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【09.06 25卫报】不要指望中国统治世界

发表于 2009-7-26 15:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-24 12:04 编辑

【原文标题】Don't expect China to rule the world
【译  者】 andycox
【翻译方式】 人工
【声  明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

Don't expect China to rule the world


Thursday 25 June 2009


Martin Jacques and Will Hutton set up a false debate on China and world domination (Is western supremacy but a blip as China rises to the global summit?, 23 June). They do not consider the possibility that China may well be the largest economy later this century and therefore break the pattern of western capitalism, but that at the same time it will not "rule the world" in political and cultural senses.


There is no real division over the functioning of the global market economy, differential emphases on regulatory mechanisms and state direction notwithstanding. As such, China can play well the game that western national economies started in the 18th century. But political structures and cultural values are not necessarily apt for "models". We are unclear what cultural values mean at the level of larger groups: there are democrats in China and anti-democrats in America - so what?


China might well end up being the biggest force in many aspects of the world economy. But the flows of ideas and cultural self-identification - both concepts and expressions of values - do not lend themselves easily to "world domination". People will make of them what they will. India's complex experience of democracy and deep plurality shows this well: on the one hand, its history meant that India took on "western" political institutions, but the contested particularities of India's diversity make talk of whether there are "universal values" ridiculously simplistic. Universality was an illusion imposed by western imperialism - and one that China cannot conceivably undertake. At the same time, this does not mean that certain institutional processes, or languages, or political and cultural forms will not spread and overlap. The debate about China is one about relative economic power, not about some scary but vague idea of "domination".Prof Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad

中国很可能最终在世界经济的很多方面成为最强大的力量。但思想潮流和文化自我认同感都是价值观的概念和表达方式不能为“世界统治”而轻易改变。人们将按其自己的意愿去理解它们。印度复杂的民主经验和深刻的多元性也充分表达了这一点:一方面,印度的历史表明印度借鉴了“西方的”政治制度,但纷争的印度社会多样化的特性,使人们议论是否存在可笑的、过分简单化的“普遍价值观”。同一性是西方帝国主义强加的假象中国也不能令人信服地承担。同时,这不意味着某些制度进程、或语言、或政治文化形式不能传播和重合。关于中国的讨论,是关于相对的经济实力的讨论,而不是关于一些可怕但模糊的“统治”想法的讨论。Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad教授说。

Will Hutton's prized Enlightenment developed in the 18th century when western Europeans believed that their form of civilisation was superior. The remarkable rise of its GDP was based on often brutal colonial exploitation and technological development drawn from empirical, "rational" endeavour. The latter is now rapidly draining the world of its resources, unsustainable in the long run. It is no longer rational.


Furthermore, Hutton's statement that pre-Enlightenment humankind experienced "millennia of stagnation" completely ignores, for example, Maori, Inca, Roman and Indian achievements. Although such historical societies, by and large, have not survived, their history supports Martin Jacques's point that civilisations, including the present western model, are impermanent.


Roy Bonner





发表于 2009-8-24 04:59 | 显示全部楼层
这也算是中国威胁论中比较隐性的一种吧  这群人喜欢拿中国说事

而且把中国的位置都摆的都不低 动不动就全球第一经济体什么的 搞的他们就像天真的孩子
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