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发表于 2009-4-2 23:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China's spending on foreign resources seen rising

年社区; `  ]3 k, }8

【译    者】三花小猫w.Anti-CNN.com. t% h3 p7 u) U% ~; D8 e
【声    明】译文版权归AC及译者所有,转载请注明来源" w& S$ z7 h) `. n

TORONTO, March 2 (Reuters) - Despite a sharp dip in economic growth this year and next, Chinese investment in foreign companies should continue to surge as the country tries to lock in access to resources, a mining conference in Toronto was told on Monday.


Chinese foreign direct investment outside the financial sector hit $40.5 billion last year -- up from a measly $700 million in 2001 -- and should continue to climb for at least the next two years, Kobus van der Wath, managing director of business strategy firm Beijing Axis told the Prospectors and Developers conference.

去年中国在金融部门以外的外国直接投资接近405亿美金—2001年为7亿并将在未来两年内持续上升。Kobus van der Wath,中外商通咨询服务公司总裁告诉与会者。

"This is one of the most important trends unfolding in the mining sector, and one that I think is likely to continue," he said in a presentation entitled "China Inc is going global."

“这是采矿业最重要的一个趋势之一,并且我认为将持续下去。”他在一份题为“中国公司正在走向全球。 ”的报告中说。

The sentiment should be welcome among the hundreds of capital-starved junior miners that have come to the conference to strengthen industry ties, look for financing opportunities, and explore partnerships with other companies.


Flagging global growth and tight credit markets have sapped demand for metals and limited financing options for explorers and developers of industrial metals.


While the growth slump will not spare China, the country's appetite for access to foreign resources has shown no signs of easing, van der Wath said.


He noted that foreign direct nonfinancial investment announced in February alone was $25 billion, due largely to state-owned Aluminum Corp of China's $19.5 billion investment in Australian miner Rio Tinto (RIO.AX).

他提到,仅仅二月份所宣布的非金融FDI投资就达250亿美金,大部分由于中国铝业公司向澳大利亚矿业巨头力拓(Rio Tinto )投资195亿美金。

On China's role as a top consumer of metals, van der Wath said China's expansion story is far from over, although he said said that in the short term, the country's trajectory is "changing significantly".

提到中国金属消费的作用,van der Wath说中国的扩张故事远远没有结束,尽管他说在短期内该国轨迹已经“显著变化。”

He said growth should slide to 5.6 percent this year from a seven-year low of 9 percent in 2009. Growth should hit 7.5 percent in 2010, he said, but added that the forecasts could be too optimistic.


He said factors such as government stimulus measures and construction projects in the vast areas of Western China should continue to underpin expansion well above global growth levels. (Reporting by Cameron French; Editing by Peter Galloway)

他说,政府刺激措施和在广袤的西部地区的建设项目讲继续巩固扩大并且远高于全球经济增长水平 Cameron French报道; Peter Galloway编辑)
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