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[08.4.6 美国 CNN] 奥运圣火抵达伦敦遭遇大批抗议示威者

发表于 2008-4-14 23:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文連接】 http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/04/06/london.torch/

Angry protests as torch reaches London
LONDON, England (CNN) -- The Olympic torch was met with widespread protests and scuffles between demonstrators and police Sunday as thousands turned out to protest Olympic host China's human rights record and its recent clampdown on Tibet.

Some demonstrators threw themselves at the torch, and at least one tried to snatch it away. Another tried to put out the flame with a fire extinguisher. They were quickly pushed back and cuffed by Metropolitan Police, which said its officers made 36 arrests on a variety of charges.

The protests in London underscored the security concerns for the torch relay, which arrives in Paris on Monday.

An estimated 3,000 French police are expected to protect the Olympic torch relay Monday as it departs from the Eiffel Tower and crisscrosses Paris amid threat of protests, the Associated Press reported.

In London on Sunday, Police Cmdr. Jo Kaye said officers took "appropriate and proportionate action" against demonstrators who tried to prevent the torch from making its way.

"A fire extinguisher was used in a crowded place, and objects thrown at our officers and the torchbearers, which is clearly dangerous for everyone," Kaye said in a written statement.

"Based on this, our officers had to make an immediate assessment when faced with people attempting to jump into the way of the torch or making a grab for the torchbearers. Not knowing the levels of possible violence or determination that they would face, officers had to act swiftly and robustly."

Security was increased in several areas, with about 2,000 officers out on the streets.

At one point in Sunday's 48-kilometer (31-mile) relay, about 100 demonstrators "attempted to surround the torch and torch bearer," police said in a statement. The torch bearer was moved back onto the bus to "complete that stage on the vehicle."

A Beijing Olympic spokesman condemned "attempts to sabotage" the relay, according to China's state-run Xinhua news agency. The official was not named in the article.

China has come under international criticism because of its crackdown last month on protesters calling for democratic freedoms and self-rule in Tibet and neighboring Chinese provinces.
The protests have been timed to coincide with the run-up to the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing in August.

"The Olympic torch should not be going through Tibet while Tibet is under occupation," protester Simon Cook said Sunday in London. "People are protesting for their freedom, they don't have the freedom to say anything. If they even say that they like the Dalai Lama they can be put in prison, they can be tortured, they can be shot."

Chinese authorities have denied these kinds of allegations and have accused the Dalai Lama of instigating violence among his followers -- an allegation he rejects. U.S. and other Western leaders have called on China to provide civil rights and freedoms to those in Tibet and to enter peaceful discussions aimed at resolving the crisis.

The torch completed its relay at an arena in North Greenwich. Jiang Xiaoyu, executive vice president of the Beijing Organizing Committee, faced some heckling as he spoke at the ceremony and expressed "sincere thanks to the British Olympic Association and the municipal government and people of London."

Many of Sunday's demonstrators chanted "Free Tibet" and held signs with messages such as "Stop the Killing in Tibet." The group Tibetan Youth Association Europe said three of its members were among those arrested.

Other protesters focused on the communist nation's lack of civil and religious freedoms and its policies on Darfur. And still more turned out in counter-protests, chanting "China, China" and saying they support China as host of this year's summer Olympics.

In most cases, however, the torch passed without incident. Tessa Jowell, Britain's Olympics minister, called it "a demanding day for the police" and for the Beijing Organizing Committee, but also noted thousands had come out "to welcome the torch."

Organizers restructured part of the route after protesters gathered in large numbers where China's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Fu Ying, was expected to carry the torch. Fu instead carried it through part of Chinatown.

Jowell said she hoped events Sunday in London "will put pressure on the Chinese government to enter into dialogue with the Dalai Lama." She said the demonstrations also send the message "that peaceful protests are part of democratic expression."

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said last week he would not give in to calls to boycott the relay.

"I think we've got to bear in mind that although there's a huge amount of controversy now surrounding the Olympics because of what's been happening in Tibet, the Dalai Lama himself has made it clear he doesn't want there to be a boycott of the Olympics," Brown told reporters.


一些示威者冲击了火炬,至少有一人试图抢夺火炬. 有一人试图用灭火器扑灭火炬. 他们的行为迅速被警方阻止. 警方表示, 有36人在周日的抗议活动中被拘捕.


据美联社报道, 在从Eiffel Tower到crisscrosses的途中将会有大批示威者, 估计将会有3000名法国警察在沿途保护圣火的传递安全.

在伦敦, 警官Cmdr. Jo Kaye在周日表示, 警方采取了"适当和相称的行动"以应对示威者试图阻止火炬传递的顺利进行。

“有人在人群拥挤的地方试图用灭火器扑灭火炬, 还有人向警方和火炬手投掷物品。这对每个在场者来说都一件危险的事情.。” Kaye警官在一份手写声明中强调。



在周日的48公里( 31英里)的火炬接力中,约有100名示威者" ,企图包围火炬和火炬手,"警方在一份声明中说。 火炬手被迫撤回到巴士上以完成剩下的传递路段。


由于中国政府上个月对藏人要求民主自由和在大藏区实行自治的示威活动实行镇压。中国政府目前深陷国际社会的批评. 示威者西蒙库克星期天在伦敦说。“人们抗议要求得到自由, 因为他们没有言论自由。

“奥运火炬不应该经过西藏, 因为西藏还在中国在占领之下。“ 示威者西蒙库克星期天在伦敦说。“人们抗议要求得到自由, 因为他们没有言论自由。 如果他们表达他们对dl的好感,他们可能会被关押甚至会被拷打和枪杀。

中国当局已否认这些指控,并指责dl喇嘛在他的追随者中煽动暴力,但dl否认这一说法。 美国和其它西方国家领导人都呼吁中国赋予藏人公民权利和自由,并和平的讨论旨在解决危机的办法。


许多周日的示威者高呼: "自由西藏" ,并举示写着诸如"停止在西藏的屠杀"的标语。藏青会欧洲部说,有3名成员是其中的被捕者。

其他的示威者集中于批评中国缺乏民主和宗教自由以及中国的达尔富尔政策。但是也有更多支持中国的团体出现,他们高喊"中国,中国" ,并表示,他们支持中国举办今年的夏季奥运会。






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