感谢AC志愿者的辛勤劳动,有些问题提得好。 但本人有些建议如下
1。以后有这样的直播时, 请预告准确时间,网民们有时间准备问题。我因为不知道,在直播快完了的时候才把我的问题发到征集问题的地方,http://bbs.m4.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=156109&extra=&page=1, 而不是直播现场。
2。我个人认为,跟她这样的西媒人谈的时候, 重点应该是西媒的恶意歪曲。 问题要具体, 要击中要害。 譬如,她暗示cnn那个照片是一个无心的错误,由实习生做的, 那么我们就应该问, Cafferty 这样的老手, 谩骂中国是流氓和恶棍, 说中国是一个给工人一个月一美元的地方, 那也是无心,没经验吗? 主持人也反驳了她这种说法, 但似乎应该更具体些。
另外, 在3。14暴乱后的1个月之内,西媒歪曲报导达到顶峰,是普通中国老百姓愤怒的最大原因之一(另一个原因是金晶在巴黎, 但那并不是西媒的错)。我们必须抓住这点不放,要把她们逼到墙角, 不能让她们敷衍过去。否则她倒打你一耙, 回去写书说我们在这里抱怨些鸡毛蒜皮的小事。这样的问题可以是: 暴乱者烧死了8个月大的婴儿及其父母, 5个少女, 西媒在攻击中国之前,连谴责一下这些暴行的过场都不走,良心(conscience)、公理(justice) 在哪里? 同情藏独同时, 为什么不同情死难的平民? 为什么西媒连烧死baby这件事都不报导?是怕西方民众知道后不再同情藏毒了吗,还是觉得汉人的孩子命贱不值一提?
3。她本人声称已经不在西媒, 我认为她还在其中, 只不过上网了, 草根化了。她对上面说的东西, 没有直接责任; 但我们可以问问她的看法。我们是草根阶层, 不是外交部; 问的问题, 说得话可以是"政治不正确的"大实话;最重要的是, 把我们想的和感受的传达给她。
In your own blog about you being misrepresented by a CNN intern, you seem to be suggesting that what some chinese perceived as unfair/dishonest reporting on China is the result of the lacking of experienced staff/man-power.
Perhaps that was the case for the infamous cropped photo, but then certainly not the case for Mr. Cafferty's derision of China and Chinese people ("goons and thugs", a place "where you can pay workers a dollar a month")--he is an old hand in the business.
It should be emphasized that anti-cnn came into existence not because of that photo; it came to counteract the unjust and self-righteous western media, especially in the aftermath of tibet riots.
What is appalling to me is that main-stream western media did not even bother to go through the formality of condemning the violence of tibetan rioters; no sympathy for the 8-month-old baby who was burned to death with his parents, and for the 5 girls killed in the same way; a lot of sympathy for "tibet cause". In fact, these media did not want to let their countrymen know these tragedies(I did not see any articles mentioning the tragedies).
My question: how do you explain the behavior of main stream western media in the aftermath of the riots that I described above? |