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【09.05.10 CNN】来自四川地震灾区的现场报道

发表于 2009-5-12 19:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-13 06:06 编辑

【原文标题】 CNN Broadcasts Live from Sichuan's earthquake zone
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CNN Broadcasts Live from Sichuan's earthquake zone one year on Special section on CNN.com to showcase the reconstruction


One year after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan province in China, CNN's Senior International Correspondent John Vause travels back to the quake zone to show viewers what life is like for the survivors of the disaster. The massive earthquake killed nearly 70,000 and left another approximately 18,000 missing, presumed dead.  

在中国四川遭受7.9级特大地震一周年之际,CNN通讯社资深记者John Vause 重返灾区,向观众们报道灾区人民的生活是怎样的。这次特大地震造成近七万人死亡,大约一万八千人失踪,估计也已遇难。

John Vause was one of the few international journalists to travel to the epicenter and report live in the immediate aftermath of the quake.  Returning to the quake zone, he explains where the recovery stands today. Vause will report live throughout the day on Tuesday May 12th. Beijing bureau chief Jaime FlorCruz and correspondent Emily Chang are to report on how the rest of the country marks the anniversary and the lives of many orphans relocated to Beijing.

John Vause 是极少数震后立即前往震中作现场报道的外国记者之一。重返灾区,他讲诉着现在正在重建恢复的地方。在五月十二日(星期二),Vause将作全天的现场报道。CNN驻北京首席记者吉米.福洛库鲁斯和记者艾米丽.张将会对全国各地的周年纪念活动以及迁至北京的地震孤儿的生活进行报道。

In addition, a special section will be created on CNN.com/China that features in-depth reporting, interactive multimedia features and video, focusing on how the survivors struggled to rebuild their lives. Below are three of the features to be showcased on CNN.com.


One Year Later 一年之后

A year after the devastating earthquake in China's Sichuan province, we look at the recovery effort. How well has China recovered? How many people are still without homes, or listed as missing? CNN Beijing Bureau Chief Jaime FlorCruz assesses China, one year after the quake.


Island of Hope 希望之地

Everywhere across China's quake zone reconstruction appears to be moving at a rapid pace. Many people in China are still living in prefab homes, but not so for the people of Yaojin. A combination of strong-willed resilience among the villagers and help from international charities has helped Yaojin rebuild. CNN's John Vause reports from Yaojin.

灾区各地的重建工作都在快速进行中。很多灾民仍然住在活动板房里尧京村的灾民已经没有了。当地村民意志坚强的恢复力和来自国际的援助帮助了他们的灾后重建。—— CNN记者John Vause 来自尧京村的报道

Future 未来

Many survivors from Sichuan province were left disabled from the 2008 earthquake. CNN.com's David Challenger profiles two Chinese teenagers who come to Hong Kong for a weekend of care. The two teens will learn how to work the prosthetics, and visit Disneyland Hong Kong.

很多遭受过2008年大地震的四川灾民都留下了残疾。CNN.com 的大卫挑战者,对两个中国青年进行了人物专访,他们去香港进行了一个星期的护理。这两个青年将学习怎样运用义肢而且会去香港迪士尼游玩。




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