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发表于 2009-1-4 16:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 skywo1314 于 2009-1-4 16:42 编辑

【原文标题】Alstom attacks Chinese train exports
【中文标题】 阿尔斯东抨击中国列车出口            

Alstom attacks Chinese train exports

By Robert Wright in London

Published: January 1 2009 22:33 | Last updated: January 1 2009 22:33

Western countries should close their markets to sales of Chinese trains because China’s domestic market is closing to outside suppliers, says the head of one of the world’s largest rolling stock builders.

In a Financial Times interview, Philippe Mellier, chief executive of Paris-based Alstom Transport, also claimed that Chinese companies were offering trains for export using technology derived from western suppliers. Such technology is usually supplied on condition it not be used outside China.

The comments by Mr Mellier, whose company is the world’s number two trainmaker, underline the growing tension in the world’s train-building industry over China’s role.

China promises to become one of the world’s most significant markets for high-speed trains, metro cars, freight locomotives and many other forms of rolling stock.

However, after a period when China signed contracts with several suppliers from other parts of the world to transfer technology to itself, it is gradually insisting new trains be entirely domestically designed and built.

Chinese manufacturers are also increasingly seeking orders in the European heartland of Alstom, Bombardier Transportation, the world number one, and Siemens, the number three.

One has already won a small order to build trains for the UK market, while another was included in a shortlist of bidders for an order by the UK’s Department for Transport on December 22.

Mr Mellier said: “We’re starting to see Chinese companies answering tenders around the world with Chinese freight locomotives, some of them being based on transferred technology.”

A similar process was under way with tenders to supply metro cars, he added.

Mr Mellier, whose company builds France’s TGV high-speed train and has exported high-speed trains to several countries, pointed out that tenders for high-speed trains for new Beijing to Shanghai services specified they be entirely Chinese-built and designed.

“In line with our expectations, the market is gradually shutting down to let the Chinese companies prosper,” he said.

“If the market is now closing down, we don’t think it’s a good idea for other countries to open their markets to such a technology because there’s no reciprocity any more.”


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