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【09.04.15 澳大利亚人报】中国不是大国,更像19世纪的意大利

发表于 2009-4-18 08:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-4-27 01:26 编辑

【标题】China is no great power

【时间】April 15, 2009

CHINA looms large in Australian foreign and defence policy debates at the moment. From investment in our resource companies to cyber-espionage, the local commentariat seems fascinated by every detail of the Middle Kingdom and its nefarious activities.

The Weekend Australian reported last Saturday that assessments of China are the subject of high-level bureaucratic dispute among the defence and intelligence agencies. Cameron Stewart and Patrick Walter's report said that resolving these disputes would be the central theme of the forthcoming defence white paper.

The rise-of-China thesis is being touted by some strategic analysts as the principal challenge of our generation. It's not, and here's why.

China is not a great power, by any stretch of the imagination. Those who paint it as such either don't understand the nature of power in the international system or are wilfully mischievous. A great power is one that has global reach and influence. Britain in the mid-18th century was such a power, single-handedly defeating the combined navies of France and Spain.

The Soviet Union achieved great-power status after World War II, but mostly because of its primacy among the communist countries in the ideological struggle with the West.

Today, only the US is a great power. Abraham Lincoln instinctively knew this in 1838 when he said, "All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth in their military chest, with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from theOhio."

A great power is one whose total destruction would require a coalition of other powers. Great power also describes a position of leadership and a moral purpose. None of these things describe China.

China today is like Italy of the 19thcentury, a mid-ranking power with a big appetite but poor teeth. China wants to prove itself in the councils of the world. And Beijing has made some strides towards being a more responsible stakeholder in the international system.

But a sober assessment of China's military and political strength would not put it in the first rank of powers.

After three decades of economic growth, China's military modernisation program has made it a more potent force. But China still doesn't have a single aircraft carrier. The US has more than a dozen.

According to some estimates, China spends about $70 billion each year on defence. The US spends 10 times that amount. The gap is wide and it isgrowing.

On any index of power, Japan is the more dominant player in north Asia. China has the power to frustrate its neighbours and to be a nuisance in the South China Sea. But it is incapable of projecting force beyond those narrow geographic confines.

So the main strategic issue is about what China will look like in 20 or 30years. And that's an interesting question. But suggestions that China will overtake American primacy are fanciful. They rely on linear projections of economic growth rates that in the present global circumstances are far from assured.

China remains a one-party communist state, a model of political leadership that has no one protesting in thestreets.
Ten years ago Gerry Segal, of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, asked an important question: Does China matter?

As he said at the time, it's not a silly question, just one that doesn't get asked often enough.

It's time for policymakers to ask that question again.

China is home to one-fifth of the world's population. And it certainly matters to the people who live there. But China remains grossly overrated as a market, a military power and a source of ideas.

It is a second-rank military power with grand aspirations but limited capacity to achieve them. For Segal, it was a country that had mastered the art of diplomatic theatre, but not muchelse.

Today Canberra wavers between seeing China as an economic goldmine and a strategic threat. Half the bureaucracy works on negotiating bilateral trade deals with Beijing while the other half tries to stop the onslaught of Chinese cyber-espionage.

China clearly matters more to the world than it did 10 years ago. It is a growing power in our region and one that will be crucial to the long-term stability and prosperity of Asia.

But Segal's assessment is still closer to the mark. And until policymakers in Canberra fully appreciate that fact, wewill continue to get our China policy wrong.

Carl Ungerer is director of the national security project at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in Canberra. These are his personal views.









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