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Silicon Hutong:关注人大会议的十大理由

发表于 2009-3-4 00:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】 Ten Reasons We Are Watching the National People's Congress
【中文标题】 关注人大会议的十大理由
【文章来源】 http://siliconhutong.typepad.com/silicon_hutong/2009/03/ten-reasons-we-are-watching-the-national-peoples-congress.html
【译  者】     xiongshu
【译  文】

Now that we are into the third month of the year, the time has come for the annual pageantry of pomp, politics, and propaganda colloquially known as "liang hui," the twin meetings of China's legislature, the National People's Congress(NPC), and its advisory auxiliary, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)


The meetings are met with a fair amount of cynicism, particularly among those of us raised in democracies where, even if our legislators accomplish little more of value than the liang hui, at least they manage to do so without messing up the traffic with thrice-daily motorcades.


Yet while it is not unfair to categorize the NPC and CPPCC as "rubber-stamp" bodies, there are years when it is worth stopping to listen to some of the speeches and taking the time to absorb the coverage. And this year is one of those years.


Here is what we will be listening for in the Hutong:


1. Stability and Harmonious Society: I suspect we will get a healthy dose of this, but what will be worth listening for is specifics on welfare, employment, and social security programs for rural citizens, laid-off factory workers, and retired cadres.


2. Independent Innovation: This little chestnut was pretty hot a few years ago, but has faded into the background as the government faces the darkening horizons of the global economic crisis. While there are more urgent concerns, it will be interesting to see whether this has fallen off the radar, or if any new and significant measures are planned in this area. If the importance of independent innovation has receded, this will imply continued opportunities for foreign innovators, but continued problems defending IPR.


3. Infrastructure: Look for indications on how the central government is going to channel and manage all of the funds for infrastructure investments. I'll be looking for mentions of specific high-profile projects, a new agency to manage them and their expenditures, and some indication that employment is a focus, not just spending a lot of cash.


4. Financial Sector Reform: In the wake of what has transpired on Wall Street over the past year, it would be hard to justify reshaping China's financial sector to look like that of the U.S. Nonetheless, China's banks, insurance companies, bourses, and brokerages face their own challenges after 30 years of rapid growth, and the global financial crisis is a signal that it is time to look for and address problems rather than wallow in schadenfreude.


5. State-Owned Enterprise Reform: Hard times justify hard measures, and it is likely the coming 18 months will see Beijing compelling the restructuring of several industries dominated by state-owned enterprises. The effort will be to strike a balance that will allow for competition while creating national champions through compelled mashups. The auto industry will almost certainly undergo a forced winnowing from 14 passenger car makers to 10 (which I'll address in a post tomorrow), and we are betting on another round of consolidation in the airline business and the steel industry. The question will be what other sectors will come under the knife, and our ears are perked up for clues.


6. Drought Relief: The environment - specifically air and water pollution - will be a major theme, but a larger problem that looms is the issue of the drought in Northern China. Beyond the general challenges facing rural China, we expect some discussion of water supply, if not in one of the work reports, then in some of the side sessions.


7. Taiwan: For the first time in recent memory, Taiwan is likely to be a feel-good issue at the meetings. A quiet movement is underway in Taipei to build on the newly-established air and sea links between Taiwan and the mainland with what would amount to a free trade agreement. This is a touchy issue in Taiwan, so it will be interesting to see if - and how - Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, or any of the other leaders discuss this.


8. Defense: In the wake of Sino-US military discussions and China's deployment of naval vessels on anti-piracy patrol off of Africa, we will of course be watching for acknowledgement of closer cooperation between the two nations in addressing mutual security issues. More important, however, is whether China's economic stimulus will extend to spending in "dual-use" industries like aerospace and shipbuilding.


9. Media: I am not expecting 2009 to be a memorable year in reforming and opening China's media sector: the political sensitivities at the nexus of the global financial crisis and the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic make it far too sensitive. What we will be listening for is any mention of the media sectors at all. I am hoping there will be none: no news is good news here.


10. Peaceful Rise: China made more progress in its strategy of pursuing a "peaceful rise" in its global stature in 2008 than it could have dreamed of a year ago. It will be interesting to hear whether that is sustainable, whether China will allow itself to mirror the US Congress' protectionist "buy American" rhetoric, or instead will take the high road and position the PRC as the guardian of free trade.


For decades, the Liang Hui have had only needed to address domestic audiences, because they were dismissed by others as ceremonial and ultimately irrelevant. That has changed, and ever since former Premier Zhu Rongji began holding post-Congress press conferences for the global media, China has begun to use the occasion to send messages abroad.


This year the world will be watching the proceedings with greater interest than ever. The leaders must know that, and it will be fascinating to see if anything in the two-week session changes as a result.




1. Posted by: Steven | March 02, 2009 at 12:51 AM
These are great points.
Regarding Media, do you think anything will be mentioned about the plans for the much talked about International CNN-style English news network (i.e. for out-ward looking/opening up emphasis)?
Also, the Beijing Olympics were obviously a national focus in 2008. Do you think the Shanghai Expo will be any part of the talks of CPPCC?
Keep up good posts.

   1.Steven:这些看点的确不错。基于目前媒体的态度,在部分国际媒体使用“CNN式英语报道”这样的的方式时,你认为他们会对外提及自己的采访计划吗?(比如关注重点) 同时2008年北京奥运会也肯定是举国上下关注的焦点。你认为在政协会议上会讨论上海世博会这个话题嘛?

2. Posted by: Robert Ness | March 02, 2009 at 02:38 AM
What fascinates me is what seems to be gradual acceptance that the old foreign policy of non-interference is more and more untenable as China's role in the world/China's global strategic resource grab becomes more established and understood by politicos outside the Foreign Ministry. I will watching for songs of that tune, as well as anything that addresses the paradox of making life hard for small businesses when employment and indigenous innovation are said to be of such importance.

2.Robert Ness:随着中国在获取国际政策方面地位得到逐渐巩固,同时随着本身并非外交部工作人员的政客开始逐渐理解中国的外交政策,大家开始认为互不干涉内政这一陈旧的外交政策似乎已经发生动摇了,我对这点十分感兴趣。在招聘员工和内部改革越发重要的情况下,任何有关小型企业生存难度加剧的新闻我都会关注,甚至不放过这个频道的播放的歌。

3. Posted by: David | March 02, 2009 at 09:17 AM
Steven, I think the Shanghai Expo is, for the purposes of the CPPCC, a pretty much done deal. There is not much to be said with the exception of perhaps a general statement of support that the organizers would love to have from senior leaders.
The international media plans may well be mentioned, particularly since they involve a fairly large outlay. If so, I expect it will be to justify them, and as such they will be framed in terms of China's need to make itself understood to the outside world and to begin using the tools of soft power in its Peaceful Rise.
At the same time, I think it is possible that we will hear more about space and about supposed plans to expand the navy.


4. Posted by: David | March 02, 2009 at 09:22 AM
Robert, good points. I'd bet they put off addressing the paradox. This is an extremely sensitive period to begin publicly rethinking your own rhetoric about non-interference. I think you might be about 12 months ahead of your time, as this sounds like something best addressed after the Triple Anniversary year and after the economy is more firmly on the growth track again.

  4.David:Robert,你的观点很不错。我认为这些看点。但现在让公众开始重新考虑你描述的那些有关互不干涉内政政策的内容,这太过于敏感了。我觉得你的想法超前了一年之多 ,而对三十年改革开放纪念和经济重新回到发展正轨上这些方面的报道应该更符合当前媒体报道的主流。




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