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[08.04.14 美国 CNN] 澳洲高官称:火炬传递极其危险

发表于 2008-4-14 21:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文連接】 http://edition.cnn.com/2008/SPORT/04/14/olympics.australia.ap/index.html
Torch risks 'too great' says Aussie chief
SYDNEY, Australia (AP)

Australian Olympic Committee president John Coates supports calls for future Olympic torch relays to be revamped following
violent anti-China protests.

"I think that there always is the potential for something that is international to be ambushed and that's what's happened
here," Coates said Monday at the launch of the Australian team's uniforms for Beijing.

"After this relay the IOC will sit down with the London (2012) organizers and ask them if they want to do it. I think it
will be reviewed. Probably my view is that on balance the risks are too great at trying to do something worldwide."

Coates criticized Australian lawmaker Peter Slipper, who called on the federal government to cancel the Australian leg of
the relay in Canberra on April 24 following disruptions by pro-Tibetan protesters in Paris, London and San Francisco.

Slipper said canceling the Canberra leg would prevent similar protests in Australia and send a clear message to the
Chinese government that human rights abuses in Tibet would not be tolerated.

But Coates was adamant the torch would make its way through Canberra."He may think that but it's continuing," Coates said.
"I think he's losing sight of the overall purpose and I think it would be a very poor thing if it was possible for someone
like the government to cancel it, for them to do so at this stage."

Coates also said he did not see the need for Australian security personnel to accompany the team to Beijing despite
Chinese authorities claiming last week they had foiled a terrorist plot to attack the games.

"We feel that we can rely on the Australian government and the security advice that's embedded in there," Coates said.
"I'm not sure that having one or two persons is going to stop a massive attack on the games or on our athletes."

The torch arrived Monday in Oman amid tight security and expectations of a smooth relay on the Middle Eastern leg of the
flame's round-the-world tour.

Officials said the flame arrived at Oman International Airport from Tanzania and was received by Omani sports minister Ali
bin Masoud al-Sunaidy.

Oman, a Muslim country at the southern end of the Arabian peninsula with a booming tourism industry, has strong economic
ties with China, a major importer of its oil.

Authorities have promised a trouble-free torch relay with a party-like atmosphere, including musical performances and
traditional dances to be held along the planned 12-mile relay route throughout the streets of the capital, Muscat, and
along its scenic waterfront.

Officials said they expect none of the protests that have marred the torch relay in other countries, adding that any
attempt to disrupt the parade will be dealt with severely.

"Our security is tight. ... The Royal Oman Police is ready to handle any such situation," said Habib Macki, vice chairman
of the Oman Olympic Committee, at a press conference this week.

The Olympic flame began its six-continent trek from ancient Olympia in Greece on March 24.
Relays in Argentina and Tanzania were largely peaceful and without major incidents.
From Oman the torch next goes to Islamabad, Pakistan, where officials said that they had changed the route of the relay.

Arif Hassan, president of Pakistan Olympic Association, would not say the change was made because of security concerns,
only that it was aimed at helping Wednesday's relay go smoothly.
President Pervez Musharraf, who was in China on Monday, warned against outsiders trying to disrupt the relay.

"We have to take care that there is no infiltration by some elements who are bent on disrupting our understanding and
great relationship," Musharraf said in a speech at Beijing University.

The turmoil over the torch relay and the growing international criticism of China's policies on Tibet and Darfur have
turned the Beijing Games -- which begin August 8 -- into one of the most contentious in recent history.

美联社发自澳大利亚 悉尼。

针对暴力反华,澳大利亚奥委会主席John Coates呼吁修改火炬传递计划。



Coates 指责澳大利亚立法委员Peter Slipper,后者号召联邦政府放弃4月24日在堪培拉举行圣火传递。在那里,同巴伦敦和旧金山一样,

Slipper 声称,放弃堪培拉传递将使澳洲免受同样的反对,并借机向中国政府明确传达这样的信息:对西藏人权的侵害不可容忍。


Coates 还表示,他没发现澳大利亚安全人员有什么必要跟着队伍去北京,尽管中国官方称他们上周刚挫败一起针对奥运的恐怖主义密谋。



官方称,火炬从坦桑尼亚飞到阿曼国际机场,阿曼体育部长Ali bin Masoud al-Sunaidy在此迎接。




“我们的安保系统高度紧张……皇家警察已经做好应对一切的准备。”阿曼奥委会副主席Habib Macki在本周的记者会上这样说。


巴基斯坦奥委会主席Arif Hassan出于安全考虑不会公布这一改动,改变路线将有助于周三的传递顺利进行。



[ 本帖最后由 三宅一生 于 2008-4-14 22:54 编辑 ]

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-25 13:16 编辑 ]
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