于 2008-4-11 22:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Tibet's history outlined
China is a unified multi-ethnic country, since ancient times Tibet is an inseparable part of China. As early as in 2070, living in the Tibetan inhabitants living in the Central Plains and the links of the Han nationality. And after a long period of time, the Tibetan plateau of the many tribes dispersed gradually unified, a Tibetan now.
     Tubo Dynasty in the seventh century, China has entered a new historical stage. Tang Dynasty (618-907) established a powerful unified regime, the end of the Central Plains region more than 300 years of confusion split situation. At the same time, the Tibetan hero Songtsan Gambo mergers dozen tribes and clans, in the Tibetan plateau to achieve reunification, formally established the Tubo Dynasty, and its capital logic娑(today Lhasa). Songtsan Gambo in power, determined to fix Tang Ting, the Tang dynasty learn advanced production technology and political cultural achievements. He was twice sent to the Minister Tang Ting proposal, in the year 641, Emperor Taizong of the married women in Princess Wen Cheng. Songtsan Gambo Caojiu introduced from the Tang Dynasty, milling, Zhimei, such as production techniques, sent to the children of aristocrats Chang'an (now Xi'an) study Shi-Shu, Han scholars to engage the Fan Code Table infrequent, and the Tang Dynasty in the political, economic , and cultural areas have maintained a very friendly relationship. Tang Gaozong Songtsan Gambo closure "of Ma Du Wei," "West Sea Prefectual Governor", and then Jin called "Binwang." Tubo Songtsan Gambo laid the Tang Dynasty more than 200 years with the frequent exchange of visits between the "pro-Shengjiu Friends."

     AD 710, Tang Jin Princess embroidered brocade with tens of thousands of horse, the technology of the box and a variety of utensils should be used to Fan, married Tibetan Chek Dezu Wang Zan. Jin Fan Princess After all funded Yutian (now the Xinjiang), the Buddhist monk to fan Jianshi Translation, and the Tang Dynasty to achieve "Mao", "Book of Rites," "Tso", "Selected Works" books. AD 821, the Red Hot Bod Wang Jin three Palestinian Changan request will be sent to UNITA. Tangmu fate of the prime minister, and other officials of the Tubo and Changan will be in the western suburbs of UNITA officials held a grand ceremony of the league. The following year, the Tang dynasty, and so on to send Liu Yuan-ding Tubo find UNITA, and illustrates the legacy of Tibetan monks cloth and the still-chi of the heart in children and others alliance eastern outskirts of Lhasa. This will be the first year of UNITA at the Tangchangqiang (822) and 2002 (823),the history says "Changqing Alliance." The two sides reiterated the AU will be history "and the same for a" pro-Shengjiu Friends, negotiating
the future "readable." The contents of the league record of carved stone, "Tang Fan" Monument to the league a total of three, including a stand before the Johkang Monastery in Lhasa. Tibet region's separatist separatism

     AD 842, the result of the Tubo Dynasty royal family and tribal strife between the scuffle side will be split between the collapse of numerous non-EC is the local forces. They each side and mutual Zhengfa, a succession of war lasted 400 years. The middle of the 13th century, Tibet unified in the early 13th century China, the Mongolian leader Genghis Khan in Mongolia in northern China established khanates. 1247, Sagya monks Banzhida Gongga Kennedy endorsed Mongolia Godan Prince Khanate in the Liangzhou (now in Wuwei, Gansu) agreed on Tibet Chubuguishun Mongolia Khanate and accepted by the local administrative system provides the contents of Savimbi Ka-establish local government. 1271, Mongolia Khan regime for the yuan to the country, and in the 1279 reunification of the whole of China, the establishment of a unified central government, Tibet, the central government of China's Yuan Dynasty under the direct control of an administrative region. 1260, the Yuan dynasty emperor Kublai Khan (1215-1294) is the throne Mongolia Khan, the nephew of closure Gyaincain Gongga, Sagya Basiba king of the way for the country division. 1264, Kublai Khan interpretations of the hospital system, the fate Basiba to Division status Jianling hospital matter. In the hospital system (later changed Xuanzheng House), set up "to Secretary has Xuanwei Marshal House" to deal with the jurisdiction of the present and in most parts of Tibet in the military and political affairs. Xuanwei Secretary Below presiding over the management of the Home Office 10000, by 1000. 1265, Kublai Khan Basiba closure for large-king of the way, Dili division, and through Basiba recommend the appointment of the Explorer of Tibet affairs, the Chief Executive and 13 10,000 10,000 Long House. 1268, 1287 and 1334, three times the Yuan Dynasty central dispatch officials in Tibet inventory accounts, the establishment of the Tibet region is still 15 Inn, linked to the majority (now Beijing) line, and the establishment of the Tibet " Urals "(meaning corvee, and render their) system. Past the jurisdiction of the central government in Tibet since the mid-13th century Yuan Dynasty Tibet formally classified territory, although there have been several generations of Chinese dynasties, why dynasties changed, and the replacement of the central government on many occasions, but the central government has been in Tibet? Under the jurisdiction of House . The middle of the 14th century, the gradual decline of the Sakya Sect local government.

     1354, Gyaincain down Qu headed by the Pazhu Kargyupa become ruler of most parts of Tibet, and formed a caliphate Pazhu local government. Mo Zhu period in Tibet, the central government yuan recognition of this fact, closed down for large-Gyaincain Szeto. After the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, thanks to a general closure policy, the political strength of the local religious leaders are all thanks to the "King", "king of the way", "Anointment; Division" name; throne succession must be approved by the emperor , Sending Envoys canonized. At this time, the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama two Living Buddha systems which Gelupa rise III to the Ming Dynasty to the Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso Gong, was sealed thanks to the Ming Dynasty "Duoer only sing" name. Ming of the Central Tibetan governance, the approach followed the Yuan dynasty, has set up Wusi Tibetan, Duo Coombe two "command to the Secretary for Health," and "Russian people think of Marshal House" and management before and after the possession, the Qamdo and Ngari Prefecture military and political affairs. Meanwhile, the local government in Tibet Pazhu parts of the system were established, the list of the executive heads, are delegated to the Ming dynasty official, it not only in this (or county) and the Central Registry life.

     Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty in 1644, the governance of Tibet more closely to the central government in the jurisdiction of the exercise of sovereignty over Tibet policy further institutionalize and legalize. - V reign of Shunzhi emperor invited the Dalai Lama to Beijing several times, in 1652, the fifth Dalai Lama to Beijing to see. 1653, the reign of Shunzhi emperor Banci List, the Indian and Chifeng V Dalai Lama, the Dalai Lama officially confirmed the titles. 1713, Emperor Kangxi canonized V Panchen Luosang benefits for the West "Panchen Erdeni" officially confirmed the name of the Panchen Lama. Since then, the rule of the Dalai Lama in Lhasa, Tibet's most parts of Panchen Erdeni rule in Tibet's Xigaze another part.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-11 22:47 | 显示全部楼层
1727, the establishment of the Qing Dynasty stationed minister, on behalf of the central administrative supervision of Tibet, Tibet and Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai, their boundaries, is the official demarcation of the staff at this time. 1721, the Qing dynasty to establish the central government in Tibet Fallon embraced the system in 1750, once again adjusted the management of Tibet's administrative system, the abolition of Prefectual Governor system, the establishment of the Tibet local government (that is, "gaxia"), provides for the Minister of the Dalai Lama in Tibet have common Tibetan affairs system. 1793, the Qing government minister on the terms of reference in Tibet, the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama reincarnation of living Buddhas and other major border military defense, foreign representations, the finance, taxation, monetary casting and management, as well as the support and management of the temple, the promulgation of the famous "imperial order in the aftermath of the Constitution", a total of 29. After more than 100 years, 29 charter has been the basic principles set in Tibet is the institutional and regulatory norms.

1911, the Chinese outbreak of the Revolution of 1911, the establishment of the Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan and other ethnic integration of the Republic - the Republic of China. The Central Government as the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties into the Tibetan governance. The central government in 1912 set up the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Services (1914 renamed Tibet House), in charge of Tibetan affairs, and the appointment of the Chief Executive, the central act in Tibet. Nanjing National Government set up in 1927, and in 1929 established Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, in charge of Tibetans, Mongolians and other ethnic minorities in administrative matters. 1940, the National Government set up in Lhasa, Tibet Committee, the Office of Tibet, the central government in Tibet as a permanent body. Tibet's local government on many occasions sent officials to take part in National Assembly. Republic of China, foreign aggression conditions in civil strife frequently, the central government weak, and the Dalai Lama, the Panchen Erdeni canonization continue to receive central government, Tibet was in the political, religious legal status. The 14th Dalai Lama pull wooden beads board representation, is an order by the Chairman of the National Government approval.

     1949, the founding of the PRC. According to the Central People's Government of Tibet's history and reality of the situation, decided to adopt the principle of peaceful liberation. May 23, 1951, the Central People's Government and the local government of Tibet on the peaceful liberation of Tibet on behalf of a number of issues to reach an agreement, signed the "Central People's Government and the local government of Tibet on the peaceful liberation of Tibet to the agreement" ( "17 Agreement "). "17-Article Agreement" is the main content: on the one hand, the Central Government has asked the local government of Tibet to actively assist the People's Liberation Army stationed in Tibet, and consolidating national defense, and resolutely expel the imperialist forces in all matters relating to foreign affairs in Tibet by the Central People's Government reunification; the Tibetan army gradually into the PLA. On the other hand, the Central People's Government of Tibet and the Dalai Lama's current system inherent in the status and terms of reference not change respect for the customs of the Tibetan people, the protection of religious freedom, Tibet's social reforms, adopted in consultation with the leading personnel of Tibet solution in the implementation of regional ethnic autonomy in Tibet, such as. The Dalai Lama and the Panchen Erdeni made on the Central People's Government Chairman Mao Zedong, said that support the "17-Article Agreement," the determination to safeguard the sovereignty of the motherland's reunification; Tibetan Buddhist monks and all walks of life around the Tibetan leader also expressed strong support. Since then, the Tibetan history has opened a new page.

     1954, the Dalai Lama, Panchen Erdeni together to Beijing to participate in the first session of the National People's Congress. At this meeting, the Dalai Lama was elected to the National People's Congress Standing Committee, vice chairman of Panchen Erdeni elected to the National People's Congress Standing Committee members. 1956, the Preparatory Committee for the establishment of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region as the Dalai Lama chairman of the preparatory committee. March 1959, the local government of Tibet embraced a majority and the upper-class reactionary clique Fallon launched a comprehensive aimed at splitting the motherland, safeguard the feudal serf system, against democratic reform in the armed rebellion. The Central People's Government ordered the People's Liberation Army stationed in Tibet firmly quelled the rebellion. Premier Zhou Enlai, the Central People's Government in the same year on March 28 issued an order declaring the dissolution of the local government of Tibet, by the Preparatory Committee for the Tibet Autonomous Region to exercise the Tibet local government functions. At the same time, the Central People's Government conform to the wishes of the Tibetan people in Tibet carried out the democratic reform, the abolition of the feudal serf system, millions of serfs and slaves were emancipated, as a serf owners no longer be the personal property to the sale, transfer, exchange, debt bondage, no longer serf owners forced labour, from access to personal liberty, to become the masters of the new society. After several years of stability and development, in September 1965 the formal establishment of the Tibet Autonomous Region.
发表于 2008-4-11 22:58 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-12 00:20 | 显示全部楼层
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