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发表于 2009-3-28 06:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Mazda Has Michael Phelps Apologize to China
By Lynn Zinser
By Lynn Zinser


At the behest of a sponsor, Michael Phelps has recorded a video apology to the people of China, expressing his remorse over the recently published pictures of him using a marijuana pipe and thanking them for their support and forgiveness.

The 52-second video has been posted on several Web sites in China, and one major Chinese newspaper said the video had been sent directly from the Japanese auto company Mazda, which last month signed Phelps to an endorsement deal believed to be worth more than a million dollars. Phelps was signed to promote Mazda cars in China after his record-breaking eight-gold-medal performance at the Beijing Olympics last summer.

In the video, Phelps begins by saying, “To my Chinese friends,” and goes on to apologize for behavior that was “regrettable and not what people have come to expect from me.” Phelps’s words are subtitled in Chinese.

Phelps, 23, never specifically addresses what the picture captured, which was Phelps at a house party in South Carolina appearing to inhale from a marijuana pipe. After it was published in a British tabloid, the backlash has included a three-month suspension by USA Swimming and a police investigation. Another of Phelps’s sponsors, Kellogg, announced it would not renew his contract.

But Mazda apparently decided an apology to the Chinese would suffice. The company issued a statement saying it would continue its sponsorship of Phelps. “His expression of remorse and his determination to make amends, and especially his video apology and expression of thanks to the Chinese people, give us confidence that Phelps can make a healthy return to the pool and have even more brilliant achievements,” the statement said.

Mazda joins other sponsors of Phelps, like Visa, Omega and Speedo, that have decided to stick with him. Phelps’s deal with Mazda is said to be the most lucrative sponsorship deal for a foreigner in China.
马自达和菲尔普斯的其他赞助商,Visa,欧米茄,Speedo(国际著名泳衣品牌,曾推出一至四代鲨鱼皮“LZR RACer":译者注)一起决定继续和他了在一起。据说,在面向中国(市场)的外国代言人中,菲尔普斯和马自达的合同(对于马自达来说)是最为合算的。

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