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[08.04.13 英国 BBC] 驻英大使:西方媒体妖魔化中国

发表于 2008-4-14 23:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文連接】http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7344895.stm 英文版
Western press 'demonises' China
Fu Ying carried the Olympic torch during the London relay

The Chinese ambassador to London has accused the Western media of demonising China and says there are "complicated problems" in Tibet.
Fu Ying also said that a young Chinese woman asked her: "Where is the gentlemanship?" after the protests during the Olympic torch run in London.
Many of the visitors from China who were in London last week felt that Britain was against them, she added.
Ms Fu said in the Sunday Telegraph that Tibet is "loved" by the Chinese.
The ambassador wrote: "I am concerned that mutual perceptions between the people of China and the West are quickly drifting in opposite directions.

China's objective
"Of those who protested loudly, many probably have not seen Tibet. For the Chinese people, Tibet is a loved land and information about it is ample.
"There may be complicated problems of religion mixing with politics, but people are well-fed, well-clothed and well-housed.
"That has been the main objective of China for centuries. Tibet may not grow into an industrial place like the eastern cities in China, but it will move on like other parts of China."
According to BBC political correspondent, Laura Kuenssberg, officials from the British Foreign Office suggest that one way to settle disputes about biased reporting would be for China to allow the international press free access to Tibet.
But Ms Fu says that Western media has to earn China's "respect".
She said: "Many complain about China not allowing enough access to the media. In China, the view is that the Western media needs to make an effort to earn respect. "Coming to China to report bad stories would not be stopped, as China is committed to opening up."

BBC中文版原文http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/simp/hi/newsid_7340000/newsid_7344900/7344955.stm 中文版



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