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【09.9.15 美联社】中国军队亮相国庆阅兵式

发表于 2009-9-23 23:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China military spotlighted in national day parade


China military spotlighted in national day parade

BEIJING — China's biggest military parade in a decade will show off an army bristling with formidable new capabilities and deliver a potent message to the U.S. and others not to underestimate Beijing's determination to defend its interests at home and abroad.

The military display is expected to be the centerpiece of a grandiose parade through Beijing on Oct. 1 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic. A preview rumbled through the Chinese capital a week ago, giving an excited citizenry and foreign military analysts a first-time glimpse at some cutting-edge weaponry.

Upgraded intercontinental DF-31 nuclear missiles capable of striking Washington rolled on long-bed trucks along with advanced short-range DF-11 andDF-15 missiles, sea-skimming YJ-83 anti-ship missiles and DH-10long-range cruise missiles — intended to strike targets in rival Taiwan and deter the U.S. Navy from coming to the island's defense. Not seen in the preview but expected to appear in a fly-over above Tiananmen Square are domestically produced J-10 jet fighters.
全新升级、能够覆盖华盛顿的东风—31洲际核导弹在长长的卡车上滚动。同样还有先进的短程导弹东风-11 东风-15,和东海-10远程巡航导弹,以及鹰击-83掠海反舰导弹。这些武器都是为了打击台湾的敌对势力,并且把美国海军挡在中国的海防线之外。在预演中没有出现,但有可能以飞过天安门广场的方式出现的是中国自主制造的歼-10战斗机。

The advanced equipment is the fruit of a 20-year military buildup fueled by annual double-digit percentage increases in defense spending and buoyed by rapid economic growth that has enabled the government to spend lavishly.


Communist leadership's willingness to put so much equipment on public display reflects its growing faith in the People's Liberation Army's capabilities and its belief that the defense muscle will translate into new strength for Beijing internationally.

The exercise is aimed at not only showing the Chinese people some of the symbols of China's new great power status, but also showing foreigners that policies based on the presumption of Chinese weakness must be changed," said Denny Roy, an expert on the Chinese military at Hawaii's East-West Center." C) J0 ~& h$ ]9 o( s' Y" I3 T
共产党领导人想要展示如此多的军事装备,显示了其对人民解放军的素质给予了越来越多的信任,而且也相信军事力量将会转变为北京在国际舞台上的新力量。夏威夷东西研究中心的一位中国军事专家丹尼 罗伊说,“此举的意义不仅在于向中国人展示象征该国新兴大国地位的标志,而且告诉外国人一点:他们必须改变以前基于中国弱小这一观点而制定的政策。”

Chief among Beijing's targets is U.S. support for Taiwan, the self-governing island that China considers its own territory, and the American military's continued naval and airborne surveillance missions off the Chinese coast, Roy said. Japan, Vietnam and other nations with territorial disputes with Beijing in the South China and East China Seas are also likely audiences for the display of Chinese military might.-

Officially, Beijing says the parade is nothing more than a move to boost patriotism and showcase the PLA's modernization drive —an explanation that fits with the oft-repeated government line that the Chinese military buildup poses no threat to others. Chinese defense spending officially reached $71 billion this year, though analysts believe the actual figure is much higher. The spending is second to the U.S. but a fraction of American defense spending.

The parade will "demonstrate the positive image of China as a country seeking peaceful development," Senior Col. Guo Zhigang, a deputy commander of the event's training camp, was quoted as saying by the official China Daily newspaper.

Aside from armaments, the parade will feature thousands of goose-stepping troops from the PLA and the People's Armed Police, a paramilitary force whose mission is to quell domestic unrest, as they did in Tibet last year and Xinjiang this summer. President HuJintao is expected to review the assembled marchers, standing in an open-top Red Flag limousine as his predecessors have.* h$+ P) d6 t

Still, the event marks a profound change from past decades when China shrouded its relative military weakness in secrecy. Despite being the world's largest standing military with 2.3 million members, the PLA was long derided as under-equipped and underfunded. For decades, its plans to invade Taiwan, when Beijing had little air or naval power, were mocked as the "million-man swim.". d

The paraded armaments will further feed into an ongoing reassessment of Chinese military capabilities in Washington and other capitals, which began noticing the more muscular PLA earlier this decade. Aside from the hundreds of tanks, armored personnel carriers and self-propelled artillery featured in last week's rehearsal, the plethora of missiles on display represented some of Beijing's most advanced and potent weaponry, analysts said.


The anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles are capable of striking U.S. Navy aircraft carrier battle groups and bases in the Pacific, said Russell Smith, a former Australian defense attaché in Beijing and an analyst with Jane's.
前任澳大利亚驻华使馆职员、简氏信息集团分析家罗素 史密斯(音译)说,反舰巡航导弹和弹道导弹能够打到美国海军航空母舰上的战斗机以其在太平洋上的军事基地。

Among the less flashy but significant equipment likely to appear are those that give the PLA the ability to operate far from home, something it has never had before. Expected in the fly-over are Kongjing airborne warning and control planes that gather and send intelligence to forces and Hong-6 bombers and tankers that would allow Chinese fighters to refuel while in flight for longer-range missions.

一些武器装备看上去没有那么耀眼,但仍十分重要并有可能在阅兵式上出现。这些装备使得人民解放军能够在国外作战,这是以前所没有尝试过的。 P8 K  K- w3 r" K+ c

"Obviously, Taiwan and Japan are going to feel this, and perhaps even U.S. forces in Guam, Okinawa, and perhaps even Hawaii," said Richard Bitzinger, a senior fellow at Singapore's Rajaratnam School of International Studies.
新加坡南洋理工大学国际研究院高级研究员理查德 毕胜戈(音译)说:“很明显,台湾和日本将会做出反映,甚至美国在关岛、冲绳和夏威夷的军事基地也会采取一样的行动。”

Foreign nations need not be alarmed by these new capabilities, but should "at least be very, very watchful," Bitzinger said.




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