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[08.04.09 英国 the economist] 抗议令中国奥运蒙阴

发表于 2008-4-14 14:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文連接】http://www.economist.com/daily/n ... 1003821&top_story=1
【翻譯】cherry1982,  yakunta, ltbriar   (因兩篇譯文都有意思不全及漏譯, 故重新整理, 併為一篇, 紫色字句為ltbriar修改)
Protests may overshadow the Olympics

IT IS still four months before athletes gather in Beijing for the Olympics, but already the games are embroiled in controversy as protests grow over human-rights abuses in Tibet. The immediate concern for China’s government and for the international Olympic movement is that preparations for a showcase sporting event are being disrupted by political confrontation, which could lead to protests or boycotts of the games themselves. The pressing desire for pro-independence campaigners in Tibet, where an ongoing crackdown by Chinese authorities has claimed more lives in recent weeks, is to take advantage of the opportunity to garner world attention for their cause.

Gradually the voices speaking out about Tibet are growing louder. On Wednesday April 9th Australia’s prime minister, Kevin Rudd, a friend of China and fluent Mandarin speaker on his first trip to the country since taking office, used a speech to students in Peking University to talk of  “significant human-rights problems” in the region. He called, too, for dialogue between China’s government and the spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama.

Mr Rudd’s comments followed days of protests in Athens, London, Paris and San Francisco, as the Olympic torch was taken on a world tour to promote the Beijing games. As the Olympic flame was carried through those cities, guarded by thuggish-looking security guards in blue tracksuits, it quickly became the focus for criticism of China over its repressive rule in Tibet. Police in London arrested three dozen Tibet-independence campaigners as the celebrities and athletes carrying the flame were hidden behind a phalanx of guards. In Paris a giant banner was hung from the Eiffel Tower showing the five Olympic rings as handcuffs, another adorned Notre Dame cathedral. Police again made several arrests. President Nicolas Sarkozy called the parade “a bit sad”. It is becoming worse than that: an embarrassment to both China and to the Olympic movement.

Olympic officials would now like to abandon the rest of the flame’s world tour, foreseeing that protests are likely to worsen. Already in San Francisco, where the parade continues on Wednesday, protesters have strung banners from the Golden Gate Bridge. Nastier and perhaps bloodier demonstrations might come elsewhere, for example when the flame reaches Delhi, in India, or possibly in Canberra, Australia.

China has the power to ease the unfolding public-relations disaster. One step would be to cancel the rest of the torch’s international tour. More substantial would be to scrap the parading of the torch in Tibet—something seen as intensively insensitive by Tibetans who consider China’s rule to be oppression by a foreign power. More substantial yet would be for China’s government to allow more democratic freedoms, including peaceful protests, in Tibet and elsewhere.

Instead China’s leaders, in public at least, perhaps not grasping how quickly dismay over the Olympics is growing, are refusing to bend. The Beijing-backed governor of Tibet, Qiangba Puncog, has said that the torch will still be brought to Tibet and has given warning that any who try to obstruct its progress face “severe” punishment.

The official media have portrayed the disruptions in London and Paris as marginal displays of discontent by violent activists amid overwhelming shows of support. A state television report aired a brief comment by Paula Radcliffe, a British marathon runner, in which she endorsed the importance of the protesters’ cause while condemning their methods.The Chinese subtitle, however, mistranslated her remarks such that the endorsement was removed. The sinister torch-protection team has been called “valiant and heroic” by China’s media. Official reports say the squad is composed of officers from the People’s Armed Police who have been training for this role since last August.

The problem for China, however, is that public protests could grow in the coming weeks and lead to boycotts of the games themselves—or at least of the opening ceremony. Hillary Clinton, a Democratic contender for the presidency in America, now says that George Bush should stay away. Mr Sarkozy says he will wait to decide whether to travel. Growing public anger, stoked by protests along the torch’s route, could make the Olympics a bigger trial for China’s government than it had bargained for.



有关西藏的舆论渐大之际,能讲一口流利汉语与中国友善的澳洲总理陆克文(Kevin Rudd)在上任首次访华中,4月9日周三利用对北大学生演讲谈及(亚太)地区内“重大人权问题”,他也呼吁中国政府与西藏精神领袖dl之间对话

陆克文的谈话是在北京奥运圣火作全球传递, 继雅典、伦敦、巴黎和旧金山遭遇抗议后发出的。当圣火在凶悍的蓝衣人保卫下经过这些城市(译注: thuggish!!! How dare you use this word to describe our boys!),这做法很快成为斥责中国镇压西藏人的关注焦点。当名人及运动员在护卫队方阵下传递火炬,伦敦警方逮捕了36个zd运动份子。在巴黎,埃菲尔铁塔上挂上了一面改奥运五环为手铐的大旗,另一面则挂在了圣母院。警方也逮捕一些人。萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)总统称此次圣火传递  “有点遗憾”。更为糟糕的是:让中国和奥运会都很尴尬。

奥委官方预期抗议转劣, 有可能终止继续火炬传递。(译注:oh,it's your fantasy)。星期三在旧金山游行依旧举行,但示威者在金门大桥挂上了横条。当圣火传经其他地方如印度德里,澳洲堪培拉时, 可能出现更凶险甚至是流血示威事件。

其实中国有能力缓和目前的公关危机。终止传递是其中之一,更重要的是,放弃火炬在西藏传递游行庆祝,因对视中国管治为被外来政权压制的藏人而言, 会认为庆祝是(当局)极度漠视。更重要的是中国政府要允许西藏及其他地方有更多民主自由,包括和平示威。

中国领导人,可能没察觉对北京奥运失望迅速升级,至少是公开场合里拒绝妥协。有北京撑腰的西藏领导向巴平措(Qiangba Puncog)声称火炬仍将传至西藏,并警告将严惩任何闹事者。

官方的媒体把在伦敦和巴黎的的干扰描述为在广大支持欢迎中,小撮暴力激进份子不满的表现。国家电视台播放英国马拉松运动员瑞德克丽芙(Paula Radcliffe)的评语,她认同示威者诉求的重要性,但谴责他们的方法。中文字幕却错译,删去她认同的字句。那些凶悍的火炬卫队被中国媒体称为“勇士和英雄”。 官方称这支队伍由民警组成,从去年八月就受训。

但中国面临的问题是未来数周示威可能愈演愈烈, 可能导致杯葛奥运 – 或至少是开幕礼(译注:果然不敢把话说满了,哈哈)。竞逐美国民主党总统提名的希拉里克林顿表示布什总统应该回避北京奥运。萨科齐说稍后才作决定。火炬传递中示威煽拨蔓延的公众愤怒, 可能使奥运会正在成为中国政府始料未及更严峻的考验。

[ 本帖最后由 yakunta 于 2008-4-14 14:30 编辑 ]

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-23 08:24 编辑 ]
protests may overshadow the olympics.jpg
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-14 14:33 | 显示全部楼层

Original post is the last 3 paragraphs of the English text, consolidated into the main body, and text deleted for simplicity therefore.
原貼為英文版本最後三段, 故轉回主文內容, 然後刪除, 比較簡明一些.

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-23 06:34 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-15 03:33 | 显示全部楼层

回复 楼主 的帖子

与此同时,国际正不断加大对(中国)西藏的关注。周三,中国的朋友,能讲一口流利汉语的澳洲总理Kevin Rudd在北京大学的演讲中谈到了西藏地区极其严重的人权问题。他也呼吁中国政府能与dl进行双边对话。
中国官方的媒体将其在伦敦和巴黎的混乱报道成受到大多数民众的欢迎,极少数人的破坏。英国马拉松运动员Paula Radcliff尽管谴责那些抗议者的抗议行为,但她认可他们的抗议内容。中国的电视在报道她的短评时却将后者略去。那些凶恶的火炬卫队被中国的民众称为“勇士”。北京官方称这些人员由武警组成,从去年八月开始投入训练。
[ 本帖最后由 三宅一生 于 2008-4-15 03:44 编辑 ]
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