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发表于 2009-3-7 01:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 酸枣树310 于 2009-1-14 18:02 编辑

【09.1.8 纽约时报】中国警察不再协助父母调查倒塌学校
【原文标题】Police in China Halt Parents Seeking Investigation Into School Collapses
Police in China Halt Parents Seeking Investigation Into School Collapses
Published: January 8, 2009
BEIJING — The local police stopped parents who were trying to travel secretly from southwest China to Beijing this week to ask the central government for a full investigation into school collapses that killed their children during the May earthquake, several of the parents said Thursday.
A leader of the grieving parents, Sang Jun, who lost his 11-year-old son, said in a telephone interview that he had been detained overnight and released only after more than 60 other parents gathered at the gates of the town government building to demand his release.
The restrictive measures taken by the local government show that the widespread destruction of schools during the devastating earthquake on May 12 in southwest China continues to be a delicate political issue. The number of students who died in the May earthquake is unknown, although estimates suggest the figure may be as high as 10,000. They died when schools crumbled during the powerful tremor, while in many cases buildings around the schools remained standing.
The parents who tried to leave for Beijing on Tuesday are from the town of Fuxin, in Sichuan Province, where the No. 2 Primary School collapsed, killing at least 126 children, according to the parents. Nearly 60 sets of parents from Fuxin joined together to file a lawsuit on Dec. 1 against government officials and a construction contractor, but the court has declined to hear the case. The parents said in interviews in December that going to Beijing would be a last resort.
On Tuesday, five parents left Fuxin for the nearby city of Mianyang, where they had planned to take a train to Beijing. Police officers from the city of Mianzhu, which is in charge of administrating Fuxin, forced them to return to Fuxin, Mr. Sang said.
Mr. Sang said he was singled out and taken to another town in the area of Mianzhu. He said the police questioned him all night about his work as an electrician in a factory several years ago and accused him of stealing used factory cables to resell them.
“They said that I had contacted foreign media and called me anti-China, antipeople and antiparty,” Mr. Sang said, referring to the governing Chinese Communist Party. “They said that I would never win in the battle against the Communist Party. I said I was not fighting against the party but only trying to demand that the people responsible for the death of our children be punished. I’m not scared, because many parents are backing me up.”
Because of China’s one-child policy, many of the parents were left childless by the quake and are now trying to rebuild their families. “About 80 percent of the women whose children died in the school in our town have become pregnant, and the authorities don’t dare to hurt them,” Mr. Sang said, adding that his own wife was pregnant.
After Mr. Sang was released, the authorities detained two men who once worked with him at the factory and also accused them of stealing cables, Mr. Sang said. The police told Mr. Sang that unless he dropped his activities, the men would not be released, he said. Mr. Sang said he agreed to stop for now, and the men were let go.
“We don’t know what to do now,” said Zheng Rongqiong, whose 10-year-old daughter also died in the Fuxin school collapse and who was among those filing suit. “We were very careful about our plan, and no one knows how the government knew about it.”


当地政府采取了限制性措施,于5月12日在西南部破坏性地震普遍遭到破坏的学校现在仍是一个微妙的政治问题。在5月地震中学生死亡人数不明,但估计显示的数字可能高达10000 人。在强大的地震中学校倒塌造成他们死亡,,而在许多情况下,学校周围的建筑物仍然屹立。




“他们说,我接触外国媒体,并说我反对中国,反党, ”桑先生说,他指的是执政共产党。 “他们说,我反对共产党是不会得逞的。我说我不是反对党而只是试图要求对我们的孩子死亡负责的人受到惩罚。我并不害怕,因为有许多家长都支持我。 “

由于中国的独生子女政策,许多父母在地震中失去孩子,现在正在努力重建自己的家园。 “我们的城市死在学校的儿童百分之八十左右的母亲已成为孕妇,当局不敢伤害他们, ”桑先生补充说,自己的妻子也怀孕了。


“我们现在不知道该怎么办”,郑容邛说: ,他10岁的女儿也死在富新学校倒塌中,以及谁来收集这些申请诉讼的资料。 “我们非常小心我们的计划,但是没有人知道政府是如何知道这件事情” 。

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