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【09.06.22 每日电讯报】中国的理科考试比GCSE更有趣要求也更高

发表于 2009-6-26 01:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-6-26 01:33 编辑

【原文标题】Chinese science exams more 'interesting and demanding' than GCSEs


The Chinese mathematics papers contain topical questions about the Olympic Games, held in Beijing last year, as well as earthquakes Photo: GETTY

Maths and science exams taken by students in China are more "interesting and demanding" than their British GCSE counterparts, it has been claimed by the Royal Society of Chemistry

英国皇家化学学(RSC)会曾表示,中国学生参加的数理考试要比英国的GCSEGCSE= General Certificate of Secondary Education (英国)普通中等教育证书)来得更为“有趣,要求也更高”。

The RSC, which has published online examples of science papers taken by Chinese teenagers, believes that the government has to address the situation "to ensure the country has the right skills for the future".


The Chinese exam papers in chemistry and maths were taken last year by pupils studying at the same level as England's GCSE students.


Earlier this year, Ofqual, the Government's exam watchdog, said there were "significant concerns" that GCSE and A-Level standards were slipping.

今年早些时候,英国考试机构检查人员Ofqual说,他们对GCSEA-levelA-level = Advanced Level,(英国)普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程)的(考核)标准的下滑表示极大的关切。

Ofqual said English literature, maths and science exams were often failing to push the brightest pupils.


In physics GCSEs, Ofqual reported a "general reduction" in the mathematical demands placed on students and "predictable and formulaic" coursework.


The Chinese mathematics papers contain topical questions about the Olympic Games, held in Beijing last year, as well as earthquakes - in May last year, China experienced an earthquake in its Sichuan province.


In one multiple choice question, the paper asks: "As of 19 May 2008, 21,600 Chinese and foreign reporters became registered reporters of the Beijing Olympics, amounting for the greatest number of reporters in the all previous Olympic Games. The scientific number 21,600 is expressed as..."


Dr Richard Pike, RSC's chief executive, said: "In Britain most of the questions with some sort of mathematics or problem solving are very straight forward. With the Chinese ones you've got to think a little bit further, you can't just stick down the answer. Many of the more complex questions in the papers we have seen involve a number of steps. The student really has to think things through.

RSC的行政长官Richard Pike博士说:“在英国,涉及到的一些数学知识或是题目的解题过程都是很简单的。而反观中国的题目,你就需要想得深一点,不能直接就得出答案。我们看到有些复杂的问题需要好几步才能解出。学生们需要全面地思考问题。”

"Some questions can be done by anyone but as you work through the paper they get harder and in that sense they are more demanding of the brighter kids than you would in Britain. I would say it's almost a step below from the Chinese questions."


A Department for Children, Schools and Families spokesman said: "The facts speak for themselves - independent international comparisons show that English schools are consistently among the highest performers in maths and science in the world. We know there is more to do so children enjoy science more - that's why we are investing £140m into strengthen teaching and stretching the brightest students."

一个家校部门的发言人说:“事实不言自明—— 就国际上独立比较而言,英国的学校的数学和科学(教育)方面在国际上是一贯领先的。我们都知道,要让孩子更加喜欢科学,我们还有很多事情要做——这就是为什么我们投资了1.4亿英镑用于加强教学(水平)和鼓励最聪明的学生。”
发表于 2009-6-26 01:24 | 显示全部楼层
P.S. 最有一段直说是1.4亿英镑就行了吧,省得去数有几个零
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发表于 2009-6-26 01:31 | 显示全部楼层




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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-26 01:36 | 显示全部楼层
P.S. 最有一段直说是1.4亿英镑就行了吧,省得去数有几个零
rhapsody 发表于 2009-6-26 01:24


忧心 发表于 2009-6-26 01:31

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发表于 2009-6-26 02:13 | 显示全部楼层
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vivicat 发表于 2009-6-26 01:36

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