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发表于 2008-12-26 23:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 isofeng 于 2008-12-26 23:32 编辑

本文来自: 中国早报精英论坛

]TAIPEI (Reuters) - A pair of giant pandas from China's fog-shrouded mountains reached an excited but wary Taiwan on Tuesday, a symbol of improved relations between the longtime political rivals who once stood at the brink of war.

Panda-decorated baggage trucks drove out to collect the crates carrying Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan from the cargo hold of a jumbo jet that landed at north Taiwan's major airport.
After arriving at the Taipei city zoo in a truck with police escorts, the pandas, whose names said together mean "unite," were taken to a T$300 million ($9.24 million) hillside complex where they should attract huge crowds after a month in quarantine.
"Pandas are a diplomatic tool to win over a place's public and make them think China is a friendly country," said George Hou, a mass communications lecturer at I-Shou University in Taiwan.
台湾义守大学 大众传播系老师George Hou说:熊猫只是一个政治工具。用来让大家觉得大陆是非常友好的
"But the average child who doesn't know this background will just ask whether they're cute or not."
Giving away pandas is seen as China's most popular use of soft power toward Taiwan since 2005, when it began making offers instead of military threats to impress the self-ruled island that Beijing considers its own.
China has claimed Taiwan since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949. It has vowed to bring the island under its rule, by force if necessary, but ties have improved since China-friendly Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou took office in May.
Beijing has given pandas to nine countries including Japan, the United States and the former Soviet Union since 1957.
自从1957年来中国已经给 日本,美国 前苏联等九个国家赠送过大熊猫
China had offered the pandas to Taiwan as a goodwill gift in 2006. Taiwan's then anti-China president refused to accept them.
The Taiwan zoo, which will be their new home, will try to mate the pair and may return any cub for tender loving care back in China, a zoo official said last month.
After the quarantine period ends, as many as 30,000 visitors will be allowed to file past each day to see the pandas' garden-like complex. Vendors are looking to make money by selling look-alike stuffed animals and mobile phone ornaments.


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