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【09.05.12 EXAMINER】一個旅行者在西藏的一天

发表于 2009-5-14 12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-15 07:26 编辑

【原文标题】A day in the life of a traveler in Tibet

Tibet is one of those places that most all adventure-oriented travelers want to visit at least once in their lives. It calls to them like some kind of mecca as a land of mystery, chaos, turmoil and excitement - all things that an adventure traveler looks for when choosing their next destination.


Two things you must have, though, if you're going to plan a trip to Tibet, are patience and time. Getting around the country isn't quite as easy as it looks when you look at a road map. Rivers flood, rocks slide, avalanches and mudslides occur regularly. Buses break down, roads close, military checkpoints hinder your plans to hit that remote monastery. But, if you're looking for a true adventure, all of those things should make you salivate - not shy away from this incredible destination.


Many choose to stay in Lhasa - an amazing example of two cultures colliding - and that can certainly be enough to fill a week of your time. But, should you decide to venture out of the capital, be prepared for hours - sometimes days - of delays, even if you're only traveling a couple hundred miles.


To relay just one of the many adventures I encountered on my two week trip... Our Land Cruiser was heading back to Lhasa from the famous Namtso Lake which is the world's highest salt water lake (at 4720 meters).

講述一下我很多的冒險中,在我兩個星期的旅行中遭遇的一次...我們的Land Cruiser(譯者注:豐田牌子的一種車)正從著名的世界上最高的鹽水湖(海拔4720米)纳木措湖返回拉薩.

We were descending from a 5000+ meter mountain pass on a rugged, unpaved road which ran alongside a river so swollen that our vehicle could have easily been swallowed by it without anyone ever noticing. Snow was falling and the switchbacked road was getting slippery. Every turn was harrowing - especially since the defrost was not functioning and our driver was forced to use a filthy rag to continuously clear the windshield. When we finally got to the bottom of the slope, he slammed on the brakes to avoid something and the car did not even slow. Apparently our brakes had been failing the whole way down. Luckily, we coasted safely into the nearest village. The next 8 hours were spent waiting for our car to be fixed, only to find out the part we needed was no where to be found and we were going to have to take the next public bus back to Lhasa. The saga doesn't really end there but you get the idea...





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