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发表于 2009-3-7 01:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Beijing turns on charm online


Fan site created by ad firm boss for Chinese leaders gains popularity among netizens


PRESIDENT Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao are no longer the only Chinese leaders with their ow n fan websites.


Three months after a fan site was created for Mr Hu and Mr Wen, a new portal has sprung up in China, dedicating itself to all Chinese officials, from the central to the local level.


Calling itself the People's Republic of China's Officials' Fans Circle (www.zhongguofans.com), it already has pages dedicated to the top leaders of three provinces, six cities and even the special administrative reon of Hong Kong.


It appears the Chinese government is not content with just controlling the Internet.


It wants to be popular on it too.


The story of the fan site creator is instructive.


Mr Yang Yunhe, 33, calls himself the first creator of a politician fan site in China.


He told The Straits Times that as early as last April, he had set up an adoring portal for Yiwu city party secretary Wu Weirong.


The city is in the prosperous coastal Zhejiang province.


But four days after the website was up, he was invited to the propaganda department of the Yiwu government and was gently told that the fan site idea was too new and not suitable for a small place like Yiwu.


Recalling what an official told him, he said: 'The party secretary likes to be low-profile. If you really like him, you should think on his behalf.'


He obliged and took down the site.


But in September, the website of the People's Daily - the flagship paper of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) - stunned many when it set up a fan site for Mr Hu and Mr Wen.


The site was a cyber success, with more than six million Internet users 'clicking' their support.


Mr Yang, who runs a small advertising firm and said he is not a CCP member, noted that he quickly received a gentle nudge from an official 'higher up' after that, urging him to restart his portal and expand it to include leaders from other cities.


He got it up right away.


But the site crashed due to technical problems and was revived only last month.


The site now covers the party secretaries of Zhejiang, Shaanxi and Guangdong provinces, as well as Hong Kong's Chief Executive Donald Tsang.


Fans leave admiring messages for the leaders, contribute pictures they have snapped of the officials and post articles.


Anarticle on the fan site gave Mr Hu 98 marks for a recent speech, but suggested that the leader should smile more.


In the pages for Guangdong province's top man Wang Yang, fans nicknamed him 'Wang Shuai', or 'Handsome Wang' - something hitherto unheard of in a country where government leaders are known to be stiff rather than suave.


There was even a cartoonish caricature of Mr Wang, done not to lampoon the leader, but to show how adorable he is.


Mr Yang said he set up the site to draw the government closer to the people and to encourage the masses to talk about their political leaders.


'Andy Lau has that many fans and he is just one singer,' he said. 'I find it hard to believe that an organisation as big as the Communist Party does not have any fans.'


Mr Yang said that the leaders were selected based on requests from netizens from different parts of China and he is buckling under the weight of overwhelming response.


'There are too many requests from all over the country. I can't handle it,' he said, putting up a notice on the site last week, announcing a 20-day moratorium on new pages for other leaders.


But so far, it has been a one-way love affair. None of the featured leaders has responded to any of their fan mail, and that includes President Hu and Premier Wen.


Mr Yang believes that while the leaders may not engage the fans in the way that say, Andy Lau, would, they are secretly happy with this development.


As is the unwritten law in Chinese officialdom, they prefer to lie low publicly so as to avoid being seen as too popular and over-ambitious.


But the silence is significant.


By not shutting down the site again, the government is signalling its intent to explore this fan site avenue on a larger scale.


The CCP seems eager to get a bigger foothold in China's growing Internet community - 290 million netizens at last count - and ensure its voice is heard as loudly in cyberspace as on the state-controlled mass media.


Instead of being the regular punching bags of netizens for corruption, officials now can take back some of the space ceded to their critics in the past few years.


The official Xinhua news agency wrote an article a fortnight back praising the 'free voices' of the Internet as a path towards democracy for China.


It also lauded two local-level officials for actively engaging the people through their blogs and noted that Premier Wen had said last March that he goes online to read netizens' opinions.


Citing a report released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences last month, the Xinhua article added that some 206 million Chinese already use the Internet as their main source of news.


There is little doubt that the figure will only head up. And it is certainly better to have more fans than enemies, online or otherwise.


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