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发表于 2009-1-6 11:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

China’s net cops focus on public opinion
By Kathrin Hille in Beijing
Published: January 4 2009 18:12 | Last updated: January 4 2009 18:12

China’s government is equipping its internet censors with more advanced software that allows them to spot risks of subversion much earlier and root it out more efficiently, according to the country’s internet security market leader.

The revelation from Beijing TRS Information Technology, China’s leading provider of search technology and text mining solutions, that it is thriving on the government’s desire to better “manage” public opinion, comes as the political leadership is facing growing challenges, mostly voiced through the internet.

Currently, the security forces are cracking down on intellectuals associated with Charter 08, an appeal for democracy and human rights that many see as the most significant such document since 1989 and which has, defying Beijing’s net censorship, been collecting signatories over the web.
Traditionally, so-called internet cops look for subversive content via keyword searches on Google or Baidu, He Zhaohui, marketing manager at TRS, told the FT in an interview.
TRS市场部经理何兆珲(音)告诉FT记者说,所谓的网络警察传统上通过google 或百度用关键词搜索颠覆性内容。
However, he claimed that TRS is now increasingly selling advanced text mining solutions enabling censors to monitor and forecast public opinion rather than take down dangerous talk after it happened. Mr He argued, for example, that state-of-the-art internet spying could have prevented the Shanxi brick kiln slavery scandal and the damage it did to the country’s image.

In June 2007 China shocked the world when a posting on the internet forum Tianya by desperate parents searching for their kidnapped children led to the discovery that hundreds had been sold into slavery to illegal brick kilns in the Northern Chinese province.
The government has clearly moved on since then. “On high-end applications, Chinese police now basically use TRS technology,” said Mr He. “We did such systems for eight police stations in Shanghai. The work formerly done by 10 internet police officers can now be done by one.”
Police focus on certain groups of people. “For example, some internet propaganda departments supervise forums of university students – students tend to have more extreme opinions,” said Mr He.
Events like the Sichuan earthquake, the Olympics, and the economic crisis, combined with the transparency enforced by the web, are putting officials under huge pressure. “Among those working in the news and propaganda in China the heart attack rate is highest,” said Mr He.
This as an opportunity. With pride, he sees his company’s algorithms helping drive internet surveillance to perfection. “There are many different demands – early warning, policy support, competitive spying between government departments. In the end, this will create a whole industry.”




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